Disclaimer: Normal disclaimers attached.


Have you ever been at a cross-road and forced to choose one and whatever you might choose will change your life forever…? For the good or for the worst…? Life is always unfair. For me, this cross-road is more complicated. I want to choose one but I have to choose the other.

This is where I am right now. Walking down the aisle, holding my gaze forcibly on the floor, I already chose the latter. I took a decision against my heart for I am honor bound to do this.

Hmpf. That's the last word I should be using right now. Honor bound…? This is more clearly being "unfaithful". Not to either of them—but to my very heart. It wanted so much to choose the former road.

All I wanted was a happy ending… a simple "happily ever after". But no… fate has to decide against it. All the time…

I have just a few more steps to reach the end. I sighed softly so that nobody, especially my dad who was walking me down the aisle, would catch me sad on my Big Day. I wished I was never anxious to get married. But if I hadn't been, I wouldn't have fallen for him. But… that had just made things even worse.

I closed my eyes lightly. I was still taking small steps towards the altar, in accordance to the wedding march playing behind me. I wished everything would return back to the way they were… without all these complications.

I do not regret taking that flight that changed everything… but I do regret the fact that I had to be there right where he was. I regret ever accepting to do what I'm about to do right now.


::Forgive your enemies but never forget them::

Chapter 1

I looked out of the window of the yellow cab and wondered why I was so sad. I'd be lying if I said I didn't know why. I knew clearly why. And I didn't need my friend, Chelsea's voice to remind me what it was.

'But Miyu, do you love him…?'

Yes, that's the last question I want to hear right now… with the wedding just two weeks ahead. And that question is the reason I'm leaving Manhattan sooner than expected.

I'm Miyu Kouzuki, and will soon be called Miyu K. Yamamura in two weeks.

With these thoughts filling my head, I got down the cab and pulled out my bag—it was a little heavy with all the things that Chelsea thought was important for me to have before the wedding.

I entered the airport, my mind still a little mundane with all this regret and despair. I got myself a trolley and loaded my luggage onto it. I walked down the airport, towards the customs. I had Chelsea get me a ticket on the first flight to Japan.


My luggage fell right off of my trolley and rolled over closely followed by another luggage. With my head full of thoughts, I hadn't noticed where I was going. I had clashed my trolley head-first with another one.

'Crap!' an exclamation came in front of me as I tried to get a hold of myself after the crash. My hand hurt a little and my leg had gone all weak with the suddenness of the collision. Certain people stared but none actually stopped for they all probably have their own business to attend to.

I got to my luggage without looking at the person with whom I bumped into. Just as I managed to heave my luggage, the person, whoever he was, also bent down to pick his up. That was when I noticed, he was not cursing at the fact that his luggage dropped—he was in the phone.

'Crap!' he repeated, pulling his bag over his shoulder, his back to me, and 'full of useless old dung…! Every one of you is so futile… a simple job… and what else can you actually do…?'

My eyebrows knit together. Yes, it was none of my business who anybody curses—he might even have clean reasons. Then, why does his wretched cursing bother me…?

He didn't turn. He was still furiously talking in his mobile, swinging the bag onto his trolley.

Though he was just as responsible for this crash as I was but out of mere meekness, I muttered, 'I'm sorry about that…'

The huge crash did not make him even glance at me. But at my slow whisper, he turned and I had to try very hard to keep my face from burning. For my face started to heat up at the sight of his façade.

He had the most handsome face I had ever laid my eyes on and covering his forehead, reaching his brows were velvet locks of brunet hair that looked totally messed up but in such a way that made him look even more handsome. If that was not already enough, he had alluring auburn eyes that looked at though fresh chocolate and milk was mixing inside it at that very moment. His eyebrows were raised in mild curiosity.

He muttered in a low voice, without glancing away from me, into the mobile in a voice which had a mixture of sudden warmth and amusement, 'one minute…'

His brows were furrowed in mere fascination. The smallest of smirks formed along his lips and I found myself heat up for no apparent reason.

'What did you say..?' he asked. His voice sounded a little like soft flowing water. It had a sort of ringing in his tone and I couldn't actually get my words out. What is this…?

'Erm… well, I… I said I was s-s-sorry…' I managed to finally say, my face deep crimson. I hoped that he didn't notice that I was changing color because of him. I was growing a little uncomfortable with this.

'Oh,' he said in recognition, and then added with a teasing smirk, 'make sure it doesn't happen next time…'

My jaw dropped. He jerked his head lightly with another smirk and returned to his mobile leaving me fuming with anger.

How dare he…? I was polite enough to apologize when it was clearly his fault as well, but that arrogant idiot makes it sound as though it's my entire fault…? Idiot! Moron! Jerk!

I couldn't stop cursing that brunet idiot all the way down to customs and after what felt like hours of my time calling him names and damning him, I was finally up the flight and forced my mind to think about Mizuki and our wedding… more precisely, not to think about the handsome brunet.

As I was steered to my second-class seat by the stewardess, I couldn't help but think about that brunet. Every time his face flashed into my head, a sudden wave of fury washed through me. I gave the blonde stewardess a thank-you smile and took my seat, which was in between two other seats.

I sighed as I took the seat. I was hoping to get a window side seat but well… I sat down more comfortably and tried to think about my Wedding. Well, three stops before I reach Japan. I sighed as I thought about that. I took a direct boarding so, I would probably be shepherded to my hotel room and back to the flight.

I tried not to think about the three day flight with two different strangers sitting either side of me. (A/N: hm… I'm sorry if I'm wrong about the time thing)

I locked my hands together on my lap and tried to concentrate on how I was going to make sure I don't break down at all during the wedding. I closed my eyes tight and tried to think.

I hadn't been thinking long when I heard the stewardess' voice again. But it sounded so different to when she had talked to me. It was different… a little too… I tried to find the right word… hm… yea… she sounded a little covetous… or maybe even seductive perhaps.

I have no idea with this side of my felinity. That was the one thing I lacked at. But I grimaced a little wondering how handsome the guy must be for the stewardess was really melting… by the tone in her voice.

'That would be your seat sir…' she was saying.

'Thank you miss…' came the guy's voice and despite every resolution I took I opened my eyes and was once again looking at the handsome brunet who had been so rude to me.

He turned at that very moment and our gazes met. His eyebrows rose mildly and then he gave himself a small smirk—not withdrawing his eyes away from my emerald ones.

I turned away at once for I was starting to heat up again in spite of the fury I was holding against him for being so arrogant. I stole a glance at him and turned a bright shade of crimson for he had not withdrawn his auburn orbs away from my face. His façade held weird look that I have never seen Mizuki wear.

I totally forgot that the stewardess was still here. So, I jumped lightly as I heard her voice.

'Is there anything I can do for you…?' It was obviously directed towards the brunet.

I think he had forgotten about the stewardess as well for he took a moment to reply. But came the reply and I was surprised to see how his eyes sparkled when he flashed her, a small smile.

'Not right now…' he replied and then with a short nod, he took his seat (which to my embarrassment and fury) was to my left—the one which was not beside the window.

The stewardess gave him a bow and left.

I could feel his sudden glances towards me. So, I jerked my head away from his side and then focused outside the window—which was stupid seeing as we had not taken off yet and there was nothing much to see.


My head snapped to the direction of the call. The brunet was looking at me with a smile and held out his hand. I looked at it curiously.

'I'm Kanata… Kanata Saionji…' he introduced himself.

Japanese, I thought.

Then, not wanting to look rude, I took a breath and holding up my pride took his hand formally and said indifferently, 'Miyu Kouzuki…'

He smiled as we shook hands.

Then, holding my hand a little tighter, he pulled himself a little forward and asked with a smirk, 'any more trolley-crashes Miyu…?'

My fumed up in anger and pulling my hand away from his grasp, jerked my head away from his smirking, annoying, irritating, irksome, yet irresistible face.

He chuckled and I tried very hard not to think about how nice and musical it sounded.

I closed my eyes and wished that this journey would end soon and I wished that I didn't have to have another word with this annoying Saionji, who for some reason felt free to call me by my first name. And… what was weird was that it did not sound weird.

I sighed thinking that this was going to be one hell of a journey.

::to be continued::


Well, the next episode is going to be more awkward and embarrassing than this one. I just got on the flight and I was to handle an arrogant brunet. But, adding fuel to fire a perverted freak had to join the show. If that's not enough, guess what shams me and that brunet came up with…

Don't miss the Second Chapter of "Ready for Love"
