E/O Challenge: Fade
Word Count: 100 in each of 4 unrelated chapters.
Happy Birthday Indigo Night! Some Sam centric drabbles just for you.
Players: almost everyone by now. We have a C2 - join!

"You are the most arrogant sonofabitch I've ever met."

"Bullshit, Sammy. Your Ethics Professor was way worse."

"It's Sam! You don't give me orders."

"Quit moving. Sometimes I have to. Orders areā€¦"

"Oh, yeah, Dad's orders. Dad's training. I was free of that for four years. I'm not going back."

"That's how long it's gonna take this scar to fade."

"It's gonna scar?"

"Pretty sure."

"Make your stitches smaller."

"Now who's giving the orders, College Boy? If you'd dropped when I yelled, I wouldn't be sewing your ugly butt."

"OK. Sorry, Dean. But it's not ugly."

"It is from here."

Please read Chapter 2.