Chapter 1
She sat in the shadows of the room, her head lowered where they could not see the anger in her eyes. Kagome sat in the corner, her fist clenched as she thought about the horrid event she had just witnessed. Inuyasha will regret this dearly.
How could he do this to her?! After all the things she did, all the things she sacrificed! How could he be with her again! That rotting clay pot of a woman! Can she even feel anything?!
Kagome would definitely get her revenge, but for now she will stay at the sidelines until she has the perfect opportunity to get it.
Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all stared at their friend worriedly. She had returned, once again, not speaking. What the hell did Inuyasha do this time was all that was going through their heads. For ten minutes they all sat in silent, to afraid to say anything to her, until someone finally gathered up the courage.
"Kagome?" Sango said in the same sweet voice we have all learned to love."
Kagome said nothing. She stared at the floor, her anger rising as the thoughts of that dead bitch and Inuyasha ran through her mind.
Sango looked to Miroku who just shook his head. Shippo crawled up to her, setting his hands on her knees, and trying to get a look at her face, but her bangs prevented it completely.
"Kagome, what's wrong?" Shippo asked looking up to the woman he felt was more of a mother then anything with a worried look on his face.
"Inuyasha…" Kagome said in a hiss as if she was no longer herself, but another person that felt nothing but pain and the urge to kill.
Kagome's tone sent shivers down all of their spines. She sounded so evil, so dark. Sango took in a deep breath and held it for a moment. She let it go when Kagome looked up. Her eyes were blank. She felt nothing anymore. Kagome's gaze shifted to the door. As if on cue, Inuyasha walked into the hut. He sat down against the wall as if nothing happened.
"Where were you Inuyasha?" Kagome said, her voice seeming to be even darker than before.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" Inuyasha asked as he looked to her with an eyebrow raised.
Kagome stood up and stared at him, her eyes filled with complete anger and hatred. Inuyasha looked up at her as she stepped toward him. She dropped down, still standing, but kneeling down in front of him.
"I asked where you were. Are you going to answer?" She said.
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo all backed up into the other wall. Inuyasha's eyes stayed on Kagome as she tilted her head to the side, her anger rising, though it didn't show on her face. Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall his arms folded into the sleeves of his kimono.
"So, you aren't going to answer?" She smirked, "Alright then. I'll be back after a while."
Kagome stood up fully, her gaze turning to the others as she grabbed her bow and arrow and walked out of the room and left.
"That was scary." Shippo said trembling.
"What the hell is your problem!?" Sango yelled to Inuyasha.
She leaned over to him. She clenched her fist as if she was ready to knock him out. Inuyasha stared at her as if he had done nothing wrong. Before she had a chance to say something else, Miroku pulled her back and away from the asshole.
"I didn't do anything." Inuyasha said frankly looking away from the three.
"Oh whatever you asshole! Kagome saw you with that bitch. She knows what you have been doing with her and let me tell you it's revolting." Miroku told him.
"You better watch the way you talk about Kikyou!" Inuyasha yelled, shocking everyone.
"So that was it…" Miroku said, "And I was just taking a wild guess."
"Inuyasha you are so pathetic!" Shippo said.
"What are you going to do if one day she decides she doesn't want to be with you anymore?! Did you ever think of that?!" Sango's voice bothered his hearing.
"What are you talking about?" he asked narrowing his eyes at them.
"She is not going to be around forever like we all want her to, if you keep treating her as if she doesn't exist. And HONESTLY, with the way she was talking now, I wouldn't be astounded if she never came back." Sango said.
"And trust me Inuyasha, if Kagome does not return to us as she always does…" Miroku said taking a deep breath in, "I will no longer travel with you."
"What?" Inuyasha yelled astonished at his remark.
"What? Do you expect us to stay around to be treated like shit once she does leave?" Shippo said amazing everyone, "I definitely am not! I would rather face Naraku all alone and die doing it in that one moment, then deal with you for one second with the idea on my mind that Kagome isn't coming back!"
"I don't…. think anyone could have said that better Shippo." Sango said, turning to Inuyasha, "As you can see you fucking mutt, none of us will be staying if you continue to treat the poor girl that way."
"And one question, Inuyasha." Miroku stepped toward him, "Do you even think you will have the power to do anything on your own if you do lose her? I mean, we have all seen how you can't fight as well when she has gone back to her time. What is going to happen when not only is she no longer with you, but NEVER returning?"
Inuyasha looked to the floor somewhat saddened and worried about what they were saying to him. He had never thought of Kagome just leaving. All he ever thought would happen was maybe her getting mad at him for being with Kikyou, again, and forgiving him after a day or two. It was always what they had done. Will she ever actually leave him?
Kagome walked through the forest, her fist tight, and her eyes narrowed as she tried to control the anger that was increasing with every step. She stopped in a small clearing and stared to the floor. She couldn't stand that bitch! Why does she always have to be around when things are getting better! Why is she still living!
"She is living because I allow her to live. The souls that she lives on all be long to others, but what Kaede has told me… The one that will always keep her alive IS MINE!!!" Her voice echoed through the trees, birds flew off as the vibrations were sent through the forest.
Suddenly, to her right, she heard a hard cough. She turned around quickly looking around for what had made the startling noise. Around a tree she could see something white sitting there on the floor.
"Who's there?" she said quietly to scared to say it louder. She walked up a bit closer and on the other side she saw a large goblin looking demon, standing over someone. She saw the demon raise its arm and claw at the back of the person sitting down on the floor. He began bleeding.
She glared at the demon and quickly pulled her bow from her back, notched an arrow, and fired at the demon. The arrow flew toward the demon, it now surrounded in the light blue aura, it flew through the demon and it vanished from sight.
Kagome's eyes were wide as she looked down at the bow in her hands. What had just happened? The person on the floor began moving, sitting up and leaning up against a tree. She looked to him out of the corner of her eye and was stunned to see Inuyasha's brother sitting right there.
"Sesshomaru?" she said creeping over to him, "Is that you?"
"What the hell are you doing here?" He said, his eyes closed as she stepped closer to him.
"You're hurt." She said worriedly as she kneeled by his side. She set her hands on his shoulders. He hissed at her and pulled away from her only to fall onto his side.
"See! Don't fight it!" she pulled him back up, "You are hurt and why don't you just accept some help for the first time in your life!"
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME IN THAT MANNER!" Sesshomaru yelled out her as a sharp pain hit his arm. He grabbed a large wound that was on his arm and still bleeding.
"Are you going to accept my help or not?!" She yelled.
"I accept nothing from a human." He turned away.
"You know what?" she hissed through her teeth. She reached out and grabbed him by his hair forcing him to look toward her. "Due to the fact that you are fucking hurt, you can't really fight back, can you? I am not in the mood for any bullshit. When I offer some help I suggest you take it."
"Let go of me!" he demanded.
"I just saved your ass from a pathetic ass demon that was going to kill you and you show no gratitude at all. Just wait till the world knows that the great Sesshomaru was saved by a human and not only that, but was saved from a weak ass demon." She let go of his hair.
"If you say anything…" he threatened.
"You'll what?" she said turning to him, "By the time you have the strength to come after me I will be long gone. Either that or I can stay here and help you."
He said nothing. She stared at him, her arms crossed and her back against a tree. Quickly, she notched another arrow into her bow as if she sensed something coming. She aimed right passed Sesshomaru's head and let the arrow fly. It was once again surrounded by a blue light and flew passed Sesshomaru's head and into the stomach of a demon that was right behind him, causing the demon to disintegrate completely.
"You didn't even sense it did you?" she said. "You can't sense anything right now. The pain you feel has dulled your senses."
"Is there a point you are trying to prove?" he asked.
"Just that at times, even the great Sesshomaru needs help." She said kneeling down by him and ran her fingers through his hair.
He stared at her. He was very confused, though he did not show it. Why is she helping him and why the hell was she running her fingers through his hair. He rolled over onto all fours and struggled to his feet. She helped him stand, but pain shot through his entire body and he fell forward. She caught him, but struggled to stand. They fell. She was not strong enough to hold him up and fell back and he forward onto her.
"Why do you want to help me?" he asked her.
"Because everyone needs a little help." She answered.
"But after all that I have done. I attack your precious Inuyasha all the time and it's not like I haven't attacked you at all."
"He is not mine. He belongs to that clay pot of a priestess." She spit out in complete disgust, "I hate him. I am tired of being treated like shit because I look like that dead bitch!"
"Well then." He said a smirk across his lips.
"What?" she asked.
"You are certainly an interesting girl." He said.
"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment, so considering your current condition it better have been a compliment."
"Why don't you come traveling with me?" he asked.
"What!" she said in shock at his sudden offer.
"You would be safer, I wouldn't compare you to anyone, and you won't have to deal with the continuous heartbreak that my brother has obviously made you feel."
"Sure." She said quickly and without thought.
"That easy, huh?"
"Yes. That easy."
"My brother is such a fool." He said, "But before you have decided make sure you know that if you join me you are mine. You are mine and only mine. You will do as I say."
"Fine." She said still not thinking clearly.
"You are one interesting woman." He said.
"You said that already."
"And it's obvious I meant it. Why did you agree to join me so quickly?"
"My only interest is to make Inuyasha suffer and since you have pretty much given me the perfect way to do it, I am taking my chance."
"Alright then. Are you going to warn anyone? Do you have anything you might want to get?"
"Yea." She smirked, "Why don't you come with me?"
He nodded to her with a smirk on his face. She was a devious one. They walked toward the village and stopped at the edge of the forest. Kagome stood there staring at the hut her friends were in.
"Why the fuck is Kikyou there?!" she said stomping forward, "I'll signal you!"
Sesshomaru leaned up against a tree out of the sight of anyone, but still able to see her. She made her way up to Inuyasha and the rest of the group.
"So why the fuck is this bitch here?" Kagome asked not even saying hi to anyone.
"I'm joining your group. Deal with it or leave."
"OKAY!" Kagome said excitedly, "You guys made this easier for me."
Kagome walked into the hut and picked up her bag. She left the others completely confused. Kikyou seemed frustrated at not making Kagome as mad as she hoped. Once Kagome exited the hut she waved to the forest. Everyone looked in that direction to see Sesshomaru emerge from the shadows.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Inuyasha asked.
"I'm joining him! Deal with it!" Kagome said walking out to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru couldn't help, but be completely entertained at what his stupid brother had just done. Kagome stopped and stood by Sesshomaru's side. She looked back to the group with a smile on her face.
"What do you mean you are joining him Kagome?" Sango asked.
"Well from what I just heard, my choices were to deal with Kikyou or leave. I choose to leave." Kagome told him with no problem or hesitation.
"Kagome what's the matter with you?" Sango asked, "I have never seen you so…"
"Not yourself." Miroku said, "Before you left you seemed completely evil and now you are joining Sesshomaru?"
"What happened Kagome?" Shippo asked.
"Why don't you ask Inuyasha what happened?" she said looking up to the pathetic prick.
"I don't know what you are even talking about wench!" Inuyasha said.
"SIT!" Kagome yelled making Inuyasha fall to the floor face first.
"What the hell did you do that for?!" Kikyou yelled.
"I did it cause I fucking felt like it! Got a problem?"
"Yes I do you stupid bitch! Its you!"
Kikyou suddenly charged at Kagome, pulling a small dagger from her sleeve. Kagome smirked when she saw this. It was the same dagger she had put to Inuyasha's neck a while back when she caught them in the forest.
Quickly thinking, and not thinking at the same time, Kagome grabbed onto Sesshomaru's Tokijin and pulled it from its sheath. She swung her arm up and around trying to bring it down on Kikyou's head, but she moved it to the side.
"Why are you running bitch? You seemed so confident before?"
"STOP THIS!" Sango said about to run in between Kagome and Kikyou, but was held back by Miroku.
"Don't get in the middle of it!" Miroku said as he turned to Inuyasha, "INUYAHSA IF KIKYOU JOINS US SANGO AND I WILL LEAVE!"
"I don't know why you would do that! I still will not return!" Kagome said charging once more at Kikyou, "I am killing this bitch tonight!"
"Oh no you won't!" Kikyou yelled as she dodged yet another attack from Kagome.
As Kikyou dodged this second attack she tossed her dagger straightforward into the gut of Kagome. Unfortunately, Kagome did not have enough time to counter this and it pierced her skin going deep into her stomach. Kagome winced and fell to her knees, pulling out the dagger.
"Well done bitch…" Kagome said tossing the dagger as far in the other direction as she could, "But what are you going to defend yourself with now?"
Kikyou's eyes widened when she realized that she had thrown her only weapon away. Kagome charged her once more, lifting the sword above her head. Once she had gotten into range Kagome swung the sword over and down at Kikyou, but once again she moved away. She did dodge this attack, but not quickly enough to not be harmed.
Kagome had scratched Kikyou's arm all the way from her shoulder to her elbow and caused the souls within Kikyou to begin floating away. Kagome smiled and lifted the sword as much as she could.
"I can't believe I let you live as long as you have…" Kagome said, "I could have killed you at any second Kikyou… And I know you know this."
"What are you talking about Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.
"With one word or even a thought, I could have ripped the soul that is truly keeping you alive away and you would have died."
"I know this you stupid woman." Kikyou said standing up and holding her arm, "Why didn't you?"
"I'm not a bitch…" Kagome said charging at her once more, "AND I WOULD RATHER KILL YOU THIS WAY!"
Kagome swung the sword down toward Kikyou's neck, but out of nowhere the sword was thrown from her grasp. She looked over to Inuyasha and saw that he had thrown the Tetsusaiga.
"Still protecting the dead bitch, huh?" Kagome asked.
"You keep your wretched hands off of her!" Inuyasha said charging at Kagome.
Kagome's eyes widened as she saw this. Inuyasha got ready to punch Kagome away from Kikyou, so Kagome closed her eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw Sesshomaru standing there. He had caught Inuyasha's punch and saved her from him.
"Thank you Sesshomaru." Kagome said.
"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said pushing him off, "The same way you would not allow your friends to get in our fight I will not allow you to get in theirs. Keep away or I will kill her myself."
"Damn you Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha yelled.
"He's right Inuyasha…" Miroku told him, "This is their fight."
Inuyasha and the rest stepped away and looked to the girls. Kikyou had stood up and was facing Kagome. Kagome raised the sword and waited for Kikyou to do something.
"How is this fair?" Inuyasha said.
"It is not my fault she threw away her only weapon Inuyasha." Kagome said as she charged at Kikyou once more. This time Kagome swung the sword around and aimed for Kikyou's stomach. Kikyou backed up a bit attempting to avoid the attack, but it slit her stomach open.
"Not very good at this are you?" Kagome said.
"As if you would be if you didn't have that fucking sword!" Kikyou told her as she kneeled down and held her stomach.
"Fine." Kagome said walking over to Sesshomaru and handing him the sword, "I will fight you without it."
"Kikyou are you sure you want to do this?" Inuyasha asked.
Kikyou nodded and struggled to stand up. Once she was she was ready to fight. Kagome charged at Kikyou and sent a very tight fist into her stomach. Kikyou moved to the side and forced her elbow down on Kagome's back. Kagome was hit and sent to the floor.
"Nice." Kagome said as she shifted her weight and, while she was on the floor, swung her leg around and tripped Kikyou causing her to fall as well.
"Die you little bitch." Kagome yelled as she rolled over and on top of Kikyou. She held Kikyou down by her neck and began hitting her in the face over and over again. After a while Kikyou finally got Kagome off of her and kicked her in the stomach as hard as possible.
The fight seemed to go on for hours and with every move Kagome made, Sesshomaru became impressed with her. Some of the moves he had never seen before. Inuyasha and the rest knew what the moves were. Kagome had been training in her own time and came back here to use her knowledge to defeat demons. They never thought they would see her use it on Kikyou.
Kagome and Kikyou were both fucked up and very tired, but refused to give up. They wanted each other dead. Kagome charged and Kikyou as Kikyou charged at Kagome. This was the final blow.
"DIE!" Kikyou yelled as they both sent their fist to the others head. They collided. Kikyou and Kagome had hit each other straight on and knocked each other out.
Kagome lay there with a wound to her stomach, a broken arm, and a few bruised ribs. Kikyou lay there with a large gash on her stomach and shoulder, three broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a broken leg.
Sango and Miroku stared at the sight in horror as both women fell to the floor and stopped moving. Shippo had been ordered to go inside with Kaede and stayed there.
Sesshomaru made his way over to Kagome's side. He knelt down by in unconscious girl and turned to his brother. Inuyasha stood there looking at the floor completely ashamed of what he had just witnessed.
"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru called out his name making him look up to him, "I hope you are happy with what you caused these girls to do. Both foolishly cared for you and were willing to fight to the death because of it."
"Shut up." Inuyasha said.
"No, you listen to him!" Sango yelled smacking Inuyasha harder then she would have ever smacked Miroku, "You listen to him! You have constantly caused Kagome so much pain that she couldn't handle it! NOW LOOK AT HER!"
"She went from that sweet innocent girl to one out for blood!" Miroku said pulling Sango into his arms, "I never thought that I would see her like this. NEVER!"
"Inuyasha you are a disgrace." Sesshomaru said as Ah Un landed next to him, "You deserve neither of these women. Pathetic…"
Sesshomaru picked Kagome up and set her down on AhUn. Sango and Miroku walked over to him and looked at Kagome with tears in both of her eyes.
"Please take care of her Sesshomaru…" Sango asked him, "I know you hate humans, but Kagome is a lot different then most. I beg you… Take care of her, unlike Inuyasha."
"Come Sango… Let's gather our things." Miroku said pulling Sango away from the horrid sight of their friend. Kagome looked like she had been mauled by a heard of demons.
Sesshomaru turned away from Kagome's friends and took flight. He looked to Kagome who was still passed out on AhUn's back. He had no idea her little body could hold so much. Not only was she holding emotional pain, but also the physical pain that she had just endured was beyond him.
He looked down to the wound on his chest that she had forgotten to mend. He sighed as he continued to lose blood. He sat down on AhUn's back and looked at him.
"I think I might need to ride you for the first time in years old friend." Sesshomaru said. AhUn just nodded in complete approval and flew off to the west.
Well HOW WAS THAT! I loved that damn chapter!
I don't think any of my others will be that long though… Lol.