I was sitting on a dark barnacle covered rock looking out over the ocean, marveling at how beautiful the sun looked when it was reflected on the dark waves, doubling its brilliance, when I saw a ripple spread out from the calm water. A dark head rose out of the ocean, dripping wet, followed by tanned and muscular shoulders.


He walked towards me slowly; water running over his body, eyes burning into my own, and it was almost like I was hypnotized. Dumbly, I stood up from my perch, coming to stand in front of him, trying my best to look half as sexy as he did. He brought his hand up, cupping my cheek, and whispered softly, "Max, wake up."


His mouth came towards mine, full lips parting slightly as he said again, "Max, wake UP."

Ugh, please don't tell me this is a dream.

"Max? Max, come on, you promised us that you would take us to Bojangles this morning. You promised us. And you know how much I love their Cheddar Bo's and Bo Berry's. I like their fries too, but only if they don't put that much seasoning on them 'cause if they do they're just waaaaaay too spicy, ya know? You just can't let Gazzy get their beans and stuff 'cause if you do he's gonna make us puke on the ride back. Do you remember that one time when he actually did make me-"

I bet you'll never guess who that was. (note sarcasm)

I groaned and pried my eyelids open to the sight of five excited bird kids (well really it was only four because You Know Who- and no I do NOT mean Voldemort, and YES I have read the Harry Potter books- never gets excited about ANYTHING) so there were five super excited bird kids, and one completely impassive bird kid, waiting to go to Bojangles for breakfast like I'd promised them. I felt so stupid sometimes. I mean really, why did I go and promise these kids to wake up at, let's see here, 7o'clock in the frickin' morning, when I had stayed up 'till 4 last night because I couldn't sleep? Oh yeah, now I remember; Bambi eyes, a.k.a. the bane of my existence. The same eyes that all the kids, not including Iggy and Fang, were giving me right now.

I growled and had to hold back a curse word.

"All right, all right, I'm up, now please get out of my room so I can change."

"OHMYGOSH, thank you Max! For a second I thought you weren't gonna do it 'cause you sounded so cranky and tired but now you are and we're all gonna go get Bojangles! I'm so excited I could just-!"

Thank GOD for Iggy and his ability to shut Nudge up.

Nudge made a small squeaking sound and looked at Iggy reproachfully.

Unfortunately, this look was completely lost on him because, well, he's blind.

How exactly was he able to place his hand in exactly the right place every time?

Heck if I know.

I sat up and made a shooing motion with my hands, trying to make everyone leave so I could change in peace. Angel smiled at me and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before she skipped out the door, blond curls bobbing. Iggy and Nudge were next, Iggy with his hand still clamped securely over Nudge's mouth. Gazzy followed after them quietly, rubbing sleep from his eyes, his light blond hair sticking up all around his head.

And that left, you guessed it, Fang.

He was already dressed in his usual ensemble; tight black t-shirt, black jeans, black converses, his dark, slightly overlong hair hanging in his eyes, still damp from his shower.

He looked hot and-


Did I really just think that?

I couldn't have just thought that thought, could I?

Crap, now I was blushing, and I was absolutely positive that he could see it.

He looked at me, his dark eyes seemingly able to see right through me, then turned around and walked out without a word.

Well good morning to you too, I thought to myself when I heard the door to his room shut.

I sighed quietly. What had I been expecting, him to do, kiss me and say, "Good morning sweet patootie, did you sleep well?" Ugh, no way. That just wasn't the Fang I know and love.

I slapped myself in the forehead when I realized what I had just thought.

Please don't let Angel hear what I just thought; she'll be on my case even more than usual.

Inevitably, right after I thought this, I heard her.

YES! I knew you loved him; you're just too stubborn to admit it!

I sighed internally, wondering why in the world she wanted us to be together so badly. I didn't have to wait long for my answer.

Because you belong together, because you're perfect for each other, because you both love each other but don't have enough courage to tell one another, because-

ENOUGH!! I get it Angel; now please get out of my head.

Fine, but this isn't over and you know it!

Finally I felt her presence leave my head and I walked out of my room, ready to get this whole Bojangles thing out of the way, when I ran face first into Fang's chest.

How did I know it was Fang's?

a)because he was wearing a black t-shirt b) his chest was rock hard, and I mean that literally, as in I was probably gonna get a headache later and c) well, no one could be as quiet as Fang and you would have to be Fang-quiet to sneak up on me like that.

I looked up at him, startled, but he just gave me that oh-so-annoying, I-know-something-you-don't-know smirk. I was getting ready to snap at him for getting in my way when he grabbed my chin and crushed his lips to mine.

I stood stock still, trying to process what he was doing when he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Good morning sweet patootie, I hope you slept well."

I was going to KILL Angel.