Disclaimer: I don't own the Baby-sitters Club or any characters.

A/n: In previous chapters, Kristy may have said Karen was thirteen. I obviously had a blonde moment and Karen would only be eleven until the Spring, where she'd turn twelve. So, I'm clarifying, she's eleven not thirteen. Sorry. Also, sorry for such the long chapter!

Changing Lanes

Chapter Eleven: Happy New Year, 2002!


I yawned as I flipped another page of The Metamorphosis, a book from the reading list we had been supplied with in the beginning of the year. Christmas had come and gone fast, just how I wanted it to go. After that stupid dinner (or lack of), I hadn't come out of my room much. Cary had come over everyday. Claudia had come over once or twice but I hadn't seen Mary Anne since. I was angry, still, with Mallory for ruining everything. Ruining Mary Anne telling us herself about her relationship with Jordan. Making me that upset with everything that I cried, and it takes me a lot to be that upset to cry. What mortified me the most was that I had cried in front of Cary.

"Kristy! Phone!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

I yawned as I closed my book and got off my bed. I had been wearing the same Michigan State shirt (that I got when Watson and I visited in September) and grey sweatpants. I walked downstairs, past Karen's room where she was blasting Usher's latest song, on repeat. Mom handed me the phone as she continued to cook dinner. "Hello?"

"Kristy, it's Jordan Pike."

I raised my eyebrow slightly as I walked back upstairs. "Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked as I shut my door.

"Have you spoken to Mary Anne lately? I haven't heard from her since yesterday. The only reason why I'm asking is cause we were meant to go to the movies today and she never called to say she was coming over."

I hadn't spoken to Mary Anne since Christmas day when I had called her just to see how she was. She was quiet over the phone, like she was in trouble or something. "I haven't heard from her is Christmas day." I said. "Maybe she forgot?"

"I don't know. I tried ringing their house but it keeps ringing out, not even the answering machine is picking up."

That was weird. "I'll call Claudia and check, I'll call you back okay?"

"Thanks, Kristy."

I hung up and dialed Claudia's number quickly. "Hello?" I heard her say after it rang a couple of times.

"Claudia, it's Kristy."

"Oh, hey! What's up? What are you doing tonight?"

"Um, nothing really. Just hanging out." I said, as I paced around my bed. "Have you heard from Mary Anne?"

"Um... no. Hey, Dawn's here, do you want to talk to her?"

"Uh, sure."

I hear someone passing the phone. "Hey, Kristy." Dawn says over the phone.

"Have you heard from Mary Anne?" I ask as I sit down at my desk.

"No... Mom and I had a fight last night and I'm staying at Claudia's until I go back. Why?"

"Um, Jordan's looking for her. Says she didn't meet him today. No one's answering the house phone."

"That's weird? I'll call home but I don't really want to talk to my mom. Not especially after yesterday's fight. She was being such a bitch and Mary Anne wouldn't leave because her dad was there."

"Oh... that sucks." I said. Hearing about friends and their fights with their parents or their parents fights is always awkward. "Well, let me know if you hear from her so I can tell Jordan."

"I will. Hey, Claudia told me about your plan for new years."

I froze. I was going to kill Claudia. "Did she now?"

"Yeah... finally going to do it are ya?"

I heard giggling from Claudia in the background. "Yes, I am if you really want to know and tell Claudia to keep her mouth shut! Bye!"


I hung up the phone and slammed it on my desk. Damn Claudia and her big mouth blabbing to Dawn about my plan to lose my virginity on New Years Eve, tomorrow. We had practically almost gone all the way, so I had no clue why was I holding back. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, swinging around my chair to see Stacey opening my bedroom door. "Oh, hey." I said. I had seen Stacey a few times but she was always leaving with Sam in tow, so we hadn't had a chance to talk about the dinner.

"Hi." She said, closing the door. "I thought I would say hi." She said, giving me a small smile.

"Hi." I said back, gesturing her to sit on my bed. "Sorry about the...uh...clothes. Been kinda lazy."

Stacey laughed. "It's okay. I'm having a few off days too." She said, looking down at her nice black sweater and nice jeans. Yeah, she still dressed good even on a bad day. "I'm sorry for leaving that night so quickly. Mallory kind of really pissed me off."

I nodded. "Yeah, I think she pissed everyone off." I said, running my hands through my hair. I should probably wash it, gross. "It kind of upset me that we couldn't all just be like we were five years ago."

Stacey looked down at her hands. "How's Mary Anne?"

"Good question. Jordan just rang me before, asking if I had spoken to her and I called Dawn, whose at Claudia's cause she had a fight with Sharon, so probably not good." I said. "That house is...very...tense right now."

"Yeah, so's mine. Samantha and my dad wanted me for Christmas and so did my mom, it happens every year, it's so annoying. Dad got for Christmas this year and New years is with mom. It swaps every year."

"What's going to happen when your like thirty?" I asked. "They still going to fight over you?"

Stacey laughed. "Probably, knowing them. Mom took it extra hard because Samantha and Dad are planning on adopting, well, they're in the final stages. They didn't want to say anything until like, it was semi-permanent."

"Wow, your going to have a sibling. Are you going to get jealous and like steal their toys?"

Stacey smiled. "I'm glad we talk now." She said. "Seeing Mallory being so hostile to everyone made me realise, I kind of miss it all. Being thirteen and having the BSC and all those adventures, I mean, it also makes me realise I'm eighteen in April."

I looked over at the one picture I had framed of the BSC. I wasn't going to tell Stacey I only got it framed during junior year. "Yeah, it's kind of scary. I mean, Mary Anne dates a Pike triplet. I never saw that coming."

"You and Cary Retlin?" Stacey asked with her eyebrow raised. "There's another surprise."

"Claudia and Alan Grey dating this long."

"Claudia and Alan Grey dating at all."

"Mallory becoming the moody, pot smoking, grungy one of the group." I said. "I never saw that coming at all."

Stacey looked at the photo frame. "Yeah, everyone's kind of surprised me. Even myself." She said, looking up at me.

"Kristy! Dinnertime! Ask Stacey if she's staying!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

I looked at Stacey. "You want to stay?" I asked.

Stacey stood up and smiled. "Sure!"


I got up early, something I hadn't done since I was fourteen. We were all going to a party held by some junior and then I was going over to Cary's for a sleepover. I was glad he had made sure that his parents would be visiting his aunt's and that his brothers wouldn't be there either. Claudia, Dawn and Mary Anne were meant to be coming over at one. But I still hadn't heard from Mary Anne. We had rarely gone this long without talking. I stood in the kitchen eating Cheerio's, staring into space.

"Earth to captain comatose." Sam said, waving his hand in front of my face.

I smacked his hand out of the way. "Shut up Sam." I said, turning around and washing my bowl out. "Are you busy today?" I asked.

Sam's body was half in the refrigerator, probably searching for something to eat. "Not till tonight. Why? You need a lift somewhere?"

"Yeah, actually. Can you take me to Mary Anne's? I'll be like five minutes."

Sam turned around and shut the door with a bowel in his hand. "Sure, we'll leave in fifteen minutes."

I rushed up stairs and brushed my hair, put my sneakers on and grabbed my coat, scarf and gloves. It had been unnaturally cold and windy this winter. I cracked my knuckles. What was I going to say? How was I going to explain that I was randomly rocking up for no reason without Mary Anne realising I was checking up on her. I slapped myself on the forehead. I was stupid for thinking that senior year would be easy and undramatic. It had been nothing but uneasy and dramatic. Sometimes, I felt like I was in some kind of crappy soap opera Nannie watched during the day. I continued to be like this as Sam drove me to Mary Anne's house. Both Richard and Sharon's cars were in the drive way. And it seemed quiet. I stared at the house. "I'll be back in a second." I said as I took off my seatbelt.

Sam yawned. "Okay." He said as he turned the music on the radio up.

I got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I pressed the doorbell and I heard it echo through the house. I frowned as I realised they could've gone out, but the cars were in the driveway. I heard footsteps and the front door swung open.

"Hello, Kristy." Mr Spier said. He looked tired and kind of tense. "What can I do for you?"

"Um, I was wondering if Mary Anne was here?" I said. I looked into the house and saw a photo frame lying on the ground with glass around it.

Mr Spier blinked at me, like he didn't know who Mary Anne was. "Oh, she's gone to her grandmother's in Iowa for a couple of days. She will be back in time for school."

"Oh okay.." I said.

"I'll get her to call you as soon as she gets back."

I nodded as I started turn around. "Thanks! Bye!" I rushed back to Sam's car.


The doorbell rang and I rushed out of my room. I almost collided with Karen at the top of the stairs. "It's for me!" I said as I tried not to trip over my feet as I went down the stairs.

"It could be for me!" Karen shouted back.

"Not everything is for you, Karen!" I shouted as I reached the front door. I opened the door to Claudia and Dawn, I let them in. "See? It's Claudia and Dawn!" I said to her as she walked back into her room and slammed the door shut. "Little bitch." I muttered underneath my breath. "Were we that bad when we were that age?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"I don't know." Dawn said as we went into my room. "Maybe we were and we didn't realise it." She said as she dropped her duffel bag and flopped onto my bed.

Claudia played with the things on my dresser, like she normally did. "I started noticing boys when I was eleven." She said as she sat down next to Dawn on my bed. "So." She said raising her eyebrows. "Tonight."

"Tonight..." Dawn echoed with a grin on her face.

I stared at their creepy faces. "Is there something I should know?" I asked.

Claudia and Dawn looked at each other before returning to looking at me. "It's going to be your first time." Claudia said.

"It's okay to be nervous." Dawn said.

I stared at them, with my eyebrows raised. "Are you two okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. I'm not nervous and I'm going to be okay."

"What are you wearing tonight?" Claudia asked. "Something sexy?"

"You know, you ask me that everytime." I said. "I'm just wearing my black dress and coat. It will be too cold out to wear anything else."

Claudia clapped her hands. "I have a whole outfit planned!"

Dawn sniggered. "Please don't tell me it's a rival of your old outfits from the eighth grade!"

Claudia shoved Dawn back and got up and opened her duffel bag. She pulled out a short silver sequin skirt followed by a black halter top. "I'm going to wear these with tights and," She dropped the top and skirt on the bed and pulled out a pair of black high heels. "These!"

"Candy called and asked for her stripper heals back." Dawn said.

Claudia dropped the heals on the bed and put her hands on her hips. "Not funny." She said. "This is our last new years as high school students."

"Then why am I spending it sub-freezing weather?" Dawn asked. "I could've been at a beach party tonight."

"Is Mary Anne still coming tonight?" Claudia asked.

I shook my head. "She's in Iowa, visiting her grandma. I went to your house this morning and Richard answered the door." I looked at Dawn. She didn't seem all too surprised. I knew I couldn't bring up that I saw the broken picture frame on the ground. For the next six hours, I didn't bring it up. I tried to not think about it but I couldn't stop.

"You want to know why Mom and I had a fight?" Dawn asked.

I turned around. I was searching for a pair of black stockings that I had sworn I had seen earlier. Claudia was in the shower. "Why?" I asked.

"She and Mary Anne got into another argument. Well... she kind of had a go at her about the state of the upstairs bathroom and blamed her and I stepped in, cause I'm the one who made the mess and I guess she didn't like it."

"That you stood up for Mary Anne?"

Dawn shrugged. "I guess, probably cause I chose Mary Anne not my own mother but she had no right to go off like that. She's been doing it since I got here and she always invites me to go places and I ask if Mary Anne is coming and she says no. She's my mom and Mary Anne is my step sister and my friend. I can't choose between the two unless I don't want to ever talk to one another again. It's stupid how my mother is acting."

"It would be hard, I mean, both are your family. It doesn't matter about blood."

Dawn exhaled loudly and looked down. "I'm just... really over it. I mean, sure Carol and I never really got along at first but now, we understand each other and we don't fight."

Claudia opened my bedroom door, her hair in a towel and dressed. "Your turn, Dawn." She said.

Dawn looked at me. "Thanks." She said, grabbing all her stuff, closing the door behind her.

Claudia grunted as she tried to pull on her tights. "What you guys talk about?" She asked.

"California." I said. I had a chance to call Mary Anne while Dawn was in the shower. "I'm going to go downstairs quickly."


I quickly rushed downstairs, pulling out the piece of paper I had written down Mary Anne's grandmother's number. I dialed it.

"Hello, Baker residence."

"Hi, It's Kristy Thomas. I'm a friend of Mary Anne's, I was wondering if I could possibly talk to her?"

"Oh, sure dear, here she is." I heard her grandmother call her name and footsteps. I took a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Kristy."

"How did you know I was here?"

I frowned. That was a bit rude. "I went to your house today. Your father told me. I was only making sure you were okay because Jordan called me yesterday worried."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've called him before I left."

"I was only calling to make sure you were okay."

"I am, I'll be back before school."

"How come you...left?"

"Sharon was really... I was sick of her having a go at me and after the fight she and Dawn got into and then my dad and her got into a fight, I was just so upset and sick of it. Kristy, if I tell you something, can you keep it a secret, especially from Dawn?"

I swallowed. "Sure?"

"Sharon and my dad are getting divorced."

I blinked. "What?"

"They haven't told anyone but me. I don't want Dawn to find out unless it comes from her mom. Please, Kristy, can you please keep it a secret?"

"Yeah, I will. I should go."

"Thanks, listen I'm sorry for worrying you. Have a good new years and I'll call you when I get back."

"Okay, you have fun too. And be safe."


"Bye." I hung up the phone and walked back upstairs. I almost collided into Dawn as she came back from the shower.

"It's your turn." She said. She grabbed my arm. "What's wrong? You've been kinda spacey."

Your mom and step dad are getting divorced. "I guess I am really worried about what's going to happen between Cary and I." I said, trying to look convincing enough.

Dawn laughed. "If you said that four years ago, I would've slapped you silly."


"So, whose party is this?" I asked as we walked through the open front door.

Claudia scrunched her face up. "Josh Peterson?" She asked as she took a sip of her bottle of tequila. "I think?"

Dawn laughed. "I have no clue who that it is." She said as we made our way through the crowd.

Despite the sub Arctic weather outside, it was warm inside. I gripped Cary's hand as a bunch of rowdy junior boys pushed their way past us. "What is happening outside?" I asked as I watched everyone make their way towards the back. As soon as I stepped out, I knew why.

"Jelly Wrestling!" I heard someone shout, followed by people chanting.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

There was a squeal of a microphone static and then a boy with brown hair got up on a pile of boxes. "Hi everyone, I'm Josh Peterson!" There was a burst of screaming and clapping. "I am so glad all of you deicide to ring in the new year with me!" More screaming. "Tonight's entertainment is... Girl on Girl jelly wrestling!"

I looked at Claudia and pointed. "Don't you get any ideas!" I turned around to Cary who had a smirk on his face. "Don't you either!"

Cary held his hands up in protest. "I'm not! It's probably for sophomores and freshmen anyway."

Dawn turned around with a wicked grin on her face. "Forty-five minutes till midnight!" She screamed.

I stared at my feet. It felt unnatural that Mary Anne wasn't here and Dawn was. I looked up as I watched Janet O'Neal tackle Nan White into the tiny blow up pool full of jelly. I wondered if Mallory was here. I was a tall lanky Pike triplet. "I'll be right back." I said, shoving my bottle into Cary's hands. I pushed my way towards him. When I reached him, I grabbed his arm. "Are you Jordan?" I asked.

"Oh hey Kristy, I'm Byron. Jordan's here somewhere."

I nodded as I felt myself go red. "Sorry, um, can you tell him I'm looking for him?" I asked. "If you see him?"

Byron nodded. "Sure. Happy new year."

"Happy new year." I said. I walked back to my friends. I looked up at the house and noticed Mallory standing in a window. She was staring at me. I looked away quickly before looking back. She moved her finger across her neck before walking away from the window. "What the fuck?" I said.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked.

"Mallory just did this," I copied what Mallory did to me. "To me." I said.

Dawn scrunched up her face. "What a crazy person!"

Claudia grabbed us. "Let's dance!" She said, before dragging us back into the house. We danced right up until someone announced there was a minute to midnight.

I felt someone's arm snake across my back, turning me around as they pulled me towards them. "Would you like to be my new years kiss?" Cary asked.

I smiled. "Yes." I said. "I hope next year is better than this year."

Cary chuckled. "Of course, you have me in it."

I swatted his arm. "You are so up yourself."

Someone had brought the microphone inside and started counting down. "5...4...3...2...1. Happy new year!" They shouted.

I pressed my lips against Cary's, standing on the tops of his shoes. I pull away. Behind Cary, Cokie Mason is staring at me. The same images that popped into my mind months ago at Alan Grey's party and caused me to vomit. Cokie raises one eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. I wonder if she's planning something.

"You ready to go back to my house?" Cary whispers in my ear, raising his eyebrows suggestively and smirking.

I felt my face go hot. "Yeah, I'll just say goodbye to people." I find Claudia still making out with Alan, so I decide I'll go find Dawn instead. I find her up against the hallway stairs with RJ Blaser. I walk back to Cary. "Um, I guess they're too busy." I said as he directed me out of the house and into the cold air. "How far is your house from here?" I asked as I did my coat back up.

"About ten minutes." Cary replied. "Your parents okay with you staying at my house?"

"Um, they know I'm going to a party so they'll probably think I'll end up at Claudia's or Dawn's."

"It's pretty cool your parents aren't super strict."

Watson and my mom weren't strict, but we had rules. After Sam and Charlie went through high school, I thought often Watson and my mom thought I was a blessing. "Yeah." I said. I was being to feel sick in my stomach. As we got closer to Cary's house, I began to sweat profusely and my stomach started doing flip flops. I looked up at Cary. He looked completely calm and normal. Of course he was feeling normal, he wasn't about to lose his virginity. Cary let us in, guiding me through his pitch black house and up the stairs and into his room. I thought Cary would've turned on the light, but instead he turned me around to face him. "Um...I..."

"Um...what?" Cary asked.

I felt him undo the buttons on my coat. I pulled off my gloves, dropping them on the ground. "I...I have...no idea what I'm saying."

Cary chuckled. "I'm gathering that." He said. He picked me up after he pushed my coat off. We started kissing and my stomach started doing back flips. Cary moved towards his bed and he dropped me down on it. "So..." He said. In the almost darkness, I could see him taking off his shirt and his belt.

I sat up. I could hear nothing but my loud breathing. "I want this. I don't want you to stop like last time." I said, licking my lips. "I want you." My cheeks would've been bright red.

Cary's hand cupped the edge of my face. "Anything you want, darling."


Before I even opened my eyes, I knew I wasn't in my bed. Then I remembered and then I felt my face get hot. I opened my eyes and I was met with a familiar room and person right next to me. Cary was lying on his stomach with his face hidden by the pillow. I peaked underneath the blankets, realising we were both naked and bolted upwards. I had lost my virginity to Cary Retlin! I pushed my hair back out of my face and looked around for my clothes. After I got dressed, I looked at Cary as he slept. He looked so peaceful, I couldn't wake him up. I jotted down on a notepad quickly, Call me when you wake up and we'll go out for lunch. Going home for a shower, Kristy x. I pulled my gloves on as I left the Retlin's house. It was a quick walk home as it hadn't snowed much over night. Something told me this year was going to be a fresh, drama free start. I smiled the whole way home. As I walked across my front yard, someone called my name. "Kristy!"

I turned around. Jessi was standing there, bundled up in her winter coat. "Hey, what you doing?" I asked.

Jessi's smile disappeared. "I have something to tell you and I know you can keep secrets, right?" Jessi asked. She looked worried and tired.

I nodded. "Sure, I can. You can always tell me anything."

Jessi closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them. "I'm pregnant."

So much for that fresh, drama free start.