Chapter 45

In the morning Jack woke up, not having slept much. He gently got out of bed, so he wouldn't wake up Ethan. As he walked down the hall, he noticed Dixon coming out of his room. Jack walked to him and they met outside the room the others were sleeping in.

"Morning, Jack."

"Morning, Marcus."

"How did you sleep?"

"Not all that well. I slept a little, but not as much as I would have liked."

"I take it you're missing Irina badly?" Jack looked at Dixon surprised, who smiled at Jack. "Come on, Jack. Everyone knows how you two feel about each other. It's written allover your faces, and your body language speaks volumes of how much you love each other." Jack smiled and nodded. "I also know the feeling myself. I was never able to sleep that well when I was away from Diane." Jack gave Dixon a small compassionate smile.

"And now? How do you sleep now?"

"I sleep alright. And whenever I have trouble sleeping, I think about Diana. I've moved on with my life, and am in a new relationship. But Diane will always be the love of my life, no matter what. I'll always be thinking about her." Jack nodded his understanding. Dixon also knew there was more to the nod than just understanding. He knew that the conversation would stay between him and Jack, without having to ask that of him.

"How did you sleep tonight? Was sleeping in a bed of your own better than the snuggle party?" They both laughed a little.

"Most definitely."

"Glad to hear it. We should probably wake the others." Dixon nodded. They opened the door and saw that Kendall and Marshall were snuggled even closer together. Sergei had spread out across the space where Jack had slept, and Will had done the same in the spot where Dixon had slept. Eric was using Vaughn's chest as a pillow, and Vaughn had his hand on Eric's head, snuggling close with him. Jack and Dixon closed the door for a moment, so that they could laugh out in the hall. "It's even worse than last night." Dixon nodded and they laughed some more. "We should probably wake them now." Jack was about to open the door again, but was stopped by Dixon's hand on his shoulder. Jack looked at Dixon curiously.

"I think we should get our cameras first. Vaughn and Eric are always teasing you, and making remarks. Taking pictures of them like this, will give you something on them." Jack let out a small laugh, and he and Dixon went off to get their cameras.

They came back and took several pictures without any of them waking up. They then put the cameras back in their rooms, so that they wouldn't get caught with them. When they got back they took one last look at them shaking their heads in amusement.

"Rise and shine." Jack spoke loud so that they'd wake up. Marshall was about to give Kendall a kiss still half asleep, thinking it was Carrie he was snuggling with. Kendall opened his eyes, and saw Marshall's lips coming at him.

"Marshall stop." Kendall yelled and gave Marshall a push, pushing him out of his embrace. Marshall looked like a deer caught in the headlights, when he noticed he had almost kissed Kendall. Kendall's yelling woke up the others fully, and when Vaughn and Eric noticed each other they quickly removed themselves from each other.

"Weiss, I told you to keep your hands to yourself."

"You're the one, who had your hand on my head. For all I know, you're the one who wanted me in your sleep." Jack and Dixon laughed at the situation, and Sergei also started to laugh a little after a few seconds. Will was relieved that he hadn't been sleeping that close with anyone, and Marshall finally came to, looking at Kendall apologetically.

"Sorry. I thought you were Carrie." Kendall gave him a nod and got out of bed quickly. Jack looked around at everyone.

"Why don't you just throw on some clothes or stay as you are, and we can all make breakfast. We can let Ethan and Mitchell sleep, since they'll be staying up late tonight anyway." They all nodded and Jack and Dixon left the room first. When they were on the way down the stairs Dixon turned to Jack.

"I think we put the cameras away too early." They laughed the rest of the way to the kitchen.

At Sydney's place she and Nadia got up and checked in on their mother. She wasn't in her bed. Only Maddie and Caitie were sleeping there. They headed for the kitchen and found her sitting in the living room, looking at pictures of their father.

"Morning, mom." They sat down, one next to her and the other opposite of her.

"Good morning." She looked at them giving them a half smile.

"How did you sleep?"

"Horrible." They looked at her curiously, and she smiled more. "I miss your father. I never sleep well, when he's not by my side." They smiled at their mother.

"That's sweet, mom."

"I should never have let you take me away from him." Irina whined slightly and Sydney and Nadia rolled their eyes at her.

"Mom, it was one night. I'm sure you can be without him for one night."

"No. Your father gives me comfort, stability, and safety, and I don't want to be without that." She leaned back in the couch, smiling at the thought of Jack. "I really want your father." Sydney and Nadia grimaced and Irina noticed that. She rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean it like that. Well, of course I want your father like that."

"Mom, stop. We don't want to hear about it."

"We're all grown women. We should be able to talk about things like that."

"Oh no, mom, we shouldn't. You and dad are our parents. No child wants to think about their parents that way."

"Sydney, you have a child of your own. I think you're a little too old to believe that the stork brought you to your father and me."

"I know the stork didn't bring me, but neither Nadia nor I wish to know about you and dad that way."

"Your father and I are adults. It's perfectly normal for us to be sexually active." Sydney and Nadia groaned.

"Syd, please make mom stop."

"Mom, we beg of you to stop." Sydney shook her head. "What you and dad have, is not normal."

"What makes you say that?"

"We've seen you together, and have had it indicated several times. At your age that's not normal."

"At our age?" Irina stared a little wide eyed at Sydney and then laughed. "We might be grandparents, but that doesn't make us old. Believe me your father is just as good and functional as when he was younger. In fact he's better now. It's all about finding new positions, and other ways of pleasing each other, combined with the regular stuff. However, the regular stuff, was never boring and still isn't. We're exploring each others bodies, just as much as we've always done, and the desire and lust for each other, are as strong as ever. Stronger even." Sydney's eyes were almost falling out of her head.

"Mom, I don't want to hear about your positions or how you and dad please each other."

"I never mentioned any specific positions or how we please each other. But if you have questions, feel free to ask."

"No, mom. I said I didn't want to hear about that."

"I'm sorry you feel the way you feel, but your father and I have been apart for so many years. With that much time apart from each other, it's only normal that we have such a strong sexual appetite for each other. Though, I'm pretty sure if we'd been together all these years, our sexual appetite for each other would still be as strong as it is today."

"Mom, stop using sexual appetite when you're referring to you and dad."

"What would you like me to say?"

"I don't know, but not that."

"Then how about saying that your father and I have a horny lusty hunger for each other?"

"No, no, no. Just stop talking about this."

"Syd, Syd, Syd." Nadia was shaking her head, had her eyes closed and were covering her ears with her hands, even though that had done her no good. Nadia opened her eyes, and Sydney looked at her curiously. "You do realize, you started this whole thing. You told mom to stop, and then you went on to say that she and dad weren't normal. Mom was baiting you after that and you fell for it, and made me suffer." Sydney gaped and then looked at her mother, who had a hard time controlling her laughter.

"Your sister's right. Though, I really didn't mind talking about the sexual appetite your father and I have for each other, or whatever you'd prefer to call it." Sydney gave her mother a glare, and then picked up a cushion and threw it at her mother. Irina threw it back at Sydney. Nadia joined in and soon the three of them were having a cushion fight.

At both places they all eventually had breakfast, relaxed, and showered. At the end of the morning they all drove to the inn. Kendall hadn't brought his things with him, so he went home to change and to pick up his overnight bag, since everyone would be staying the night at the inn. He said he'd arrive at the inn in time for the wedding. Dixon drove home to pick up his children, and to pick up their overnight bags. The girls had arrived at the inn before the guys, and they'd met with the staff and band to check that everything was as it should be. When that was all taken care of they went to the cottage.

When the guys arrived they too went around to check on things. When that was done, Jack saw that Sydney and Nadia were coming out of the cottage and he went to them. They greeted their father with a hug and a kiss, and Sydney gave Vaughn a kiss, and Nadia gave Eric a kiss.

"Ethan's clothes are with ours, so we thought he could change with us, and we can bring him over later, so that he can hang out with you guys until the ceremony." Jack nodded.

"Sure. I'll take him." Sydney and Nadia stopped their father before he had a chance to move.

"Nice try, dad, but you don't get to see mom before the ceremony."

"I should be able to take my own son to his mother, and be allowed to see my other daughters."

"We will gladly bring Maddie and Caitie out here, but you don't get to see mom." Jack gave them an annoyed look. They just smirked at him.

"Sorry, dad, but that's the way it is. Now would you like to see Maddie and Caitie?"

"Of course."

"Good, then we'll bring them out here, and we'll take Ethan with us now." Nadia held her hand out to Ethan, and then looked at Eric, Vaughn, Sergei, Marshall, and Will. "Don't let him get anywhere near the cottage." Jack rolled his eyes at his daughters as they left. Sergei put a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"I think you better do as they say." Jack nodded reluctantly and Sergei grinned. "Don't worry it won't be long until you see her."

A few seconds later Maddie and Caitie came running out towards their father. He held his arms out to them and hugged them tightly, spending a few minutes with them, before letting them go back inside the cottage. After that the guys walked off to get a little something to eat before starting to get ready.

Marshall and Mitchell got ready in the room Marshall and Carrie would be spending the night in, and a few seconds later Carrie joined them with Isabelle, who she had promised to look after while Sydney got ready, and sit with her during the ceremony.

Will got changed in the room he would be spending the night in. He finished rather early and walked out in the hall just as Rachel came out of her room. They smiled at each other.



"You look very nice. Very beautiful." Rachel blushed a little at Will's compliment.

"Thank you. You look quite nice yourself." Will just shrugged and they laughed a little.

"So, you're dressed rather quickly. I thought women always took their time."

"Sometimes we do." They laughed a little again. "But, I like to make good time. Besides, the weather is great and it's a beautiful place, so I thought I'd walk around until the wedding."

"Would you like some company?" She smiled at him.

"I'd love to." He smiled back and they headed outside.

Marshall, Carrie, Mitchell, and Isabelle also got out of their room rather early dressed for the wedding. Dixon came down the hall as they got out of their room.

"Hi Marcus. Where are the kids?"

"Outside. They're already dressed, so there's no point in them coming inside. If you're going outside, could you keep an eye on them? I know they're not exactly that small anymore, but could you just be on the lookout?"


"Thanks." He gave them a nod and a smile, and headed for the room Jack was in, while Marshall, Carrie, Mitchell, and Isabelle headed outside. When they got outside they noticed that Devlin had arrived and walked over to greet him.

"Hello sir. Nice to see you again." He smiled at them and shook their hands.

"Marshall, Carrie, Mitchell, Isabelle." Marshall's face lit up when he noticed that Devlin knew his son's name. "But please, call me Ben for the day. It's such a happy occasion we're here for, and we're out of the office." They both nodded. Carrie noticed Stephen and Robin, and saw that they looked a little out of place.

"If you two will excuse me, I think I'll go and talk to Marcus' kids. They seem a bit lonely." Marshall and Devlin nodded and Carrie looked at Mitchell. "Sweetie, do you want to come with me, or stay here with daddy?"

"With you." She nodded and took him by the hand. Marshall and Devlin looked at each other.

"Beautiful day for a wedding."

"Yes, it certainly is. September is a lovely month."

"Beautiful place to have a wedding too."

"Yes, it's amazing. I didn't know that Jack was much of an ocean man."

"Neither did I. But then again, I don't really know him that well. Well, I know him, but I don't think we're really buddy, buddy, if you know what I mean." Devlin was just about to say something, but Marshall continued rambling. "Of course I've spent time a lot of time with him, and I call him by his first name now, even at work, but we haven't done a lot of real male bonding. Though, I don't really know what we'd do, if we were to do some male bonding." Marshall kept on rambling about Jack and about other things, whenever he said a word that would lead the conversation in a different direction.

A while later Marshall was still rambling, when Devlin spotted Kendall. Kendall was about to walk over to Carrie to say hi, but didn't get the chance.

"Jim, over here." Devlin stuck his hand up in the air, and waved Kendall over. Kendall waved at Carrie, Mitchell, Isabelle, Stephen, and Robin, and then walked over to join Marshall and Devlin.

"Hi, Ben. Hi, Marshall."

"Hi Jim." Kendall looked at Marshall oddly, not being used to him calling him by his first name. Marshall saw the look in Kendall's eyes, and got a little nervous. "Um, I mean Kendall. Uh, Assistant Director Kendall. I guess you and I aren't really buddy, buddy."

"Buddy, buddy? I don't follow."

"Well, you see…." Marshall started to explain everything he'd been telling Devlin, and Kendall quickly realized just why Devlin had called him over so eagerly. Kendall shot Devlin a look, but Devlin merely smirked in return.

At the cottage Irina was helping Ethan get ready. When he was done, she looked at him and smiled.

"You look as handsome as your father." Ethan smiled and he went to show his suit to Maddie and Caitie. Irina started pacing a little around the room, and Sydney and Nadia noticed her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Irina didn't really hear them. Sydney and Nadia looked at each other, not believing how their mother was acting.

"Mom, are you nervous about getting married?" Irina finally looked at them, and decided she might as well be honest.

"Yes, I am. Which bride isn't a little nervous on her wedding day?" They laughed a little at their mother.

"First you're nervous about how you did on your final test with the CIA, even though you knew you'd pass. And now you're nervous about getting married. Mom, you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You've done this before, and it's dad."

"I know, I know. But this is not the same as the first time we got married. I was nervous back then too, but I'm just a little afraid that my emotions will get the better of me, and I'll end of rambling like, like…."

"Marshall?" They all three laughed at Sydney's suggestion, and Irina nodded. Sydney smiled warmly at her mother. "You're right that this is not the same as when you and dad first got married. It's better this time. There are no secrets between you, and you can be honest about your feelings for him, and he knows that it's you, who's really saying those vows. So it doesn't matter if your emotions get the better of you." Irina smiled at Sydney and at Nadia, who was nodding. She walked over at put her arms around her oldest daughters.

"Thank you. What would I do with out the two of you? I love you."

"I love you too, mom."

"Me too, mom. I love you." Irina kissed her daughters on their cheeks as Ethan walked out to join them.

"Can I go see daddy now?" Irina smiled at her son.

"Absolutely. I'll take you." She reached her hand out to Ethan, but Nadia stepped in her way.

"No you don't, mom. You're not allowed to see dad before the ceremony."

"Right, mom. I'll take Ethan." Sydney held her hand out to Ethan, and together they walked off to see their father. Irina gave Nadia a glare.

"Glare all you want, or whine."

"I don't whine."

"You did this morning, when you were missing dad."

"Oh you mean, when we talked about the sexual appetite your father and I have for each other?" Nadia grimaced and Irina smiled a little triumphantly. If she had to suffer being away from Jack, she could make her children suffer too. "I'll just go and get finished." Irina went to the bedroom, laughing a little to herself.

Sydney walked with Ethan to see their father and they passed Marshall, Kendall, and Devlin on the way. Marshall was still rambling, so Kendall saw the opportunity to get a break from the rambling.

"Hi, Sydney. Where are you two off to?"

"We're off to dad's room. Ethan wants to spend time with dad and the guys before the ceremony."

"Shouldn't you finish getting ready?"

"Yeah, but it won't take long for me to take him to dad's room."

"Well, just so you won't be late, why don't I take him to your father's room? That's of course if Ethan doesn't mind." Sydney looked at Kendall oddly. She'd never figured he'd like being around children. She knew he had nephews that he'd spent some time with, and that he'd certainly changed, but still she never thought he was a children's person.

"Uh, I guess that would be alright." She looked at her brother. "Sweetie, would you mind if Kendall took you to dad's room?"

"No, I don't mind." He reached his hand out to Kendall, and Kendall took it smiling.

"Okay. Thank you. I'll just get back to the cottage then." She smiled at the others, but still couldn't believe Kendall was taking Ethan to their father's room, as she walked back to the cottage. Kendall looked at Ethan.

"Well, I guess we better get you to your dad." Ethan nodded and smiled. As they left Kendall looked over his shoulder and smirked at Devlin. Devlin gave a tiny smile and a nod in return, recognizing that Kendall had just played him, like he played Kendall earlier.

Jack was sitting in a chair and was fidgeting. Everyone was dressed by now. Jack was wearing a black suit, white shirt, a light gray colored vest and a matching tie, both in smooth, silky fabric. Ethan was wearing the same as his dad, whereas Vaughn and Dixon wore a black suit, white shirt, and a gray tie that was a bit darker than the ones Jack and Ethan wore. They all looked around at Jack, not really believing that the great Jack Bristow was nervous about getting married.

"Jack, you do realize that you have nothing to be nervous about, right?" Jack shot Vaughn a glare.

"I'm not nervous." Vaughn backed away a little from the tone in Jack's voice, and Sergei thought he'd give it a try. He didn't think that Jack would be as hard on him. However, he spoke gentler.

"Jack, it's pretty obvious that you're nervous." Jack glared at Sergei, but realizing he was right and gave his a tiny smile. Vaughn shook his head, at how Jack was willing to accept it from Sergei but not from him.

"Yes, I'm a little nervous. What if Irina says no." Sergei laughed a little.

"Oh come on, Jack. Irina's not going to say no. She loves you and all she's ever wanted is to be married to you. She will marry you." Jack nodded a little, but was obviously still nervous.

"So what if Irina says no?" Everyone looked at Eric. "You two are still married, so it doesn't really matter if she says no, or doesn't even show up." He started laughing, but all he got from Jack was his death glare. Eric rolled his eyes. "Geez, you try to make one little joke to lighten the mood, and you get the death glare." He headed for the table, getting himself a glass of water, still laughing a little. Vaughn walked over to him.

"Weiss, while I'm all for teasing Jack from time to time, and Irina too, you should really try harder to remember that you're dating Jack's daughter." Eric nearly choked on his water. Vaughn smiled and put an arm around Eric. "Yeah. Welcome to hell, buddy." Eric looked at Vaughn shaking his head.

"I will not go through anywhere near what you went through, just because I'm dating his daughter. Jack loves me. He loves me. We get on better than you and he do." Vaughn shook his head laughing.

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, if it helps you feel better." Just then there was a knock on the door."

"Come in." Kendall walked in with Ethan. Jack immediately smiled. Dixon walked over to them and smiled at Ethan.

"Look at you. You look very nice."

"That's because mommy says I'm just as handsome as daddy." They all laughed a little, and Jack smiled even more. Sergei leaned closer to Jack.

"Does that make you feel better?" Jack looked at Sergei, and let out a small laugh, realizing how silly he'd been. He turned his attention back to Ethan.

"Come here, buddy." Ethan walked over to his father and Jack placed him in his lap. Dixon turned to Kendall.

"How come you're bringing him in here?" Kendall let out a small laugh.

"When I arrived, I wanted to say hi to Carrie and the kids, but Devlin called me over before I had a chance to do that. He was talking to Marshall, and I quickly found out that he called me over, because then he wouldn't be alone to listen to Marshall's rambling. Well, when Sydney came walking with Ethan, I saw the opportunity to get away." Dixon laughed. "It's not that I mind Marshall, and I certainly didn't mind bringing Ethan over here, but Marshall's rambling can just be a little too much at times." Dixon nodded.

"You get used to it." They both laughed. "I guess you can hide out here until the ceremony."

"Thank you."

Some time later Eric's phone rang. The conversation was brief, and when it ended he looked at Jack smiling.

"It's time." Jack nodded. He gave Ethan a kiss and took him by the hand as they all left the room. Jack tried getting away with walking Ethan to the cottage, but Sergei stopped him grinning.

"Nice try, Jack, but I'll take him."

Jack let go of Ethan reluctantly and Eric and Vaughn dragged him along to the place of the ceremony. Dixon took the rings out of his pocket and gave them to Ethan, before walking off with Kendall. Eric gathered everyone else, and now they all stood at the platform overlooking the ocean. Dixon gave Jack a pad on the back as the music started playing.

Ethan walked down first, with Maddie and Caitie following close behind him, throwing down rose petals. Jack stepped forward and gave his son and daughters a kiss on the cheek. Ethan then placed himself in front of Dixon and Vaughn and Maddie and Caitie stood on the opposite side. Next Sydney and Nadia came walking down. Jack walked up to them and also gave them a kiss on the cheek, where after they walked over to their sisters. Jack walked back to his place and looked over at his daughters. Sydney and Nadia were wearing matching dresses in a light purple color. Maddie and Caitie were wearing matching dresses too, in another shade of purple. Eric gave Jack a nudge.

"Look Jack." Jack looked at Eric first, and then in the direction Eric was pointing. His jaw dropped, his breath caught in his throat when he saw Irina walking towards him. Dixon saw him and this time he gave him a nudge.

"Breathe Jack. You don't want to pass out." Jack started to breathe a little as Irina got closer. She was wearing a simple, not nearly white dress, fitting her body perfectly. Eric gave him another nudge.

"This would be a good time to go to her, and lead her here." Jack just nodded slightly, still staring at Irina. He finally composed himself a little better and walked to Irina and Sergei just as they reached the platform. Sergei reached his hand out to Jack.

"She's all yours." Jack shook Sergei's hand and smiled. Sergei then put his other free arm around Jack and gave him a slight hug, which Jack returned before taking Irina's hands in his.

"You look absolutely beautiful. Stunning as always and you're taking my breath away." She smiled lovingly at him.

"Yeah, I could see that. You look dashing. Very handsome."

"So, you would agree that I put a lot of thought into my clothes?" They both laughed, and were the only ones, who understood their little joke. They were about to kiss when Eric cleared his throat.

"You're not allowed to do that until I say you may kiss the bride." Jack shot Eric an annoyed glare, but decided to go along. Instead he gave Irina a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear.

"I missed you. I couldn't sleep." She whispered back.

"I missed you too, and I couldn't sleep either. I should never have let the girls take me away from you." They laughed again, and then walked up to Eric. He smiled at them and looked around at the others, and indicated that the music should stop. He took a deep breath and started.

"Dear family, dear friends. We're gathered here today, to celebrate a very special union. A very special couple. Someone, who's very well aware of the vow, for better or for worse. Someone, who's been through hell, lies, betrayal, heartache, secrecy. But not even all of that could stand in the way of the love that burns strong and clear between them. It's a love that's stood the test of time, and after more than thirty years is burning stronger than ever. It's a love that no one has ever been able to come between and no one ever will. It's that love we celebrate here today. Jack and Irina have decided to write their own vows, which we will hear now." Eric gestured to Jack to proceed.

Jack stood there for a few seconds just smiling lovingly at Irina. It had been more than thirty years since they'd last said 'I do' to each other. Back then he thought that he was marrying someone else. But looking in her eyes now, he saw the same look that she gave him all those years ago. The love she had for him then, was the same that she had for him now. Jack started to get a little emotional and he had to swallow a few times before he could get started. He started to rub his thumbs in circles across her hands as he was holding them.

"Irina, I've never been so angry with anyone, as with you. I've never been so weak or so strong, as when I've been with you. I've never been so filled with love as when I'm with you. You bring out everything that is in me. You complete me. You're my equal. I can't promise you that we won't have our ups and downs, but I can promise you all my love. We've had our past and now we have our future ahead of us, and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you." Jack had a few tears falling freely from his eyes, and he didn't bother wiping them away. For once he didn't mind letting everyone see how emotional he was. Irina was crying too, but didn't attempt to dry them away either. "Irina, all my love forever and a day. All my heart forever and a day. All my soul forever and a day. All my stubbornness forever and a day. All my moods forever and a day. All my protection forever and a day. All my devotion forever and a day. All my trust forever and a day. All of me forever and a day. Thank you for your love and for being who you are. I'm proud to call myself your husband. I love you, Irina." He picked up her hands and kissed them, and then held them to his heart for a few seconds.

Sydney, Nadia, Sergei, Marshall, Carrie, and Rachel were crying. Marshall was almost the one that cried the most. Vaughn and Dixon had wet eyes a little, whereas Will, Kendall, and Devlin were emotional. Eric was crying too, and could not tell Irina to continue, so he merely gestured it with his hands. She let out a small laugh at that, and then looked at Jack for a few seconds before starting.

"I was taught to hate, to despise, to mistrust, to deceive. But when I met you, I got a different outlook on life. You taught me what kindness was. You taught me what love was. You showed me what love between a man and a woman means, and you taught me to open my heart. I'm alive when I'm with you, and I'm nothing when I'm not. I've spend years dreaming that we would one day be together again, and here we are renewing our vows. You're my dream. You're my world. You're my love. You're my life. You're my weakness. You're my strength. You're the best part of me. You're my Jack." They smiled broadly at each other as the tears kept coming. "You have my undying love, my trust, my heart, my soul, and you have me forever and a day. I will never leave you, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me." She took his hands and held them to her heart. "I am as much your wife now, as I was more than thirty years ago. I love you, Jack. More than I could ever say or express. I love you so much." She picked up his hands and kissed them like he had kissed hers. They stood looking at each other, smiling and enjoying the moment. Eric wiped his tears and gathered himself before he could move on.

"After the personal vows, we'll now move on to the more traditional ones. Jonathan Donahue Bristow, do you take Irina Maria Derevko to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to love her, to cherish her, to her being your one and only, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all eternity?"

"I do."

"Irina Maria Derevko, do you take Jonathan Donahue Bristow to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to love him, to cherish him, to him being your one and only, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all eternity?"

"I do." They hadn't taken their eyes off of each other, and everyone was smiling.

"May I have the rings?" Ethan walked up to Eric with the rings, and Jack and Irina took their eyes off of each other and stroked their son on his cheeks as he handed them their rings. He went back to his place and Jack and Irina looked at each other. "Jack, place the ring on Irina's finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"Let this ring be a symbol of our love for each other. That I am yours, and you are mine."

"Let this ring be a symbol of our love for each other. That I am yours, and you are mine."

"Forever and a day." Both Jack and Irina looked briefly at Eric and smiled, at the words Eric had used. Jack's famous words. He smiled back at them.

"Forever and a day."

"Irina, place the ring on Jack's finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"Let this ring be a symbol of our love for each other. That I am yours, and you are mine."

"Let this ring be a symbol of our love for each other. That I am yours, and you are mine."

"Forever and a day."

"Forever and a day."

"Then by the power invested in me by the Church of Mammals, in front of your family and friends, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Jack you may now kiss your bride." Jack took her hands and placed them behind his neck. He then ran his hands over her arms, until one arm went behind her shoulders, and he placed the other around her waist, pulling her close. They smiled at each other one last time, before they kissed. They kept kissing for a while, and after the kiss they rested their heads against each other for a few seconds, before they hugged each other tightly. "Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Bristow." Jack and Irina kissed again and dried the remainder of each others tears, while everyone started to walk up to them to congratulate them.

The children congratulated their parents first, followed by Sergei, Vaughn, and Eric. The guys all gave Irina a kiss on the cheek, even Vaughn, and he smiled warmer at her then he'd ever done before. Jack and Irina thanked Eric for a beautiful ceremony, but he wouldn't take credit for it, and said that it was their vows that made it special. Dixon was the next to congratulate Jack and Irina, and he too, gave Irina a kiss on the cheek, and Jack a hand shake, and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Stephen and Robin shook hands with Jack and Irina, and Irina gave them a hug. Rachel and Will were next. Rachel hugged Irina, but she wasn't quite sure what to do about Jack. He smiled at her and leaned in and gave her a small hug. Will shook hands with Irina and she gave him a kiss on the cheek thanking him for coming. He then shook hands with Jack. Devlin too gave Irina a kiss on the cheek and shook hands with Jack. Kendall was next.

"So, am I allowed to kiss the bride?" He grinned at Jack, remembering back at APO, when he teased Jack that he was hitting on Irina. Jack rolled his eyes at Kendall smiling. He nodded.

"Yes, if my wife agrees to it." Irina smiled and nodded and Kendall kissed her cheek.

"Congratulations to both of you." He shook hands with Jack.

"Thank you."

Carrie stepped up to Irina and gave her a hug. She moved on to Jack smiling. Jack smiled back and without any awkwardness they hugged, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Mitchell gave Irina a hand shake and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He also gave Jack a hand shake and Jack stroked him gently on the head. Marshall was next. He motioned for a hug from Irina, which she gladly gave him, and since he didn't give her a kiss on the cheek, she gave him one, which made him smile shyly. He then walked over to Jack, just looking at him for a few moments, before he threw his arms around him, hugging him. Jack was taken aback by Marshall's hug, and stared a little wide eyed. Carrie rolled her eyes, and apologized with her eyes to Jack. He then smiled and put his arms around Marshall giving him a squeeze. However, when Jack let go, Marshall was still hugging Jack.

"Okay Marshall." Jack gave Marshall a pad on the back and Marshall finally let go.

"Sorry. It's just that I love weddings, and I get very emotional. And I also never thought I'd ever be attending your wedding. Not that you've ever had any reason to get married in the past." He looked at Irina. "I've never seen him with another woman, so I don't think you'd have had anything to worry about. I mean you certainly don't have anything to worry about now, and…" Carrie pulled at Marshall's jacket, which caused him to stop rambling.

"Marshall, I think it's about time you stopped talking." Marshall got red in the face with embarrassment and looked at Jack and Irina apologetically.

"Sorry. My emotions are running away with me." Irina smiled at him.

"It's okay, Marshall." He smiled broadly at her and nodded. Everyone had been watching the scene and laughed a little shaking their heads. Jack turned his attention to them.

"There are refreshments in the garden. Why don't we all go there?" They all headed for the garden. On their way there, Jack held Irina back and let the others go ahead. They looked at each other, smiled and kissed. "I love you, Mrs. Bristow."

"I love you too, Mr. Bristow." They kissed again, and then Irina started to laugh a little.

"What?" She looked at him grinning.

"The Church of Mammals?" He laughed too.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. I swear I didn't know."

"Well, considering that neither of us are saints, and with the past we have, I think it's only fitting. I mean, it would be a little out of place if we were married by a Church of Everything Holy or something like that, when we're not religious. And a Church of Eternal Love or something like that, just sounds too corny." They laughed.

"Then I guess the Church of Mammals isn't that bad." They kissed again.

"Congratulations on your wedding." They broke the kiss and stared a little at the person standing in front of them.

"Katya? What are you doing here?"

"I accepted the pardon and came for the wedding. I might not be wanted here, but I wasn't going to miss seeing my sister getting married. Now I believe that I'm allowed to kiss the groom." Katya took a step towards Jack, but Irina took a step forward, giving her sister her death glare.

"No, you're not." Katya stopped and gave Irina a nod. Irina softened her look and now looked at her sister a little sadly. "You shouldn't be here." Katya gave Irina a small warm smile.

"I know. But you're my sister, and this is your wedding day. I wasn't going to miss seeing you on you special day being so happy." Irina smiled at Katya. "I got what I came for and I'll leave you alone." She walked up to Irina and gave her a hug. "You look beautiful. Congratulations." She gave her sister a kiss on each cheek and smiled at her. She then looked at Jack, giving him a stare. "You better take good care of her, or you'll have me to answer to." Jack glared at Katya, and she gave him a nod. She then took one last look at Irina. "Enjoy your day. I'll be in touch." Irina smiled.

"Bye Katya." She walked away and Jack saw that it broke Irina's heart to see her sister leave. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"She can stay." Irina looked at Jack surprised. He smiled lovingly at her and nodded. She smiled back and gave him a kiss before she walked after Katya calling out her name.

"Katya wait." Katya stopped and waited for Irina to walk up to her. Irina smiled at her. "You can stay. If you want to, you can stay." Katya looked a little surprised at Irina and then looked at Jack, who had joined Irina now.

"What about him? He doesn't want me to stay."

"He was the one, who suggested it." Katya looked at Jack surprised, and he gave her a glare, and not really speaking warmly to her.

"I saw that it hurt Irina to see you walk away, so for my wife's sake, I told her you could stay. But you better behave yourself. This is our day, and you will not ruin it." Katya rolled her eyes at Jack.

"Honestly, you have a big ego. Get over yourself, Jack. I never wanted you. The only reason why I went after you in the first place, was because Irina was always bragging about you. I just wanted to see what the big deal was. You wouldn't give into me, so I kept coming after you. But you're nothing special, and I personally think my sister could do a lot better. It's beyond me why she fell for you." Jack gave her his death glare, and she rolled her eyes at him again. "You have my word that I won't go anywhere near you ever again, and that I'll behave myself. I'm not here to ruin my sister's day." He gave her a nod, and Irina smiled at her.

"Why don't you go and get yourself some refreshments, and say hi to everyone?" Katya nodded and walked off towards the other guests. Irina crashed her lips onto Jack's kissing him passionately and deeply. She then took his face in her hands. "Thank you for letting her stay. That means so much to me. Whatever you want me to do for you, you just name it." He looked at her hungrily.

"I'll tell you tonight what I want you to do for me." She looked back at him, equally hungrily and then kissed him passionately again.

Katya had spotted some of the other guests as she reached them. They all stared at her not believing she was there. No one wanted anything to do with her and she could easily tell. Kendall looked at the reaction from the others. Seeing as he had no personal issues with Katya and he would be the one responsible for her, he walked up to her. He smiled sincerely at her and put out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Jim Kendall. I'm the one, who'll be your contact person." She glared at him, looking him up and down. Then she scoffed and walked off without saying anything, leaving Kendall in his place, with his hand still reached out. He gaped a little at her reaction and watched her as she walked over to Sergei, who was standing talking to Devlin a little further away from everyone else. The others had watched the interaction between Kendall and Katya and couldn't help but grin a little, even though no one wanted to give Katya the time of day at the moment. Kendall walked back to them. He looked annoyed and his tone was filled with sarcasm. "Oh, it's just going to fun working with her." The others let out a small laugh and Kendall just rolled his eyes shaking his head.

Everyone started to mingle and Jack and Irina joined the others. Devlin walked up to them.

"When did you have time to invite Katya to the wedding?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, I tried calling your house last night to tell you that she'd agreed to the pardon, but the phone was disconnected. I just assumed that since she only agreed to the pardon yesterday that she hadn't been invited to the wedding." Jack shook his head.

"Sydney and Nadia wanted to keep with tradition, so we weren't allowed to see each other, nor were we allowed to communicate. So they unplugged the phones." Devlin nodded.

"Well, then it's nice that she was able to make it to the wedding. It's nice that you had your sister here on your wedding day." Irina smiled at Devlin.

"Yes, it is. I'm very happy to have her here." She gave Jack's hand a squeeze as they talked to Devlin some more.

The day went well. They all had a nice time and later everyone had talked a little with Katya. Jack and Irina danced their first dance to 'A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes.' Since they'd both dreamt for years for this day to come, they thought it was perfect. Later everyone else danced too. Jack danced with all the ladies at the wedding except for Katya and Robin, and Irina danced with all the men, even Vaughn, though not Stephen or Mitchell.

Sydney, Nadia, and Eric were now watching Jack dancing with Carrie, and Irina dancing with Marshall, as Vaughn walked up to them with a drink for Sydney. Eric turned to Nadia.

"Would it be alright if I danced with your sister?" She smiled and laughed a little.

"Yes, of course. You don't have to ask me about that." Sydney put down her drink, but Eric walked right passed her.

"Hey, I thought you were going to ask me to dance?" He turned around and smiled.

"No, I was going to ask Maddie, Or Caitie. I'll ask one of them first and then the other after. You might be adorable, Syd, but you have two younger sisters, who are more adorable." He laughed as did Nadia and Vaughn, and Sydney joined too shaking her head at him. Vaughn put down his drink, as Eric left.

"If you ladies will excuse me, I'm going to dance with the sister that Weiss won't be dancing with, and then after I'll dance with the other." Sydney nodded and she and Nadia looked at each other laughing a little. A few seconds later Ethan and Mitchell walked up to them.

"Sydney, will you dance with me?" Sydney smiled at Mitchell.

"I'd love too." They walked out on the dance floor hand in hand. Ethan held out his hand for Nadia.

"Nadia, will you dance with me?" She smiled at her brother.

"Of course I will." They too walked out on the dance floor hand in hand.

Soon everyone was looking at the triplets and Mitchell dancing with Sydney, Nadia, Vaughn, and Eric. Sydney whispered something in Mitchell's ear, and seconds later they walked over to Stephen and Robin, and had them join them on the dance floor. Seconds later the rest of them joined them and they all danced around each other, with the parents of the people on the dance floor watching.

Hours later in the late evening the dance floor was empty. Irina was talking to Carrie and Rachel as Jack walked over to them.

"Excuse me ladies, but do you mind if I steal my wife away?" Irina smiled lovingly at him.

"Of course not. Go ahead."

Jack took Irina by the hand and let her out on the dance floor wrapping their arms around each other. They started to dance with everyone watching them. Sergei walked over and sat next to Katya, giving her shoulder a squeeze. They looked at each other and smiled, before looking back at the dance floor.

Carrie walked over to Marshall, who was sitting with Mitchell, who was half asleep. She sat down next to him, kissing his cheek, then resting her head on his shoulder, and he rested his head against hers, as they watched Jack and Irina dance.

Will walked up to Rachel. They smiled at each other and then turned their heads to the dance floor.

Dixon came from the bar and sat down between his children. He wrapped an arm around each of them, and they leaned into his shoulder as they all watched Jack and Irina dance smiling.

Kendall and Devlin stood at the bar looking at the bride and groom smiling. They then looked briefly at each other raising their glasses toasting, before looking back at the dance floor.

Vaughn came back with Isabelle, who had woken up, and walked over to where Sydney, Nadia, Eric were sitting. He sat down next to Sydney, and gave her a kiss. She then kissed Isabelle. Nadia and Eric looked at each other and kissed too. The triplets walked up to them. Maddie sat on Sydney's lap, Caitie sat on Nadia's lap, and Ethan sat on Eric's lap. They all looked around each other and smiled. They then returned to enjoy Jack and Irina dancing.

On the dance floor Jack and Irina only had eyes for each other, and were oblivious to everyone watching them. They held each other tight as they slowly swayed to the music. Irina gave Jack a soft kiss and then smiled contently.

"I can't believe we're finally together. I know that we've been together for a while now, but still renewing our vows, makes it more real." He smiled back at her.

"It was for the best." She smiled broader at him.


"Yeah. We couldn't very well have me in one part of the world being madly in love with you, while you were in another part of the world being madly in love with me." They both let out a small laugh.

"You're right. It was for the best that we got back together." They laughed a little more and he smiled at her lovingly.

"Nothing will ever be able to keep us apart anymore. We belong together and can't live without each other. There's no denying that, and I look forward to waking up next to you for the rest of my life." He kissed her.

"I do too. I love you, Jack." She gently stroked his cheek with his hand.

"I love you, Irina." They kissed again and kept kissing and dancing for a long time, just holding each other close, knowing that this time they'd be together forever.

The End.