AN: I know, BAD author! Bad! My life has gone to hell, hence the lateness of all updates =( So sorry guys! But, here it is, the final chapter! I'm so going to miss this! Enjoy =)

Chapter Thirteen

Hermione sighed as she stared out of the window. Her head rested heavily on her hand as she leant on the window sill. A deep sadness echoed through her body. Yesterday had been a cheerful, although saddening day as Arthur and Guinevere were wed, Arthur proclaimed king and their dead buried. She smiled at the memory briefly, before another sigh escaped her lips. She was going home today.

A nock sounded at her door, and she gave permission to enter, still staring out of the heavily built window. It was most likely someone to alert her to breakfast.

"Ah, Lady Hermione?" A deep voice caught her off guard, and she turned in shock to see Galahad standing awkwardly in the door way.

"Galahad!" She exclaimed, standing suddenly, her hands fidgeting in front of her. "Err, hello…" She cleared her throat.

He half smiled at her, watching as her cheeks flushed. "How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice sounding so small to his own ears.

She smiled sadly. "I'm… fine." She said. "How… how are you?" She asked tentatively. The two of them had barely spoken since the battle. Their moment of passion not forgotten, yet undermined by the mere fact that Hermione did not belong in this time.

"About the same," He chuckled sightly, stepping closer. "I was wondering if we could… Well, if you'd like to, that is, would you like to take a walk." Galahad felt as though he could slap himself. He was far too nervous and sounded like an imbecile.

Hermione smiled. "Of course, that would be lovely." She agreed, pushing her unruly hair out of her face as she snatched up a cloak.

She followed him in silence, eyes on the ground. She was afraid to look at him – she was afraid of what she might feel if she did. He was just so – well, he was amazing, and Hermione was about to leave him behind. As they reached a courtyard, empty and dreary looking, Galahad stopped to face her, taking her hands in his, he led her to a nearby bench, where she sat.

Still holding her hands, he looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "I just – I just wanted to say goodbye. They tell me you're going back to your time, and I, well I don't really want you to leave… but it is what you must do…" He broke eye contact, his heart pounding in his chest. He had certainly never done this before.

Hermione stood, straining to find his eyes. "Galahad, I…" She began, but suddenly stopped. What was she really supposed to say? She had no idea – and that was a real first for Hermione Granger! She cleared her throat. "I'm glad you came – to say goodbye that is." She smiled half-heartedly.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Well, I wish you the very best, Lady Hermione." He said, before grazing his lips across her knuckles with a formal bow. "Be safe."

"And the same to you, Sir Galahad." She said, sadly, sitting heavily back on the bench as she watched him walk away. Once Galahad was out of sight, the tears broke through and she found herself staring after him with regret and a deep longing.

~ The Legendary ~

"GALAHAD!" Bors roared, mug of ale in hand, as he placed a heavy arm around his fellow Knight's shoulder. "You look terrible, my friend!" He chuckled, handing him some ale.

Galahad grimaced. "You always know how to flatter me!" He chuckled, gulping down his beverage.

Gawain strode up to him, grasping his hand tightly. "What's on your mind, brother?" He enquired, although he already knew the answer.

"I'm fine, Gawain, honestly. But I do believe you owe me a drink." He said, slumping down on a seat. Gawain agreed, signalling the barman for another drink. It was brought over in a timely fashion, and Galahad began to consume it immediately. He sat back, closing his eyes as he felt Gawain plop down next to him.

Gawain sighed. "You're a stubborn arse, you know that right?" Galahad looked at him through narrowed eyes. "When does she leave?"

Galahad sat back up, "Midday." He stated, taking another swig.

"Ah, I see. So that leaves you an hour? Why are you not with her?"

Galahad sighed, shaking his head. "I've said my goodbyes. Why should I draw it out?" Bors and Dagonet, overhearing the conversation, joined the two at the table.

"Who said it had to be goodbye?" Dagonet, usually quiet, suggested. Galahad rolled his eyes. "Clearly, you love her, so why do you have to say goodbye? Nobody said you couldn't go with her." The other three were looking at their tall companion in shock at his sensitive words.

Bors cleared his throat, "Don't be a fool. Tell the woman how you feel!" He said, gulping down his own drink.

Galahad looked at them all, bewildered. "Since when did you lot start giving love advice?"

Gawain chuckled. "Too much time with that bloody Lancelot – God rest his soul." He muttered and they all chuckled.

Galahad rubbed his forhead tiredly. "I don't belong in her world, nor does she belong in this world. What am I to do about that?" He frowned, staring into the fizzing ale.

Bors grunted. "How would you know? You're retired now, you're going to need something to do with your sad, sappy self. Why not go on another adventure? You do have the perfect reason!"

Galahad smiled. "Thank you, my friend, but I don't know if she wants me there. She has another life, and no doubt another man, somewhere." He was clearly miserable.

Gawain stood, and bumped a fist on the table loudly. "Stop being a bloody idiot, and go after the girl! You know none of this for sure. She wants a real man, so hurry up and show her that you are!"

"Well if she wanted a real man, I have no idea why she'd go for Galahad!" Bors laughed, which earned him a hard punch to the shoulder. "Now get your arse out of here, boy!"

~ The Legendary ~

Hermione stood in the clearing, next to the stone altar accompanied by Merlin, Arthur and Guinevere. She smiled sadly as she embraced Guinevere. "Best of luck to you both!" She said, addressing the King and Queen.

Guinevere smiled and took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It will always work out, Lady Hermione." She smiled knowingly, causing Hermione's brow to furrow.

Hermione turned to Merlin. "Thank you for everything, Merlin!" She said.

"It is us, who should be thanking you, Hermione Granger. You did exactly what you set out to do." Merlin said, embracing her.

"Anything to help!" She grinned, her heart heavy, and her throat tight with the threat of tears.

Arthur cleared his throat. "We have been honoured to have you with us. I truly hope you can find your happiness." His words were stiff, but his smile was genuine. Hermione returned it, taking a deep breath as she faced the stone structure.

Merlin smiled. "It is not time yet, Hermione." He said, his eyes alight with something Hermione couldn't quite place. Funnily enough, he was reminding her of Dumbledore, with his mischievous ways. She narrowed her eyes briefly at him, and then proceeded to study the altar.

It was about shoulder height and covered in mould. The markings ran from its thick base, up the thinner middle and circled around the large top, to form a spiral, meeting in the middle. It was intricate, and Hermione wondered how long it would have taken to carve it.

Guinevere was looking at Hermione amused. "Merlin carved it himself." She stated, reading Hermione's thoughts.

Hermione looked at Merlin as he nodded happily. "It was one of the first things I did with my magic. I knew it would come in handy one day." He mused.

The first bell chimed, to signal the midday mark, and Hermione smiled sadly. She gave Guinevere one last quick squeeze and placed her hand on the surface of the altar, Merlin placing his on top of her own.

"Wait!" The voice called, followed by the loud sound of galloping hooves. "Wait!" Galahad called again, his horse thundering into the clearing and skidding to a halt in front of Hermione.

"Galahad!" Hermione exclaimed, confusion clear on her face. Her heart was hammering against her chest.

He leapt down from his horse without a word and strode up to her quickly, pulling her close to him and placing his lips on hers in one swift motion. He held her tightly to him and she pushed herself closer to him, meeting him with equal passion. When they finally pulled away, Hermione was breathless.

"Galahad, I –"

"Shh," He hushed her. "Let me speak." He said, and she nodded, looking at him with wide eyes. "I know you must think me a fool, and I am aware that I'm probably too late, but I love you! I love you, and I want to tell the world!" He exclaimed, taking her hands. He looked her in the eyes. "I know I probably don't belong in your world, but I know it in my heart, I belong with YOU. And I am willing to follow you anywhere to prove it." He said, determined.

She stared at him. He stood in front of her, his curly hair a mess from his hurried ride. His eyes bored into hers and she found herself grinning. "Come with me!" She suddenly blurted out. He grinned at her. "I love you too, Galahad. I'm so sorry, I didn't – I didn't even realise!"

He kissed her slowly and her eyes fluttered closed in bliss. The clearing of a throat pulled them from their embrace.

"Oh, errr…" Hermione said, her cheeks flushing as the three others in the clearing grinned at them. She pressed herself into Galahad. "Oh, no! We've missed it!" She exclaimed, hearing the last chime.

Merlin chuckled, "I knew you would, but there's always tomorrow, my dear… come, you two have a lot to discuss." He said, ushering the five of them and the horse out onto the path, and back toward the castle.

Hermione grinned as Galahad helped her up onto the horse. He jumped on behind her and she leant back into him. "Comfortable?" He smirked.

"Very." She replied happily. "Ropes were definitely meant for the bedroom!" She found herself saying. She blushed at her own words and giggled.

Galahad looked at her confused. "What do you do with ropes in the bedroom?" He asked.

Hermione grinned. "I guess you'll find out, one day!" she giggled, leaving Galahad, if possible, even more confused.

And so, the Hermione Granger and Sir Galahad went on another adventure, and, in case you were wondering, lived happily ever after…

The End