A/N: Guess you weren't expecting this were you! The very last chapter to the story!

Now I'm guessing of making an Inuyasha story but still thinking, so I'm gonna make this to help it a little.


My House


June 14

Day of The Watanagashi Festival

"Ahh…the wind blowing upon my young skin and weak bones feels a little great" I said as I was looking down at the village. "It certainly is, wanna say hi to your friends?" Tobi asked. "No, I want them to wait for a little longer." I replied.

It's been a long time since the battle. I'm currently 100 years old and it's the 100th anniversary of the Watanagashi Festival. Everyone, my friends, and the family I loved, except my brother, are gone. He came not too long ago, but it wasn't a long visit, for he had to go with his wife to their honeymoon somewhere. Rena didn't love me anymore for reasons too complicated for me to understand. I was fine with that, so I wasn't bothered by it as much. Keiichi married Mion and Shion married Satoshi, so Keiichi was related to Satako. But the fun was gone long before ever since their deaths. I didn't want to go because I had to do something important. And while they were driving to Okinamiya, some drunk driver and child abuser, which I found out, it turned out to be Satako's uncle. I was devastated and the villagers wanted to give him the death penalty. I was his executioner. I could recall the memory as if it was yesterday.


Satako's uncle was strapped onto the table and he couldn't move any of his limbs. He kept struggling and struggling but he gave up. So he awaited his death when I came in, but boy, was he about to have the death of a demon.

"Hello, so to recall, you're the one who drove your car into their cars. Weren't you?" I said making sure that it was him. "No shit! I was the one who ran into them!" he said with an arrogant tone.

"So tell me, do you know the names, Keiichi, Mion, Shion, Satoshi, Satako, Rika, and Rena? Do you?"

"What? My brother's daughter? Sure I know that bitch, what's this got to do with my death penal-"I stabbed him into his right arm and he screamed in agony. "THEY ALL WERE MY FRIENDS AND YOU FUCKING KILLED THEM IN COLD BLOOD!! I'LL BE SURE TO CARRY OUT THEIR WISHES FOR YOUR DEATH!!" I screamed and I took out a hammer and lots of nails. He screamed and struggled to get out. But since his hands weren't moving, I put the first nail in his right hands.

"GYAH!!! STOP IT, IT HURTS!!" He screamed.

"TOO FUCKIN' BAD!" I put several other nails in. I put the nails in both hands and feet. His screaming would've blown my ears out. But his pain subsided and got used to it.

"Grr, this really hurts!" he complained. I took out a knife that Shion had. Rika showed me that world where Shion went insane and killed her friends. That knife I had was the same exact one she had when killing Satako. I stabbed him multiple times on the arms and legs. His screams of torment gave me a wicked smile.

"STOP IT GODDAMN IT, IT HURTS, IT HURTS!!!!" he let out a blood curdling scream of pain that as I saw in his eyes, my eyes turned blood red. I felt the demon in me go wild. And with that, I couldn't control my body. So the demon took possession. He grabbed swords and knives and started stabbing like crazy. In the end, 2 swords was stuck in his chest that looked like an X. and the knives were placed in his heart and the eyeballs were gouged out of his eyes and 2 ruby jewels took place of his eyes.

"Aheheheheh…ahahahahaha…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I laughed evilly and left his body there to rot. The demon in me was talking.

"You know, with that, I'm gonna leave because I can sense your future. Your not gonna kill anymore people so I'll leave this body." Then I took full control of my body and the demons and all other leftover voices were gone. With that, I cleaned off any blood on me and left the place.


"Hmm, I was only 25 that time and I lived without them for 75 years." I thought while looking down the village.

"I can't believe you still look 14 but you lived for 100 years. Kinda strange" Tobi said. It was true, I still look like my teenage self, but I'm old and these old weak bones were to prove. Ever since I turned 100, I felt life fading away ever since. I felt death on my soul and I looked at Tobi.

"Umm, Tobi?"


"Remember what you said to me, that you didn't want to love me anymore?"

"Yes, why?"

"I want to be with you again, ever since then, I wanted to cry, Rena didn't find love in me because she knew about our love, so she broke up with me." I held onto her hand and I felt my soul coming out. "I still and always love you princess; I promised you I'll be with you forever, even with our friends, and I intend to keep it. I'll admit…love is the most complicated of all emotions, but it does leave out the harmful and bad memories. So, Tobi, my princess, would you love me once more? And together, with our friends, we'll be in the realm above, in the land of the morning star?" she had tears and I felt little warmth in her soul. "Yes, I would. Ever since I've died I wanted to stay with you until you die and together we'll be in that realm with our friends." I smiled and fell on the dirt. As I looked at the light that was coming up, I saw all of our friends that's the same age as I met them. They looked at me with a joyous and sincere face. Then there was a person that looked just like me.

"…W-who are you?" I asked weakly.

"I am the lord you know as God. As you know, I already know you resent me for the path I chose for-"

"God, I already know the truth and it took me a lifetime to realize it. The demons of hell, were the one that interfered with the path you chose for me. And please forgive me for my sins. Forgive my hate toward you. All this time, I'm only still a boy who only wanted happiness in my life, I was selfish, but as I came here, I was never selfish, all these people understood my pain and wanted to help. So with that, I helped them back as gratitude. Please Father, my life back then in America was horrible and I barely trusted anyone. But as I came here, I was able to trust again thanks to my friends." We all smiled and I was lifted up from the ground, not with my body, but with my soul.

"I forgive you. Through your life, I saw the good in you and you weren't selfish, you cared for others that were good to you. The times you didn't help, was because of fear of what might happen. But you did lead a good life. You were only 14 and you led volunteers to fight against that poor woman's forces." He said and we flew in the sky. The wind blowing in our faces.

"What do you mean by poor woman? She tried to kill us didn't she?"

"Ever since her parents, who were loving to her, she was sent to a horrible foster family which abused her and the kids. And when she ran away, she went to her grandfather and stayed with him and became her student. During her life, she helped her father with the research that you know as the "Syndrome". She only wanted to see if it was true, but when you intercepted from that happening, she was infected into the L3 part of the syndrome. And you became the guardian of the village." He said and we were now flying with white wings.

"With all of your determination and honor, I want you to make a land like mine. My land does not have the light you talked about. Your land will have that light to smite any demons that tries to take your land or interfere the path you make on someone. I hope you can do this, if not, just please accept every person or angel that want to come in."

"Okay, making the path will be too much of a responsibility to me, so if you can, have someone, who has the same honor and determination as me, take my position."

"Okay, I understand. And if you can, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive your parents."

"Maybe, I hope so too" I said. We landed on the right edge of Heaven.

"You will make your land in your vision, anyone that belongs to heaven, will be part of your land too." He said.

"Not just my vision, our vision." Tobi said. And everyone stepped forward and nodded.

"Okay, well, I got some business to do, so farewell." He flew off and I smiled.

"Well guys, let's create our land in our vision." I said and we cheered and a bridge came in front of us and we created our land. It was just like home, except we put in a few tweaks on it.

Rika didn't want to do that challenge anymore. Even though 2 worlds only passed, she didn't want to do it anymore. With me in it, we all grew happy and all of the people we knew, the people we fought and forgiven, came and rested their souls in our land. I grew the courage to sneak into Hell and got my mother, father, and her boyfriend out of there and forgave them. We all grew happy and all the friends and family we knew, it grew into one big family for us. All this time, all this waiting, was worth the wait and it was a happy time for us. As I looked down to the Earth Hinamizawa, there was a monument to me and my friends. We were in a big circle with one arm outstretched, we were holding a big star with 5 words. Unity, Bravery, Honor, Love, and Friendship. I smiled and joined my friends. I was finally in Paradise. With Tobi, Keiichi, Mion, Shion, Satoshi, Satako, Rika, and Hanyuu. We grew happy and nothing would ever change that, for many years to come. We were in our realm, the land we created. The land of the light and morning star.


*Ending Theme- Send Me An Angel – Scorpions*

Now this is the true ending to The Story Of Rika's Challenge.

Please Review! I'll be glad to accept any suggestions on how to improve my skills on making these stories!

~Cicada Of The Dark –Sacred Hero-