My life had changed so drastically these past months. It had previously been a life of meaningless repetition; Day after day of the same routine without a change. But then I met Edward. My angel.

When his heart beats, it beats in the place of mine. As though my heart died so long ago just for the chance of Edward's heartbeats taking it's place. It's as though I'm almost human just because he is.

He had just walked so willingly into my life, accepting who and what I am, and spun my world around. He came closer to me rather than shying away like the basic human instinct dictates.

"He's coming in exactly 60 seconds." Alice was practically bouncing, her hands twirling the silver-wrapped package. I understood her excitement. I was only keeping my own under control due to Edward's demands.

His eighteenth birthday.

A teenage milestone. One that signified the final passage into adulthood. And one that Edward seemed determined not to celebrate.

I could hear the dull roar of Edward's truck now as it came closer towards the school. The spot that was next to my Volvo was unoccupied just as it was every morning until Edward's horrendous truck filled it. No-one was stupid enough any more to park there and face Alice's vicious glares.

His truck rounded the corner to the car park. I smiled at him, already knowing he couldn't see it. Alice rolled her eyes at my contented expression and continued to bounce on the spot. She was on the point of becoming a blur when Edward pulled in next to us.

"Happy birthday Edward." Alice sang when he got out his truck. He glared at her, green eyes flashing in discontent.

"Shhhh Alice." He hissed at her. Alice scowled at him slightly.

"Do you want your present now or later?" She asked him before letting her eyes defocus as she searched for his answer. "No? Okay later then." She said, tucking the present in her pocket before Edward could even notice it.

"You know, maybe one of these days, it might be fun to let me answer for a change." Edward said, a grin betraying the fake sternness in his voice.

"What's the point in having powers if you don't use them?" Alice asked, with her innocent look that had never fooled anyone.

"What's the point in having a mouth if you don't use it?" Edward countered.

She raised her eyebrows at him and opened her mouth to say something else when I decided it was finally time to intervene between the squabbling friends. I stepped forward and slipped my arms around Edward's neck. I picked up the normal stutter of his heart as he looked at me. It would never cease to amaze me that I was the one to cause this reaction in Edward.

"So, as instructed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday. Is that correct?" I asked.

"That's correct." He said stubbornly. I sighed at his obstinacy.

"What's so bad about a birthday?" Alice asked him as I rested my head on his thrumming chest.

"Getting older." Edward said softly. I looked up at him, not entirely sure whether he meant for me to hear him. That was what was upsetting him? Growing older?

Alice threw me an 'I told you so' look and turned back to Edward.

"You're only eighteen - Still young." She said, spiritedly. "And if you think about it, we're much older. Centuries in fact." She dropped her voice to a mock conspiratorial whisper.

I elbowed her, to which she neatly danced out of the way. She stuck her tongue out at me and continued talking.

"Anyway, what time are you going to be at the house then?" She asked in a businesslike manner.

"I didn't know I was coming." He said honestly. True, I hadn't told him about the party Alice had planned.

You didn't tell him? Urgh!

Alice pouted at him.

"Come on Edward! You can't let us not celebrate!" She complained.

"But I have to work." Edward argued. He was working at Newton's hiking store and, though I couldn't say it, his job did annoy me. Well it wasn't so much his was his co-workers. As soon as he had first started working there, the next person to join the staff was none other than Jessica Stanley. She had been dating the Newton boy, but as soon as that was over she had switched her attention back to Edward.

"No you don't. I spoke to Mrs Newton and she gave you the day off." Alice chirped.

"I have homework." He protested. "Need to watch..Romeo and Juliet!" He said, obviously thinking off the top of his head. I laughed lightly at him, but it was futile to resist Alice's demands. Her face hardened and her eyes narrowed.

"Edward, if you don't agree I will-" She started before I cut her off.

"Alice if Edward wants to watch his movie, he can watch his movie." I said firmly. "Gives you more time to set up for when we arrive. We'll be there at 7." I said aside to Alice. She beamed and then turned on Edward.

"If I 'see' you not watching that film, if I see that that was just an excuse, I will come and grab you myself." She said ominously before walking away to her first class. Edward turned to me in a panic.

"Bella, please! I don't want to celebrate this." He pleaded. I covered his mouth with my small hand.

"Edward, please." I said, holding his gaze. I saw his determination ebb away as I looked. I smiled. "Come on, lets get to class." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me towards the building.

No-one bothered to look at the two of us anymore as we sat in our seats at the back of the classroom. Edward and I had been together long enough now for the gossip to stop.

This school year was the most different to the many thousands I had experienced, thanks to the person sitting next to me. School was actually enjoyable to me now. I enjoyed watching Edward's reactions to the teachers and subjects.

The day passed quickly, and I was soon walking back to Edward's truck with Edward's arm around my waist and Alice dancing ahead of us.

"Seven o'clock, remember" Alice reminded us before she skipped off to take my car back home.

"Do we have to watch Romeo and Juliet?" Edward asked. "I can't stand Romeo!" he almost begged. I rolled my eyes at him.

"For one, I think Alice is serious if we don't watch it and two, I love that film." I said, pouting playfully at him. He sighed and gave up.

"Come on then." He said, pulling me towards his truck. He opened the truck passenger door and I hopped in.

I fiddled with his radio dials in mock hope. I already knew that the thing didn't work, but I needed to play my part in Emmett's plan.

"How can you drive a car without a radio?" I asked, shaking my head. He scowled.

"You want music? Drive your own car." He snapped. I grinned at him. He was rarely sharp with me and it was always amusing when he was.

He parked his truck and I lept out before he stopped the car and was at his door as he got out.

"Show-off" He muttered, making me giggle. He raised an eyebrow and headed to the door.

On the kitchen table was a copy of Romeo and Juliet. He sighed when he saw it.

"Alice." I snickered, picking it up.

"Damn," He whispered, following me through to the living room.

I set it all up for him as he lay back on the sofa, his head at one end and feet at the other. I looked at him disbelievingly, folding my arms and tapping my foot.

"I know it's your birthday, but you can't delegate me to the floor." I complained lightly. He laughed and opened his arms for me. I lay back with him as the opening credits started.

"I never understood the point of this play." He said in a matter of fact voice.

"Why not?" I asked affronted. I loved the story. the romance, heartbreak and tragedy.

"They meet in only a day, decide to get married and then die the next day. Not a very successful relationship if you ask me." He said, exasperatedly. "And Romeo; First he's in love with this Rosalind and then he's at a party and sees another girl who he 'falls in love' with. It's not a love story, it's a lust story."

"You're not much of romantic, are you?" I asked skeptically. He scoffed, shaking his head.

"Of course I am. Just only when the right girl's involved." He said, pressing his lips to my head. I smiled widely, but kept my focus on the film.

My eyes stung with impossible-to-fall tears as Juliet awoke to her dead husband.

"I'll admit, I understand his point of view here." Edward murmured against my hair. "If the love of his life was gone he wouldn't have a reason to live." I stilled at his words, remembering my own plans regarding this subject. He noticed me tense, frowning into my hair.

"What?" He asked, suddenly concerned. I could practically hear the gears in his head working.

"That was...something I considered...when you were...nearly killed." I said slowly. then, feeling I should give him more than that... "I knew my family wouldn't help, so I thought I would seek the help of the Volturi."

He took a few moments while this processed.

"WHAT?!" He shouted. I winced at how loud he was. And the tone of his voice. I turned around to face him.

"You really didn't really expect me to live without you? Did you?" I asked, seriously. He watched me for a few moments, as though checking I meant it.

"Yes!" He said after determining I was serious. The film now forgotten.

"What would you do, if the situation was reversed?" I asked, internally cringing at the thought of his leaving the world.

"That's different." He said shortly. I didn't see any difference.

He stopped, seeming to recall something. "What's 'The Volturi'?" He asked. I could still hear the undercurrent of anger beneath the calm facade.

"The Volturi...are a family. The royal family of the vampire world, I guess you could say. They enforce the rules. They are the most powerful coven ever." I explained. "You remember when I showed you the painting in Carlisle's study? 'The Nighttime Patrons Of The Arts'?" He nodded. "That's them. An ancient Italian coven. You don't anger them, unless you want to die. Or whatever it is that happens to us." I kept my voice calm as I explained.

Across Edward's eyes, a flicker of undisguised horror passed. He cupped my face in his hand as he spoke, very seriously.

"You are not allowed to think that ever again." He said, fiercely. "Even if I was gone, the thought of you no longer existing is too painful."

Did he honestly believe that I would want to carry on without him?

"Well I will never put you in danger again, so this is an unnecessary conversation." I pointed out.

"Put me in danger?" He asked. "I thought the bad luck was my fault."

"Yes, your bad luck to fall in love with a vampire." I said, sadly.

"My good luck she fell in love with me." He said, smiling. I wasn't too sure on the 'good luck'. Edward seemed to attract danger to him.

"So who is this vampire then?" I asked teasingly, trying to forget about the more morbid topics of conversation.

"Oh I think you know her." He said, grinning, before ducking his head to level with mine. I smiled before our lips met.

The fiery warmth of his lips merged into the cold of my own. His hands rose into my hair as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his heart hammering against my own chest as it accelerated.

The paradox of pleasure and agony was my constant enemy. The never-ceasing burn, that was always present, ignited each and every time he kissed me, contrasting almost painfully with the delight that the feeling of his lips pressed to mine.

I had to be the first to break away. I hated to be the one in charge of self-control. I laid my head against his chest, hearing his pulse slow. He chuckled breathlessly.

"I don't think I'll ever get better at this." He murmured. "I think my heart will always try to jump out my chest when you kiss me." I laughed with him.

I heard the sudden roar of tyres as a car rounded the corner and I caught Charlie Swan's thoughts. My eyes widened and I sat up pulling Edward with me.

"Charlie?" He asked. I nodded. He sat with his arm around me as we heard the front door open.


"In here dad." Edward called, getting up to start the dinner for his father. I stood in the back of the kitchen as he moved around the kitchen. The sickening smell circled the room as he cooked.

Charlie had gotten used to the fact that I skipped meals. He never questioned it anymore.

"So, Charlie, do you mind if I borrow Edward for the evening?" I asked sweetly.

"Sure, there's a game on I want to catch." He agreed, nodding. "I won't be much company." Charlie got up and headed to the living room. He stopped and grabbed a small object on the kitchen side. He threw it to Edward and I caught it before it hit the floor. It was a digital camera. I handed it to Edward.

"Nice catch." Charlie appraised before edging to the living room. "You need to take pictures. Renee will want them faster than you can take them." He chuckled before walking away.

I turned back to Edward in time to see him snap a picture of me.

"It works!" He said grinning and slipping the camera into his pocket. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his hand.

"Come on then, let's go." I smiled and walked out the front door.

When we got to the truck, I jumped into the drivers seat. Edward didn't argue, he still couldn't find the turn off to our drive.

I pushed the engine's speed limit as much as it could go. Edward frowned at me.

"Hey, take it easy." He admonished lightly.

"You need a new car." I said, looking away from the road to look at him, still watching the turns and bends from my peripheral vision.

"You're not buying me a car!" He said, reliving the argument we had had halfway through the summer. "And, speaking of money, if you know what's good for you, you won't have spent any money on me today." He threatened.

"Not a dime." I promised. I wasn't sure why Edward was being do funny about my spending money on him. It's not as though we would run out anytime soon, what with Carlisle's job and Alice's predictions on the stock market, but he seemed to tense up whenever I suggested buying him something.

We pulled into the turning for my home. Edward moaned when he saw the lanterns Alice had hung up along the trees edging the long drive. I chuckled.

"Alice will be Alice." I said, trying to, unsuccessfully, conceal my smirk.

"Going to be the death of me." He muttered under his breath. I giggled at him and parked the car, getting out and racing to his side before he could open the door.

Edward got out grudgingly, looking up at the giant house with a slight look of dread. I put my arm around his waist.

"It won't be that bad." I encouraged him. He looked down at me in disbelief. "Come on, Edward. this is the first birthday any of us have had since Emmett in 1935. Go easy on us. Everyone's very excited."

He sighed and nodded. I heard my families thoughts inside the house. Specifically, I heard Rosalie's cynical opinions. Ah. I thought it only fair to warn him.

"And when I say everyone, I mean everyone." I said, quietly. Edward stopped.

"Everyone? What do you mean everyone?" He asked worriedly. "I thought Emmett and Rosalie were in Africa?"

Emmett and Rose had been in Africa...until yesterday. They had returned once Alice had told Emmett about Edward's birthday. He and Edward had been good friends when he was still at Forks high. Emmett was amused by Edward's human antics.

"Alice told Em about your birthday and he had to be here!" I reasoned, trying to convince Edward.

"Rosalie?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. I cringed. True, Rosalie was...difficult...about this whole thing. She still hadn't come round to the fact that Edward was in my life.

"She'll be good. Come on Edward." I pleaded, moving my arms from his waist to wrap around his neck. His emerald eyes looked into my topaz ones. "Please?" I whispered.

"So long as you stay by my side." He said, wrapping his arms around me and burying his head in my hair. I stiffened slightly in response to his scent and relaxed into his arms.

We stood there unmoving until Alice's 'voice' began screaming at me.


I sighed and moved out of Edward's embrace.

"Alice is getting ready to come and drag us in." I muttered. He smiled and started walking toward the large porch, taking my hand in his as he walked.

Edward slipped his other hand in his pocket and pulled out his camera.

"I have a question." He said, his face breaking into a mischievous grin. I eyed him warily.


"If I develop the film, will you show up in the photos?" He asked, impishly.

His question sent ripples of laughter through the house. They had all of course heard his comment. Didn't he realize yet that the myths were just that; myths. But I guess, when you're living in a world of mythological creatures, you tend to forget the line between fact and fiction.

I laughed at his words and opened the door, still chuckling.

A loud 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' was called as we entered from everyone, save Rosalie. Edward's cheeks tinged slightly. I heard Jasper's hand clamp on the banister as he controlled his thirst. I eyed him carefully and he smiled apologetically, but opened his eyes wide to show the golden eyes of a well fed vampire.

I looked around the room and rolled my eyes. There was a large chocolate cake on top of my piano with a pile of glass plates. Pointless if only one of us was eating.

Alice had decorated the room with multicoloured streamers and balloons. I could tell from Edward's face that he thought it was too much for him.

Esme walked over at a human speed to give Edward a hug. She so enjoyed spending time with her new son.

"Happy seventeenth Edward." She said. "We couldn't rein in Alice." She whispered conspiratorially into his ear.

"Hey!" Alice replied indignantly. Jasper laughed lightly at her and wrapped her in his arms.

Emmett waved from where Rosalie was making him stay by her side.

"Hey Edward!" He hasn't changed much; bit taller, hair longer, happier.

Emmett noted every possible difference in Edward. It was entertaining for him to be around someone who could change

"Hey Emmett!" Edward called back. It never cease to amaze me that Edward, normally unsure around people of his own species, was perfectly at home in a house of vampires.

Alice took the camera from Edward's hands and started to snap photos of everyone. She took a few of me standing in Edward's arms and of the rest of the family, though I noticed she focused more on Edward and I.

"Presents!" Alice sang, pirouetting out of Jasper's arms toward the pile of gifts that was stacked next to the cake.

Edward rolled his eyes and held out his hand for a gift. He missed Emmett running out the door.

Alice handed him a large box. I held in my laugh as I read in Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper's minds what was in it or rather, wasn't.

Edward unwrapped the paper and opened the box. A crease appeared in his forehead as he looked inside the box, confused. Tipping it upside down, he looked around at everyone.

"Um..thanks?" He asked, gesturing to the empty box. They all laughed, even Rosalie cracked a smile.

"It's a radio for your car." Jasper called from the stairs. Emmett's installing it right now so you can't return it."

"Thanks everyone. THANKS EMMETT!" He called so Emmett could hear him too. There was no need, Emmett could hear him loud and clear already. Emmett's booming laugh echoed in from the front yard.

"Open mine!" Alice almost squealed. I winced at the volume she reached. She passed another rectangular, silver-wrapped parcel to him.

"Alice, I told you I didn't want too many presents-"

"And I didn't listen!" She declared happily and pressed the package into his hands.

He opened it to reveal an empty photo-frame. He looked at Alice questioningly.

"It's to put the photo in when it develops." Alice said as an answer. He still looked at her. "You'll know which one!"

"Thanks Alice." He said, giving her a hug. She grinned widely. She loved the fact that Edward could touch her without flinching or shying away.

"This is mine and Esme's" Carlisle said, stepping forward with the thin box containing the plane tickets to Florida.

I stepped away from Edward to take the camera from Alice. I saw her eyes un-focus and a look of horror pass into them. I didn't get a chance to look at her vision before she came back.

"Edward." She whispered. I turned back to Edward and my eyes widened.

A wave of the most delectable scent washed over me. I opened my mouth and let the taste of the air rest on my tongue. The flavour that I had only tasted once and had been denied ever since that one time. In that second, I was more a monster than a person.

I heard the growl that came from my chest. And I heard the snarl that ripped from Jasper's. My eyes zoned in on the drop of scarlet across the room.

My legs tensed to jump.