A new story :)
Ten words I just randomly thought up about the person, and then a little scene explaining it.
In a very random order, so dw if I jump to the next generation, I will still go back and do more.
Disclaimer: I don't own HP, or any of the characters.


Jealously, bitterness and spite turned her against her only sister.

"Tuney, we have to go into hiding," Lily told her sadly, "I just thought I'd let you know, seeing as this might be the last time you ever see me,"

"Oh, don't be so… dramatic, Lily," Petunia scoffed, "Anyway, it's your own fault for getting involved with those… people."

"It's not up to me whether they KILL me, or not! It's not MY fault they're after my son! I'm just fighting for what's RIGHT, Tuney! I'm fighting for muggle rights, I'm fighting for your rights!"

"Yeah, well… you deserve to die, for what you're putting mum and dad through," the words were out of Petunia's mouth before she could stop them.

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes, "Do you really mean that, Tuney?" she whispered. When she got no reply, she spoke more clearly, "Fine. I hope you regret that for the rest of your life. I hope the guilt eats away at you, bit by bit. Goodbye, Petunia!" And just like that, Lily walked out of the house, and never came back.

"No," Petunia whispered softly, "No, I didn't mean it," If only she could have been brave enough to say that to her sister's face. Then Lily wouldn't have died thinking that her sister hated her.

Reviews??? :)