Hey everyone I hope you all like it.

Brown eyes looked around a dirty kitchen. There were dirty dishes everywhere. Yesterday was her daughters Dannie, 5th birthday and boy was there a lot of kids. Now all she had to do was clean up, though many of the mothers offered to stay and help clean up but Kagome wouldn't hear it. She never let any guest clean up in her house, she just didn't like it.

'Well I might as well start.' She thought to herself. She first started by rinsing off all the cups and the plates and putting them in the dish washer. Next she picked up all of the forks and the spoons and knives and put them in the dish washer also. When she rinsed out all of the bowls she saw not all would fit. 'Man this means I have to wash them by hand.' She started the dish washer and hand washed all of the bowls. Next she wiped down all of the counters the tables and swept the floor. In about 30 minutes she looked around her clean kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Now what to make my little angel." She thought as she looked through her cabinets. "I think blue berry pancakes." She got out all of her necessary ingredients and got to work. Soon she had a huge stack of pancakes waiting for her little girl and she knew that any moment she would hear the little pitter patter of her daughters feet running around upstairs and then down stairs. She looked over the clock to see what time it is. 10:30 am. "Ok so we have some time left before we have to meet Sango at the park at noon.

Kagome was so deep in thought she didn't here Dannie come down stairs or sneak up behind her until to arms wrapped themselves around her legs.

"Mommy, mommy, look I dressed myself, see" she said as she backed up to show her mother her outfit. "I am a big girl, see, see." Dannie exclaimed smiling up at her mother.

Kagome looked down at her daughter and couldn't help but smile. Her little girl was her world. She had her father sliver hair with black streaks running through it. She had her fathers golden eyes and everything she looked into Dannie's eyes she saw Dannie's father in them no matter how much she didn't want to.

'No I cant think about him. Not anymore' she thought to herself. She needed to be strong about this for her daughter because she knows one day Dannie would ask about why did everyone else have a daddy and not her.

"Yes honey you did." Kagome said bending down to pick up her up. "And you did a good job. I am so proud of you, your now my big girl and I made my big girl her favorite breakfast blue berry pancakes." She said putting Dannie down in her chair.

"Thank you mommy." Dannie said.

"No, problem honey fo you want me to cut your pancakes for you?" Kagome asked grabbing the knife and fork to cut the food.

"NOOOOO." Dannie yelled grabbing the Knife and fork out of Kagome's hand and started to cut her food herself. "I can do it, I am a big girl."

Kagome couldn't help but smile at her little girl. She was growing up so fast. Now she was cutting her pancakes soon she will be driving and then college and then she will be on her own. She was soon brought out of her thought by Dannie's voice.

"Mommy, are you ok?" Dannie asked.

"Yes honey, why do you ask.?"

"Your eyes are watery?" She said as she stuffed a fork full of pancakes into her mouth.

"I'm fine honey but don't stuff your face like that." She said wiping off some sugar syrup that was dripping off the side of her Chin.

"Ok mummy" She said with her mouth full.

"Now honey no speaking with your mouth full but we need to hurry up we need to leave in about 30 minutes.

Dannie nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.

When Dannie finished and Kagome cleaned up her plate and sent Dannie to brush her teeth.

Kagome walked into her room and tried to figure out what she was going to wear. She decided to wear tan cargo shorts with a light blue v neck tee shirt and tan running shoes.

She walked out of her room and into Dannie's room to see her little girl trying to brush her hair into pig tails but forgetting that you have to part your hair first.

"Honey let me help you with your hair." Kagome said as she sat down on Dannie's bed and open her legs so Dannie could sit in between them.

Soon Kagome was pulling the hair ties out and combing all of the tangles out of her daughter's hair. Kagome had always loved her daughter's hair. It was silky smooth like her father's but was thick like hers.

About twenty minutes later and a very Impatient Dannie Kagome was finally finished and let Dannie up.

"Thank you mommy." Dannie said. "When are we leaving?"

"In ten minutes so put your shoes on and we will leave." Kagome said getting up and walking down stairs to get her bag and keys.

Finally at 11:40 Kagome and Dannie walked out of their house and started to walk to the park.

In about 25 minutes they arrived at the park.

"AUNTY SANGO" Dannie yelled running from her mother to Sango who was sitting on a bench talking to two men.

Sango picked up Dannie and set her on her lap. "Hey there, Dannie where's your mother."

"She's back there." Dannie said pointing to the path where Kagome was jogging up to reach Sango and Dannie.

"Dannie, you know your mother hates when you run away from her like that." Sango said

"I know, but she is slow." Dannie said.

"Dannie how many times have I told you not to run off with that? Just because you have demon speed does not mean you can use it all the time." Kagome said as she bent over with her hands on her legs trying to catch her breath from running to finally reach Sango.

"I'm sorry mommy." Dannie said looking down.

"Kagome," Sango started trying to lighten up the mood. "I wanted to you meet my boyfriend and his friend."

Both men's eyes went wide at hearing the name of Sango's friend.

"God Sango" Kagome started as she started to stand up "how many times do I have to tell you I don't want to be fixed up with any…" Kagome stopped talking as she saw the two men sitting next to Sango.

"Miroku, Inuyasha." Kagome said.

Sango looked between Kagome and Miroku with a confused looked on her face.

"You know each other?" She asked

"Dannie go play on the playground." Kagome said not answering Sango's question.

"Ok mommy." Dannie said hopping off of Sango's lap and running to go play with the other kids.

"Ok now that she is gone Kagome how do you know them." Sango asked again.

"We went to high school together." Answered Miroku

"Really wow isn't that cute, what a small world." Sango said "You never told me you have cute friends in high school."

"He never said we were friends Sango." Kagome snapped.

"Whoa what's wrong Kagome?" She asked.

Kagome looked over at her daughter then back to Sango who was waiting for answer.

"Well Inuyasha is the brother of Dannie's father, and Miroku was and I am guessing still is their best friend."Kagome answered.

Sango thought for a second before realization come over her. "O My God." Sango said before standing up and turning to face the two men.

"Kagome" Inuyasha started. "I am so sorry about what happened in the past."

"NO, don't you dare say anything to me you ass, you're not sorry about anything." Kagome said trying not to raise her voice as not to alert her daughter.

"Kagome I am so sorry about this, I never thought this would happen." Sango said

"No it's ok I know you didn't mean for this to happen."

"Kagome, is that little girl his?" Miroku asked.

"What do you think? I told him I was pregnant, he told me I was a whore and that that spawn could never his because he didn't plan it and he could control getting me pregnant."

Miroku and Inuyasha looked at each other as if they were both thinking the same thing.

"Kagome, you have to tell him, he has a right to know." Inuyasha said.

"I cant believe you, He has a right, he has a right. No he doesn't your while family lost their right when you all called me a two bit whore who was after your families money. And you think that any of you have a right to my daughter. Who I raised by myself for the last five year. Because I was pregnant my family kicked me out of the house for disgracing them. I was 18 and scared my only help I got was from when I met Sango and she let me live with her and her brother. I had to work through my pregnancies even when they told me I shouldn't because I was too far along. But it didn't matter because I was broke and I needed the money. And you think that he has a right to know. No he doesn't he knew from day one and you all treated me like I was shit under your shoe. So I don't ever want to here he has some right because I never lied to him and he threw me aside like I was nothing. So stay out of my life you fuckers." Kagome said before walking over and picking up her daughter and started to walk home.

"Inuyasha, you have to tell him."

"No you will not." Sango said interrupting there conversation. "You two are complete assholes. You have no idea what he did to her. When I met her she was rushed in by her boss say she went into labor during work. And when the doctor asked why she had she told them her story. I had never heard a more tragic story. You all treated her like crap and left her to do this on her own. You all better leave her alone and never bother her again." Sango said before walking off after Kagome.

Miroku and Inuyasha couldn't believe what just happen. Kagome was telling the truth all those years ago and had went through all of that be herself. Then Miroku turned to Inuyasha "Inuyasha no matter what happen you need to tell them we have all talked bad about Kagome over these past few years and she was telling the truth. We own her an apology a real apology."

"I know roku, I know" Inuyasha said pulling out his cell and calling his brother.

Phone call

"What do you want Inuyasha I don't have time for your bull right now."

"Look, tell get dad in your office I am on my away to your office now and I need to speak to the both of you now. It is really important."

"Fine be here in ten minutes, do not keep my waiting."

"Yea, whatever see you in ten minutes."


Ok hey everyone I when I was reading over all of my other stories and I realized that they could use some work so I am rewriting them all. So yea tell me what me what you all think about it.