Subject: The Rocky Horror Vegas Wedding
Date: Thursday, July 27, 2000 10:34 PM

[Note: None of these Characters are mine, all though I wish they were. This is a mainly Rocky Horror Show story with an X-Men reference
and takes place a few days before Brad and Janet arrive at the castle.]
Columbia jumped out of the bed, smashing her shin on a small table nearby.
"Holy Crap, HOLY CRAP!!!!"
She smacked her hands over her mouth and turned around to see if her screaming had awakened Magenta. The frizzy haired domestic still slept comfortably next to Riff-Raff.
Threesomes always wore the brother and sister servants out. Columbia grabbed her Mickey Mouse ears and tip-toed out of the room, pulling the door to behind her. She ran down
the hall, up a flight of stairs, and into the laboratory, were she knew that Frank-n-Furter would be asleep on the floor next to the tank that held his still unliving creation.
She walked into the small curtained off side chamber that Frank had intended as his bridal suite when he brought his creation to life in a few days.
"If anyone marries ya', Frankie, it's gonna be me."
She grabbed a huge, multi-pronged candleabra, walked over to the sleeping Frank, and shook him awake.
"What is it, Columbia?"
She smashed the candleabra down on his skull just hard enough to stun him, then grabbed him under the armpits and dragged him out to the garage, where the jet that she had
convieniantly stolen from the X-Men was waiting. She threw Frank into the cargo hold and headed for Las Vegas.
Frank shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind and his ears of an annoying ringing that reminded him of something. Some Earth gameing machine that he had once played.
It had been called, slot machine. OH NO!!!! He couldn't be in Vegas again, could he? He looked at a man standing in front of him asking him if he wanted someone for his lawfully
wedded groupie.
"I said, do you, Frank-n-Furter, take this..."
"OH whatever. I do, I do.
"Then by the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and obbsessed Teenybopper. You may kiss the Groupie."
Frank turned to his left, where the man was motioning, only to see Columbia standing before him, her lips puckered into an odd, kissy shape.