Emerald Ice

Harry in his fit of panic let the mind of the wolf take over, as his survival may depend on the wolfs instincts. It wasn't uncommon for a wizards animangus form to have the mentality of the animal alongside the wizards intellect but it wasn't frequent. A growl reverberated through his form as the sounds of rustling leaves and the form of another animal made its appearance. Now Harry knew that he was big, bout the size of a common car, but these wolves were huge. A large black wolf made its way forward, hackles up, tail raised in a sign of challenge, followed by a rosette and light brown wolf.

Harry ignored the other two and focused all of his attention on the one who appeared to be the leader. His wolf responded to the obvious challenge that the other alpha displayed, much to Harry's insistence not to. He cursed his fate to have an animangus form that was always ready for a challenge. Both wolves bared their teeth, saliva dripping from their fangs, eyes narrowed, studying the others challenger. With no further prompting the white wolf launched himself at his counter part.

Edward felt like the lowest form of scum. Alice refused to speak to him. Jasper of course was his usual silent self, every once and awhile would he try to calm Edward. Emmett and Rosalie gave him disapproving looks, of course Rosalie had lectured him about how to treat his mate with respect even when said mate didn't know them that well or even about the mate thing in general. Esme was saddened that she wouldn't be able to meet the new addition to the family as soon as she had hoped. Carlisle was the only one who really did nothing to him and for that he was grateful.

The image of hurtful green eyes wouldn't leave his mind, even when he was playing the image would haunt him. His last resort was to go hunting. As he started for the door Carlisle approached him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't we all go?" It was more of a command than a suggestion.

Probably just wants to make sure that I don't do anything stupid, he thought disdainfully.

Some of the tense atmosphere dissipated after everyone had fed and for that Edward was glad. He always loved running and that helped settle his turbulent thoughts. He stopped at one point and looked towards the sky and took an unnecessary breath.

"Does anyone else hear that?" Emmetts voice rumbled next to him. He looked around but could see nothing. When he heard what sounded like growls, he began walking till he came across a slab of rock that overlooked a small meadow. What he saw left him speechless. There on the border line of the Quileute Tribe was a yin yang fighting ball of fur. Edwards sharpened eyes took in the details of the giant black wolf and slightly larger white wolf fighting for what appeared to be an alpha dominance fight or a defending of territory.

"That's odd," commented Carlisle.

"What is?" Edward demanded without taking his eyes of the sight.

"None of the tribal kids are white wolves when they turn. The black I know is Sam Uley. The light brown is Embry I think. The other two I have no clue who they are." He responded.

Just then the forest was disturbed by the slight breeze blowing through. Edward stiffened. The wind brought forward a sent that Edward hoped wasn't there. That sent was entirely too close to where the fighting wolves were and sent him into panic mode.

"Harry..." Without hesitation he jumped from the over hang and as soon as his feet met the ground he took off towards the wolves and the sent of his mate.