A/N I know... I'm really late in posting this. Forgive me? Please I've just been having so bad moods lately and having felt like doing this... Sorry

blueball- Sasori and Kisame

the-sirens-song- Deidara

We don't own them.

Chapter 20


Deidara looked at the, now cold, untouched pancakes. "Damnit yeah...!" A sharp crack was heard as the blond's head made contacted with the wood.

Kisame, who'd appeared in the doorway, raised a brow at his friend's behavior. "What's up with you, kid?"

The vampire whipped around in his chair, but sighed when he saw Kisame. He looked down at the floor. "I think I screwed up, yeah..."

Moving over to the table, Kisame sat down and motioned for Deidara to do the same. "Do tell." He said, as he sent a glare in Tobi's direction, who'd been playing with an egg he'd lost on the floor. The boy, immediately feeling the glare in the back of his head, stood and skipped out.

Deidara slipped into the seat across the table from Kisame. "Well... I wanted Sasori to go shopping with Konan and Tobi for a bit because I had something that I really wanted to do for him, un. But I pressed the issue to much, and now he thinks that I hate him or something, yeah..."

The bluenette nodded slightly, understanding both sides of the matter as Pein already had told them all about the redheaded halfbreed. "Well, Sasori has spent most of his life alone, or in Orochimaru's hands, so he probably wasn't used to the way you spoke to him; up till now, you've been quite lovey dovey, and you haven't been separated once, right? He probably doesn't understand that it's alright to be away from you time to time. You, however, I don't understand; it's in situations as these that you're supposed to follow him and explain the best you can without telling him anything about what you're planning."

"But how? What do I tell him?" Deidara asked, hopelessly lost, he never was good at dealing with others when it came to this kind of thing.

"Tell him what you feel; that you want to be with him, but that he needs to be with others too, that you have something you need to do."

The, now some-what cheerful, blond leaped to his feet and wrapped his arms around Kisame in a rough huge, "Thanks Kisame, un." He shouted before taking off down the hall Sasori had run off to.

The fish-like vampire smiled lightly and watched as the blond ran out of the room. He shook his head slightly before he stole one of the pancakes and left as well.

The redheaded halfbreed was currently outside, wandering in the forest and kicking the trees sometimes.

Deidara pushed the door open to the outside world and started walking towards the green forest that surrounded the fragile looking house. About five minutes into it, he spotted a patch of red. The blond sneaked up behind his and wrapped his arms around the other, "Sasori?"

The redhead gasped in surprise when two arms suddenly wrapped around him, but automatically relaxed when he heard Deidara's voice. "What?" He asked, not turning around.

"I'm sorry, yeah." He sighed, "I hope I didn't sound like I wanted you to go away. But, Danna, it's alright to not be around me 24/7, you need to socialize. It's good for you, I promise, yeah."

It was… good for him? It sure as hell didn't feel as if it would be good. "But…" Sasori cut himself off, he hadn't known what to say anyway; he couldn't tell the blond that he was scared; he didn't trust anyone except for Deidara. No one had ever treated him like the blond had, and he had never been… wandering along with people he didn't know.


He clenched his teeth together, feeling a little bit ashamed of himself. "I'm... scared." Sasori muttered silently, looking down at the green ground surrounding his feet, "when you're not around, I'm afraid."

"I don't know what's what, who I can trust, follow... I don't even know what shopping is."

The older man sat down with his red-haired lover in his lap, his long fingers gently playing with his hair. "But you don't have to be, yeah. You can be your own person now, yeah." He paused with his taking and stroking, "You don't trust Konan, un?"

There was no way he couldn't relax in the blond's hold, so Sasori made himself quite comfortable before he turned his head slightly to look at the other. It was true… he was free, but it was hard to believe that he really was, especially since it wasn't that long since he'd last seen the snake. He shook his head at the question about Konan. "She's nice and all… but I don't want to trust anyone before I get to know them thoroughly."

Deidara shrugged and continued his soft touching. "That makes sense, yeah. But, Danna, I really need you go shopping, but I don't have time to take you, yeah..." He paused, "I suppose I should explain it a bit though, right?"

Sasori nodded slightly to both things, keeping silent.

"Shopping is just were you go to a store were they have stuff you want or need, and you buy it. It's as simple as that, yeah."

"Oh..." He turned slightly to look at the older, making a mental note to remember what shopping was.

The blond stopped his hand and wrapped it around the other's waist. "Will you go?"

He gave a slight nod, sighing. How could he ever say no?

Deidara's eyes closed and he kissed the top of the redheads head. "Thank you, yeah."

Smiling lightly, Sasori closed his eyes.

Sighing, the vampire opened his eyes. "Guess we just have to go ask Konan, yeah..."

He nodded once before he stood from the other's lap.

A/N There you go. Did you like? I hope so. Sorry it was so short, but I'll upload again soon. So Please Review. I'll love you forever! (and who knows it might make them come out faster w)