Hey everyone!

I've finally managed to get this chapter out after such a long time. I hope you haven't given up on this story because I certainly haven't :D. I'm just having some major writers block and hopefully the next chapter will come to me quicker then this one did.

Here's the next chapter

Your Decision is Final

We Apparated outside of Hogwarts' front gate and moments later, the Order members began arriving.

"Where's Bella?" I asked the werewolf that I knew to be somewhat close to Bella.

"On her way," he answered, eyeing me cautiously. He seems to be good for her but I wonder if James or Lily, or even Sirius would have approved.

Sure enough, Bella suddenly appeared not meters from us and I quickly walked forward to wrap my arms around her waist and press my lips to her forehead, choosing to ignore the werewolf's thoughts.

"Are you all alright?" Bella asked me softly.

"We're fine," I answered honestly before scrutinizing her. "Are you?"

She smiled at me, "I'm fine."

I instantly felt myself relax slightly.

"Bella," the werewolf, Lupin, spoke up.

"Yeah?" Bella asked as she turned to face him.

"We need to get inside before Voldemort arrives," Lupin spoke quickly. "We need to find Snape."

Bella nodded in agreement next to me, "Let's go."

Quickly, we walked up Hogwarts' front steps in search of all the students and teachers.

"Everyone is having dinner," Alice stated so that only the vampires among us could hear.

"We need to warn them," Bella stated.

Jasper nodded in front of us, "Some people will be willing to help and we may need the numbers."

I could see the plans and strategic movements from years in an army running through his mind and knew that he'd stay that way until the battle was over.

Beside me, Bella nodded, "But not all of them will be willing. Some will fight strongly against us."

That they will," Alice murmured softly from beside Jasper but as I tried to discover what she'd meant, I found her mind blocked almost completely.

We walked quickly through the Entrance Hall and towards the closed doors of the Great Hall as I moved forward to push them open. As the doors opened with a resounding 'bang', the order members flooded the Hall and lined the walls.

Not just for those trying to enter, Jasper's mind told me. Also, to stop those who wish to escape from doing so.

At the Head Table, Snape stood up to greet us all with a sneer across his face, "Swan. I sincerely hope there is a reason as to why you stand before me after your so called disappearance."

"Oh, there is," Bella's voice echoed around the Great Hall. "I am here because you have called Voldemort here."

Several people gasped while others looked terrified and I had to struggle to block out all the thoughts.

Snape seemed to change colour before my eyes, "You dare to accus-"

"I do," Bella cut in before turning to face the rest of the hall. "Today, Voldemort is coming to take Hogwarts. You do not have to fight if you do not want to. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley will help anyone who does not wish to stay leave the grounds. If you wish to stay, be warned, this will not be a pleasant experience. If the Death Eaters get the chance to kill you, they will."

I watched that information sink into the students' minds before I noticed that Bella's eyes were focused on a certain blonde at the Slytherin table.

"To those of you who wish to stay but join Voldemort's ranks, be warned that we will not hesitate to kill you," she stated strongly. "You decision is final. Choose well for it could very well mean your lose in this war."

Bella didn't take her eyes of the boy I'd seen torment her many a times and knew that Bella would save anyone if given the chance, even Malfoy.

Finally, when she looked away, it was to address Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, "You don't mind, do you?"

They both smiled at her, "Of course not, dear."

As I witnessed Bella watch them leave the hall, I placed a hand upon her shoulder, "Many will stay. But many will not join us."

Bella nodded almost sadly as she glanced back at the Slytherin table, "I had expected as much."

"Bella," Alice's voice abruptly spoke up, startling both of us. "We must hurry. It will not be long before Voldemort and his Death Eaters shall arrive."

Bella nodded at Alice before turning to face a dark skinned Auror next to us, "Can you handle those who wish to stay and fight?"

The man nodded, "I can."

"Then we must go," Bella stated as our family turned towards the Great Hall doors.

"Swan," a voice halted our movements.

"What do you want Snape?" Bella demanded after everyone had turned to stare at said man.

"You can not just barge in here and-" he began but never did get to finish what he wanted to say.

"Actually," an unknown voice spoke from the doors into the Great Hall, affectively cutting him off. "She can and we're going to help her do so."

I know it's short but I wanted to leave it at that.

Thanks for reading and remember to check out my blog which I posted in last chapter's authors note.


Twilight lover