Hello everyone, thank you so much for the reviews through my story. Wow, we got to the end here as well, this story along with my End of Illusions and Veil of Friendship is one of my best pieces of fiction. I'm very proud of it as when i started it, it was sceduled to be around ten chaps long and had half of the plot it has now in its 16 chapies, and all this is because the love you showed me and the story.

Thank you so much for supporting yet one more story of mine, I'm so glad you liked it and i'm so glad you stick with me every time, guys, it means a lot to me.

I decided, instead of taking a break with stories, to keep up with my From Light to Darkness and TO COME BACK with my Ultimate love, sequel of the End of Illusions which i had put in Hiatus when Twilight got in my life, now i'm going back to it and i can promise you... things will get awesome there, you can find trailers and vids about my fics in youtube, just type FAMKE4 and you'll find my work there.

Thanks for everything guys,



Four Years Later…

'Oh no, daddy! Not this one! Holy c'icket!' Aurora Potter, age four pouted as her exasperated father frowned and placed the purple little dress of his daughter's back in her wardrobe, between the rest of her purple dresses.

'Which one then, pumpkin?' Harry asked still frowning as he stood before the opened wardrobe with his hand on the hanged, purple dresses of his child. He knew he should have insisted on Hermione dressing their birthday girl.

Little Aurora sighed dramatically and hopped off her bed on which she had been jumping up and down for the past minutes. She approached her dad close to the wardrobe of her room and stood on her toes as to show which dress she wanted to wear for that special day, her purple dresses holding most of the space of the wardrobe since purple was her favorite color and dresses was her favorite kind of clothes.

Aurora beamed at her daddy when Harry finally got the right dress and showed it to her, her brilliant, emerald eyes shining in happiness. Harry grinned at his daughter and gripped her with one arm as the little girl squealed in surprise, not having the chance to escape her dad's grip. Harry lifted her with one arm and moved her close to the bed, all the while holding her dress with his free hand.

He dropped his little girl on her mattress and Aurora squealed as Harry started tickling her with no mercy as he let the dress next to them.

'Will you surrender?' Harry asked teasingly as Aurora was trying to push his hands away with her own hands and legs.

'NO!' Aurora giggled and squalled as Harry growled playfully and kept tickling her.

'Will you back down, Rory?' Harry asked and Aurora laughed and shook her head.

'Never!' she said stubbornly and Harry nodded with a grin and stopped.

'That's my brave girl!' Harry praised and Rory giggled as she sat up and threw her arms around her dad's neck as Harry wrapped his own arms around his little girl, her brown bushy curls blocking his vision.

'Harry James! I hope the birthday girl is ready!' Hermione Potter's voice was heard from downstairs and both Harry and Rory looked at each other.

'Oh-uh…' Rory said nervously and Harry nodded his head.

'Oh-uh indeed, come on Rory, your mom will hex daddy to the next century if you're still in your pajamas in your birthday.' Harry said as he stood up and let Aurora standing on the mattress, the girl raised her arms and Harry took off her nightgown with the smiling owls and helped her with her dress. He then took his daughter's shoes and helped her put them on as she plopped on the mattress.

'Ready,' Harry said as he looked at his daughter from his spot on the floor as he had kneeled as to tie her shoes.

'My hair, daddy, or it will get worse!' Aurora said and Harry made a grimace of pain at the idea of the knots that could form, all the while making Rory giggle.

'Race you to the bathroom!' Harry said as he knew this would be the only way for her not to start cheating and hiding in the second floor of their house. Rory grinned and stood up; she pocked her tongue as to provoke Harry and then rushed out of the room. Harry laughed and growled as he followed her with the proper speed for her to feel threatened and for him to lose the race.

'I won!' Aurora exclaimed as she burst in the bathroom and jumped up and down on her feet in joy. Harry laughed and nodded his head in defeat.

'Of course you did, you little monster,' Harry said as he hoisted his daughter up on the sink and took out of a cupboard her hairbrush and the potion for her hair to be softer without knots.

'This is how uncle Hag'id is calling me,' Aurora said as she looked at her dad who grinned and nodded. 'Mommy is calling me 'Pr'inces Rory,' and 'Sweetie' and you daddy call me 'Pum'kin' and 'baby gi'l' Aurora stated knowingly and Harry chuckled and nodded his head.

'You're all those things, plus, you're our beautiful and brave fairy,' Harry said as he spread some of the sweet-smelling potion on his palms and ran his hands in his daughter's hair before he could take the brush and run it up and down her beautiful, dark mane.

'This smells good,' Aurora said smiling and Harry nodded and nuzzled his nose with his daughter's.

'Just like you do' Harry said as he finished with her hair and touched the spot of her nose with his finger, making his child grin. 'Have you washed your teeth?' he asked and Aurora nodded her head. 'Let me smell.' Harry said and Aurora opened her mouth as he leaned closer. 'Hmmm perfect, you're ready for your great day!!' Harry said happily as he took his daughter from the sink and placed her on his hip as they exited the bathroom and moved down the stairs.

The moment father and child were downstairs Harry let Aurora stand and she ran close to her mother's opened arms. Hermione Potter grinned and hoisted her child in her hug as Aurora fell on her mom's arms.

Hermione had changed slightly over the years, now her hair was curly due her care and it was much longer to Harry's delight, her beautiful, dark mane was to her waist and subbed, blonde strands were lightening her brown hair. Hermione had also changed her style slightly, after the birth of her daughter she had adopted a more feminine way of style and now more dresses and V neck blouses had been added in her wardrobe, again, to Harry's delight.

'Happy Birthday, sweetie,' Hermione said as she placed her baby girl on her hip and nuzzled her nose on her daughter's brushed hair, making the young toddler to giggle.

'Thank you, mommy,' Aurora beamed as she hugged her mom closer. 'How's Harmy?' Aurora asked and Hermione smiled and kissed her daughter's cheek.

'Just fine, growing inside of me,' Hermione said with a gentle smile as her eyes traveled on Harry who approached and gave her a kiss with his turn.

'And that's why you shouldn't remain in your mommy's hug for so long, princess, Mummy shouldn't carry little girls in her condition,' Harry said with a smile and Aurora grinned and nodded as Hermione let her stand on the floor before her parents.

'Is grandma and grandpa here?' Aurora asked with a huge smile on her face as she knew if there was a couple to spoil her more than her parents then that couple were her grandparents.

'In the backyard, waiting for you with many gifts…' Hermione said as she pointed behind her back with a smile. Aurora squealed in happiness and ran away, forgetting her parents before the gifts she would have from her grandparents. Both Harry and Hermione grinned at each other as Harry moved even closer and embraced his wife like she did by wrapping her arms around his neck, Harry's hand moved close to her four months pregnant belly.

'Four years have gone by already…' Harry said and Hermione smiled and nodded as she kissed his jaw lightly.

'I know… it's like it was yesterday when she gave her first smile and we melted right in front of her cradle like the silliest people alive.' Hermione said and Harry chuckled and nodded his head as his eyes fell on her slightly pronounced belly.

'Now we have to wait a bit as to melt like that again,' Harry said as he caressed his wife's belly gently. Hermione smiled and nodded her head as her four months baby daughter kicked inside her.

'Harmony will be very lucky to have Rory as a big sister.' Hermione said and Harry smiled and nodded.

It wasn't more than two weeks since they learned that their second child was another girl and it was less than two days since they decided to call her Harmony, symbolical names for their daughters seemed to work just fine for the Potters. Harry smiled as he imagined another baby girl with brown, bushy hair and brilliant, emerald eyes running around the house and playing with Rory.

Harmy as Rory already called her sister would be a lucky girl indeed. Harry had also imagined a little boy who would eventually grow up to be his Quidditch buddy but he was as happy with a second girl, only the thought of Harmony becoming as loving and beautiful as her sister and mother made his heart flatter in delight.

'Andromeda with Teddy will come first after lunch.' Hermione said and Harry smiled and nodded his head as he had seen the owl the older woman had sent that morning. 'Everything is ready for the party, I'm sure Rory will be delighted, you think we should announce the pregnancy?' Hermione asked and Harry kissed her lips and nodded his head with a sound of agreement.

The couple had decided to keep the pregnancy a secret from their friends this time, as to make sure that everything would go fine or actually, better this time. Hermione was fortunate not to have the Waves in this pregnancy as she had conceived and kept up with her pregnancy in a calmer period of her life than the one she was experiencing when Rory was on the way but still, the couple had decided to keep it secret just in case. But now, since everything had worked out fine so far, it was time for them to share the good news with the rest of the family.

'I think they will be happy to know,' Harry said and Hermione smiled and nodded.

'Finally, I'm tired of dressing up as to hide the baby,' Hermione said and Harry grinned and let his hands move beneath her blouse and caress the small of her back and little upwards.

'I can undress you,' he whispered huskily in her ear and she giggled like she did only when it was just the two of them.

'Later, maybe, if you behave in your daughter's birthday…' Hermione said playfully and yelped when Harry's hand moved from beneath her top above her skirt and pinched her bottom, earning a slap on his arm and a grin from his wife as they chuckled.

When the Grangers and the Potters had their lunch with little Rory as the center of their attention the two couples decided to have some tea in the properly decorated for the party living room, before the guests would start arriving. Rory was moving from hug to hug as the four adults were having their tea.

'It's like yesterday when you came home and told us you were together and with this little girl on the way,' Helena Granger said as she looked adoringly at her granddaughter in her husband's arms. Hermione and Harry smiled at each other as they remembered that eventful day…

'Yeah it seems like yesterday…' Hermione finally said as Rory moved closer to her again and she grinned and placed her daughter between herself and Harry who kissed the top of her head and ran his hand through his daughter's long hair.

'Mummy, can I wear my fairy costume for the party?' Rory asked as she looked up at her mom with her eyes full of mirth.

'But it won't be a masque party, sweetie… the rest won't be dressed up.' Hermione pointed out and her daughter looked at her with the best puppy eyes she could master. 'But since it's your birthday… I guess you can be in your costume…' Hermione gave up after glancing at her grinning husband who nodded his head in approval. Rory squealed and hugged her mom as she stood up and looked at her parents and grandparents, waiting for someone to volunteer and help her with the costume that was hanging in her wardrobe. Harry was the one to help his daughter as he didn't want Hermione to get tired and apart Hermione, he was the only able to enlarge the costume since Rory hadn't been in it since the last Halloween, months ago.

When Harry and Aurora returned downstairs the four year old squealed as she saw Andromeda and Teddy being greeted by Hermione and her parents. Aurora ran in Andromeda's hug and then turned and hugged her cousin as the young boy smiled and hugged the shorter girl in his hug before Andromeda could give the birthday girl her gifts.

After awhile, one by one, everyone arrived in Godric's Hollow for the party. Harry and Hermione's co-workers like Christina Morris with her husband and daughter, Luna with her father, Hagrid, McGonagall, Neville with Hannah and their triples, Alice, Rosalie and Isabella, some neighbors who knew about magic or were magical themselves and last but not least, Bill, Fleur, their children Victoria and David and the only twin, George came over for the party. Soon the house was full of people, music was playing and kids were running around the house as the adults were spread around the ground floor, talking and laughing about everything.

After the last of the neighbors entered the house after Aurora opened the door to welcome them –like she had done with all the guests who had actually knocked instead of apparating or flooing in the house- the birthday girl ran in her Godmother's arms and Luna hoisted the Potter girl in her hug.

'My beautiful birthday, Goddaughter,' Luna said smiling as she nuzzled the girl's neck the moment Harry and Hermione approached her with butterbeer for the three adults. 'Thanks,' Luna said as she seeped from her butterbeer as she balanced the four year old on her hip and took the drink.

'How are you Luna?' Hermione asked smiling, Luna had been busy for the past weeks and didn't have a chance to come over and see her friends and goddaughter but she wouldn't miss the girl's birthday for the world.

'I'm close to have a date with Ron, under one condition that we're still debating about,' Luna said casually and both Harry and Hermione chocked on their butterbeer and gasped at Luna who smiled and nodded her head casually.

Ron had stopped being with Lavender Brown after two years and a destroyed engagement. After that, Ron had dated many women, as Harry and Hermione were learning from Bill, George, Luna, other friends and the newspaper who had kept a Poor-Mr. Weasley-trying-to-keep-up-after-the-Potters'- attitude but none had mentioned to them that Ron had finally opened his eyes to see Luna, who had been crushed with him for the past four years if not even more and since the last time the couple had seen their former best friend was from afar in a Ball the ministry had organized, two years ago, for the ones who survived the war, Harry and Hermione were mostly in the dark about Ron's news.

'What condition?' Harry asked and Luna sighed and smiled at Aurora as she gently sent her to play with the rest of the kids in the party.

'Well, he told me that he would be much happier if he knew that I would stay away from you guys, and that he would feel more comfortable if I didn't see you while we tried to be together. Of course I told him that he was barking mad to think that I would abandon my friends and Goddaughter and that I would do such thing only if the Berdringers would take over of my life.' Luna said and the couple marveled at Luna's courage to deny things to Ron, the person her heart had been beating for the past years. Both Harry and Hermione hugged Luna together and she chuckled and hugged them both back.

'Thanks Luna, we appreciate it.' Hermione said with a smile as she kept her arm around her friend's shoulders, remembering the paintings in Luna's bedroom.

'Don't even mention it,' Luna said and smiled at the couple as the three of them looked at little Rory in the living room who was playing with Teddy and the Longbottom triples.

'She's so incredible, Ron should have get over himself and see the truth of things, like Ginny and Molly should, sooner or later, Rory would exist and she would be a Granger-Potter,' Luna said and both Harry and Hermione sighed and nodded their heads, knowing she was right. Even if things hadn't got that ugly, these years ago, the two of them would have been pulled together eventually and Rory would indeed arrive, it just had to happen the ugly way.

'It's time for the cake, I think, Rory is so excited about it,' Hermione said as to break the silence that had enveloped them and smiled as Harry nodded and the couple moved close to the kitchen. Hermione took the butterfly-shaped cake out of the fridge and with a wave of Harry's wand; a 4-shaped candle was on it along with two small, magical fireworks. The proud parents started moving close to the dining table and Aurora was the first to rush to the head of it as her parents set the cake in front of her and everyone started singing the Happy Birthday song for the little girl, Alexander Granger already recording everything with his video camera.

Aurora blew on the candle and the two magical fireworks moved above everyone and exploded in small lights over the ceiling as the little girl threw herself in the hugs of her parents who embraced her tightly and kissed her curly head.

From there, the party kept on and it was soon the time for the birthday girl to open her presents, everyone was still around the grand floor, having fun but all the guests gathered in the living room as Hermione sat on an armchair and Harry close to her feet, on the floor with Aurora next to him and all the presents in their boxes and bags before them.

'You should first open your parents' gift, Rory,' some guests said as they had seen the very recently wrapped gift of the little girl, Rory smiled and nodded her head as Harry brought close the only box with small holes on it. Harry opened the box carefully and Aurora squealed when she saw the little owl inside, it was a beautiful, small, white owl with piercing yellow eyes, she was flapping inside the box, too young to fly. Harry smiled as he looked at his wife who smiled and at his daughter who squealed again and again as she took the little owl carefully in her hands.

'Remember, Rory, it's not a toy, it's a true creature and it deserves all the love and care,' Hermione said seriously and Rory smiled and nodded at her mom as she held the little owl in her small hands, the little bird seemed happy and bit lightly on Rory's finger who squealed but didn't let go of the little creature.

'She's so pretty, thank you mummy, daddy. Her name will be Windy,' Aurora said as she gave the little bird to Luna so she could take care of it in the new cage the Potters had brought for the bird and Aurora hugged her parents with love.

'You're very welcome, sweetie,' Hermione said as Aurora went on with opening her gifts, the couple had thought of buying a cat for Rory but Crookshanks was still alive and healthy and two cats would be too much in a house, especially with a pregnant woman and later on with two little girls, an owl, on the other hand, would be very useful and Harry was the one who actually suggested it as he felt ready to have another owl, after years without Hedwig.

The little girl kept opening her gifts and the Potters thanked everyone respectively for the gifts brought to their child. When they were done, Aurora took the tons of new toys and she started playing with the rest of the children, always willing to share her stuffs with other kids.

Harry and Hermione moved close to the dinner table that was full of plates with various snacks and candies and filled a plate with food for both of them, they remained there as they watched everyone around the house having fun and some friends raising their glass towards them as to wish the best. Hermione smiled at Harry and kissed his nose after sharing a small cheese pie with him.

She smiled as she caressed his face, his trademark glasses had been in history for the past years as they weren't useful in his job and after a fiasco mission, three years ago that had him ended up in the Hospital with Hermione healing him for hours, she had demanded for him to use a healing charm and ever since, he had gotten rid of the glasses.

Hermione was glad of the change, now he was safer in the missions and he looked younger without the glasses on, they had been through Hell multiple times but after all, they were twenty-seven and twenty-eight and they deserved to be and look young and happy. Hermione smiled as she caressed Harry's famous scar with her fingertips, making him close his eyes at her gentle touch.

'You think we should announce it now?' Hermione asked and Harry grinned and nodded as he opened his emerald eyes, pride for his second child filling his heart. He let the plate on the table and took Hermione's hand. He looked around him and smiled as he asked for everyone's attention.

'Please, everyone, give us a moment of your time!' Harry said loud enough for everyone to hear him, all the guests turned to him and Hermione and the couple smiled at their friends and family.

'First of all, we'd like to thank you for coming tonight to celebrate with us for our Aurora.' Hermione said smiling and everyone cheered in response. Harry beamed at the people who had stood by their side and looked at his wife for a moment; she smiled and nodded her head.

'We'd like to share with you some great news,' Harry said and beamed again as the only people who knew in there were Hermione's parents and Aurora. 'We're expecting another little girl,' Harry said happily and everyone cheered and beamed for the couple as one by one congratulated and hugged the couple, wishing all the best for the little girl. Harry and Hermione could feel only happiness for being able to announce another pregnancy with freedom and joy, instead of the stress and worry they had been in when they had announced the first pregnancy. The news added even more joy to the party that now was like a huge celebration of people who had been through a lot and made it.

The doorbell rang again and Harry looked around him in wonder, trying to guess who hadn't came so far, he found everyone expected to be there and he with Hermione started moving close to the door as Aurora rushed before them and opened the door.

'Rory, ask who is—' Hermione started as she had already looked around her and knew that everyone was there for the party, she was however left speechless when her young daughter, dressed in her fairy costume, opened the door to reveal not other but Ron Weasley standing in her house's doorstep, looking at the little girl with a mix of emotions from surprise to disdain in his eyes.

In less than seconds, everyone had looked at the door that had been opened and silence had covered all the people in the house, only the music was playing around the house as everyone looked at Ron standing there, looking at the little girl. The couple had frozen as well as Ron looked from their daughter up and met their eyes.

'Who are you?' Rory demanded as she kept looking at Ron who had changed much in the years that had gone by. A ginger beard had covered his cheeks and jaw and his eyes seemed more pronounced now with the red hair and the beard on his face. He seemed tired and the light had been lost from his eyes.

'Uhm, I am…' Ron tried and his voice was deeper than Harry and Hermione could remember it.

Someone dropped a glass somewhere behind them and that snapped the Potters out of their stupor. Hermione rushed close to her daughter and scooped her in her hug, suddenly remembering Ron's screams out of the hospital after her first visit to her healer for her pregnancy. Harry as well moved close to his wife and brought her behind him, protecting her and Rory in case Ron was there to outburst like he had done before.

'Ron, what are you doing here?' Harry asked as the silence remained behind them, Hermione and Rory were still looking at Ron, both in wonder and confusion for entirely different reasons. Ron looked uneasy at his once best mate and then at Hermione and the little girl who had inherited Hermione's hair and features but Harry's emerald green eyes in Hermione's arms.

'Uhm, I wanted to come over, I was worried that if I flooed, you'd be startled so I knocked…' Ron babbled and Harry sighed and made sure Hermione was behind him even if she wanted to stand next to him.

'You're startling us now as well, what you want?' Harry said and Ron looked at his former best friends with plea in his eyes, it was already too difficult with everyone staring from inside the house and him in the doorstep with the Potters before him.

Someone, probably Luna, any of the three gave attention to whom, took control of the situation in the living room and soon people had started talking again and the party was being resumed.

'Can we talk?' Ron asked and Harry looked at his wife who sighed and nodded her head slowly. Hermione turned around with Rory in her arms as her mother approached, still worried to have Aurora, the motivation she gave everything up for her love for Harry close to the man she had gave up as to gain her happiness. Helena Granger moved close and took Aurora who was still looking at Ron in the doorstep.

'Who's that, mummy?' Aurora asked and Hermione smiled uneasy at her mother and daughter and kissed her girl's forehead.

'Stay with grandma, pumpkin, I will explain to you later, ok? Stay with grandma and Teddy and the rest and enjoy the party, take aunt Luna and go upstairs for awhile to see little Windy in her cage, OK?' Hermione instructed her child as to give her some things to do as to distract her and have some time alone with Harry and Ron. Hermione looked at her mother who nodded her head and took Rory away, making sure the girl wouldn't want to be with her parents for awhile.

Hermione moved close to Harry the moment he let Ron inside the house and led him to the office of the house that was by the front door's side. The estranged friends entered the room and the couple looked at Ron who stood there as Harry closed the door behind him. The trio remained standing, Harry and Hermione in front of the door of the room while Ron stood in the middle of it, before the full of pictures, desk.

'She has grown so much,' Ron only commented and Harry and Hermione nodded their heads automatically, remembering what Ron had asked from Aurora's Godmother.

'She has…' Hermione only said and Ron looked at her. Harry could feel his stomach dropping as he noticed the flames of want in his once friend's eyes. Flames a long time distinguished in Hermione's eyes.

'What do you want, Ron? We know we have hurt you and your sister, your mother had asked us to live you alone and we did so. If you came here as to cause problem, in our daughter's birthday—' Harry started.

'No! No, I'm not here to cause trouble, I swear!' Ron rushed and the three people sighed, Ron ran his hand through his hair and let out another breath. 'I never imagined I would be nervous before you guys,' Ron pointed out and the couple looked at each other.

'We never imagined we would hurt you and that we would feel scared in your presence, Ron, but things have changed.' Hermione murmured and Ron nodded his head as he looked at Harry this time.

'A few days ago, I asked of Luna not to see you again and she put me in my place, like Bill, George and Fleur have been doing for the past years.' Ron started and the Potters nodded their heads and waited for him to elaborate.

'I have changed, in the past years, I have tried to keep up and I really gotten over you two being together. I just couldn't get over the fact that I was the one who had to come and ask for things to be back to normal.I mean you tried back then, now it's time for me to give it a shot, in the name of our friendship.' Ron said and Harry sighed as he could remember all the times Ron had been unfair to him and Hermione over their Hogwarts years and later on when he was in the Auror training program and Hermione was in the Healer academy and then, when he and Hermione cheated on Ginny and Ron and had Rory.

'Things will never be the same again, Ron. They had stopped being a long time before Hermione and I got together when our relationships had swamped.' Harry said and Hermione slipped her hand in his as Ron nodded his head in acknowledge.

'I know,' Ron said as he looked around the Potters' office with all of Hermione's books and some of Harry's for his job. 'I tried to stay mad at you, like Ginny does, for months, I tried to keep believing that you betrayed me in the worst ways for even more months, I tried to keep the impression of our lives been perfect before you two cheated, for years but I always knew, that you two would end up together at the end.

'I knew it the moment the locket was opened and my worst fear had been revealed, I knew our relationships were crushes after years in pain, I knew any of the two couples would last. You, Harry were far more demanding for what Ginny could give and Hermione and I had more things separating us than what could keep us together in a relationship.

'I knew all this shit and still, I tried to remain mad at you, guys, for doing what I and my sister didn't dare to do: break free from the misery we all had pulled ourselves in.' Ron said slowly and the couple marveled at the thought Ron had put into their lives.

They hadn't gotten used to hear Ron talking like that when they were friends, but now, almost five years from when they were separated, the couple could see that Ron had finally matured, even a little, he had made it and that was a process for his own good, at least.

'Ron, this is all true and indeed, we were a broken mess when things between me and Harry… happened, but a lot of water has run under the bridge…' Hermione tried to explain the obvious and Ron nodded his head and looked at the couple. 'I mean, we're changed, you're obviously changed, and none of us has time for even more hardships and jealousy over simple things like priorities… Harry and I have a child to look after and another on the way,' Hermione said before she could stop herself as she revealed her pregnancy, Ron's eyes widened as his eyes fell on her middle section.

In instinct, Harry moved slightly in front of Hermione again, the last thing he needed was to have Ron screaming his lugs out like in the past and Hermione being stressed all over again.

'You're…you're … again…' Ron tried to say as he gestured awkwardly with his hand toward Hermione who nodded her head, her free hand moving on her belly as the other was still joined with Harry's.

'She is,' Harry confirmed as a sudden feeling of possession over Hermione and what he had built in the past years with her washing over him. Ron nodded his head again and Harry prayed for this entire, awkward scene to end, one way or the other.

'Wow…' Ron only said and sighed again, never expecting something like that, he faced his friends again. 'I'm not here like an enemy, like I have been before, I'm here as to try to build some bridges with you, guys. I have missed you more than I wanna admit and hating you was the most exhausting thing I have done the past four years and seven months… if not longer since we were screwed a long time before whatever happened between all of us.' Ron said and Harry and Hermione knew that now, the ball was in their side of the court and they had to decide what to do with it.

'Ron, now it's not the time for us to have the required talk as to even start the try of getting somewhere with what is left of our friendship, but maybe, we could visit you at Luna's,' Harry finally said and felt Hermione squeezing his hand in agreement. Ron's face lit up and he nodded his head.

'At Luna's sounds good, you see, Gin and mom aren't very happy about me being here and—'

'We can imagine,' both Harry and Hermione said and Ron chuckled awkwardly and sadly but smiled and nodded his head once more.

'OK then, it's settled, soon, at Luna's, just you two and me,' Ron said and the couple nodded with hints of smiles in their faces. The true, honest friendship the trio once shared, in their first years at Hogwarts, was forever lost but they had nothing more to lose by trying. Maybe, after all, there were still some hints there, some hints for them to take as to rebuild a friendship or something close to it with the person they knew since they were eleven.

'You can apparate, the wards are down for the party,' Hermione said as to end the uncomfortable silence, if she wanted to believe that she still knew Ron a bit, she was sure he was feeling anxious in the option of moving out of the office with everyone staring as to get out from the door.

Ron indeed smiled gratefully at the suggestion.

'We'll tell Luna when we can have a day off as to meet with you in her house, sounds OK?' Harry asked as he hugged Hermione close, needing her close to him. Ron nodded his head as he looked with pain at the embrace of the couple.

'Sounds brilliant, mate,' Ron said and Harry felt a small flattering in his heart at the mention of the word Ron always used as to address him, even if he didn't want to admit it, even if Ron had been unfair many times, Harry had missed the comic relief of the trio, he had missed his male best friend.

Ron moved in the apparition point of the room and smiled at the couple genuinely as he got ready to apparate.

'Just one more thing, Rory looks really beautiful in her costume,' Ron only said before he could dissaparate with a crack, not giving the chance to the couple to answer.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other when they were alone again in the study. They remained in silence for a few moments, still embraced tightly, breathing in and out evenly, trying to compose themselves and the onslaughts of emotions that rushed inside their hearts at the sight of their once best friend wanting to bury the hatch after so long.

'We'll need a lot of time building bridges with him.' Harry said and Hermione nodded her head, she could hear the worry in her husband's voice but she could also hear the hope. She knew the next weeks or even months wouldn't be easy for them and Ron and the talk that was now scheduled at Luna's could be the start or the end of their attempt to heal their seriously wounded friendship but Hermione felt happy to have at least Harry there, with her, by her side.

'I love you,' Hermione said lightly and Harry buried his face in her neck and gave her a small kiss on the crook of it.

'I love you too, and Rory and Harmy, none else is more important than the three girls of my life.' Harry said and Hermione smiled and nodded her head, knowing Harry would never put anyone above her and their girls in his life.

That moment, the door of the study burst open and Aurora ran close to her embraced parents who broke their hug and Harry scooped Rory in his arms.

'Grandma won't tell me who that was, and where is he now?' Rory pouted as she looked around from her dad's hug. Harry and Hermione chuckled as they ruffled their daughter's bushy mane.

'You're such a prying and curious, little pumpkin, Rory, just like your mommy,' Harry said at his daughter and blew on her neck as the girl squealed and laughed while the couple moved out of the study of their house and moved back in the party.

That night, little Aurora Potter learnt who Ron Weasley was, or she actually learnt the mild version of who he was and how many things he had been through with her parents and how many things he had pulled her parents in.

She also learnt that now, years later, her parents who had matured way faster than many people in this planet, were ready to try and build some bridges with their long time best friend and that night, Aurora, even in the age of four, realized something that most people needed decades to grasp.

There is nothing more painful than seeing someone you love loving someone else. But there is nothing more rewarding than seeing two people you love, loving each other.

The End

and that was iiiiiiit, what u think of the end guys? many of you hate ron and others would want a chance for him so i decided to let uppon your hands and you can decide what happened with the trio, personally i think they made some progress but the past has been done so they would never be the same again...

Thank you again for following my work, i hope Aurora was as cute and funny as you imagined her to be, Harmony will be as cute and beautiful i'm sure, tell me what u think of the chapie please, what u think of the trio scene in the study? :) the Twi-fans of my works have probably noticed some twi-hints of mine in the epilogue hehe it was just a little thing i wanted to add lol

thanks for reading guys, please review, see you in From light to Darkness and the Ultimate Love!

Christina Potter 09