Disclaimer: D. Gray-Man belongs to Hoshino Katsura.

A BIG THANK YOU TO Kini-Ainotsuki for informing about the language thingy. You see - I accidentally published it under the spanish section. LOL!! No wonder no one was reading my fic!! but the best news is that the manga is starting it's run again!! So happy!! I am loving D. Gray-man more and more!! Did you see the Yullen moment in chapter 182?!! YULLEN!! YULLEN!! YULLEN!!

Chapter 1: Lovers

As the city sleeps, its night lights seemed to have reflected onto the midnight sky in the form of a million glittering stars as a perfect moon silently watches over San Francisco. Well – the moon wasn't the only one watching over the city. In a villa nested high up on one of San Francisco's Twin peaks, a young lover indulged in the silent company of his beloved and basked in the sensations those long, slim fingers left on his skin. Even with a mere thin bedspread and his lover's body flush against his naked back to shield against the cold night, the young British boy was warmed to the toes.

The cool night breeze gently lifted white translucent curtains as well as strips of ebony, swirling them in its path. The Asian, older male had his arms protectively around the boy, and at the same time holding the bedspread tight around the boy, exposing only the head and shoulders. Occasionally the older lover would fuss over the bedspread, tugging it higher to wrap the British boy more warmly - their quiet intimacy only amplified the sweet and pure love that they shared.

"Happy Anniversary, moyashi."

"It's Allen, Bakanda"

"Che - whatever"

"Anyway – is this all you can do keep me warm?" – A line so suggestive in the ears of the Asian, he was hard just from hearing those words.

"Ohhh… Perhaps it would be better if you took a more proactive approach to warm yourself."

Scooping up the lightweight, the lovers made their way towards their bed. But the young man was unprepared to have boyfriend falling back onto the bed, forcing him to straddle his lover. "Ride me"


On this same night 2 years ago, the two had met – in the washroom at some random nightclub. The attraction was instanteous – drawn to the other like magnets as they crossed paths. 5 seconds was all it took to commit the other's features to memory. If fate had a role to play in their matchmaking – both had decided to leave the dance floor for a breather at the exact same instance. By chance, they had bumped into each other as they jostled themselves out of the human pool. It should have been anger – displeasure at being jabbed in the ribs or stepped on the foot. But mysteriously, being centimetres from kissing the other; it was like being in a trance; a sensory overload. The feel the other's breath; the heat from that body; the scent… When the younger boy was pushed into the waiting arms of the Asian - their fate was sealed. Before they knew it, they were seen leaving the club together fingers interlocked, making out at a dark alley the next moment.

At the age of 17, Allen Walker looks no different from any teenage – save for his head full of white hair that complimented his pale complexion. But Allen was the kinda guy that everyone wanted to bed; the perfect specimen to convert any straight man. Slightly shorter than most guys, smart, good looking, porcelain skin, plus those slender hips, firm round butt and throw in the megawatts smile and wala! If you hadn't known better, you might think he was one to be bullied in school because of his size. But he wasn't a push over – give him a bike and he turns into a daredevil with the blink of an eye. Being the youngest freestyle motocross rider, he had defied critics with his skills, grace and ability, steadily winning titles all over the world.

His boyfriend was another head turner with his elegant features, and lean, muscular physic. A true blue bishounen with creamy skin and long silky hair – but call him effeminate and he will skin you with his precious katana. In reality, Kanda had clinched the All Japan Kendo Championship three years in a row and still holds the record of being the youngest to ever hold the title. Graduating with his Economics and Finance double degree by the end of the year, Kanda Yuu was to be next in line to head the multinational company, Kanda Group. Smart, rich and handsome were all the qualities of a perfect boyfriend. Well he was – almost perfect if he wasn't such a bastard.

"Ugh… I-I need some… help here…"

"Getting tired so soon? I thought you had more stamina than that. Anyway I think you are doing fine at the speed you were going."

"You. Fu-fucking. Bas-tard."

Kanda barely managed to answer without pausing to pant. He knew Allen was tired and ready to burst but that was the whole point. Occasionally, he loved to set his sadistic self out to torture his lover a little. Not like it wasn't a torture for him. Every ounce of control was needed to refrain himself from grabbing those slender hips and ramming in hard - but now his hands merely skimped the flushed and sweaty skin. Yet it was all worth the effort seeing his lover desperately riding him; the face so close to going over the edge and how those muscles moved under the skin, best of all, the feel of the body squeezing and pulling him in. It was just very fantastic slow sex.

Under normal circumstances, Allen would throw a better response but he was just too damn close; yet not being able to go over the edge. His erection was so hard it was painful. And god – his thighs were burning… How long more did he have to ride! Frustrating!! Everything now boils down to a matter of pride. Like he is ever going to cry and beg for release.

"Argh!! "

Just when the desperate boy was contemplating ending the ride and finishing himself off somewhere; a big warm hand suddenly squeezed him really tight and pulled. It was more of the shock of pain than the feel of warm skin on him that forced a loud gasp. But it was just what he needed to go over the edge as the hand firmly jerked and milked him of thick pearly fluid. Precision thrusts in time with the jerks, ramming his prostate pushed him into a harder orgasam, sending his body into a spasm. Pain and pleasure overcame the pride as tears rolled down his cheeks. Fuck - it feels so damn good!! After the worst of the shudders subsided, allen managed to find his lungs.. and started breathing again.

"You. You really are the biggest bastard ever."

"Nah – I don't think I am that big, maybe big enough to satisfy you I supposed" Amusement dancing in his eyes – just the right buttons to push to make his lover to explode. And explode he did.


Hey guys~! I am back with a new fic! A short introductory chapter with a dash of citrus flavouring to start the ball rolling. Not sure if Kanda is a little OC here but he is going to be more in character in future though more doting. Lol. Apparently, I only have strong urges to write when it is close to my exams. *OMG*

Will be slow to update so bear with me. Hope you liked it.