Author's Note: Here it is, the final chapter! I want to thank everyone who reviewed and all my stalkers for reading and not giving up when I failed to update. I hope you all enjoy the ending!

I will also give you one word that I hope you will like: Sequel. That's right, I am working on a sequel as we speak. It will be a few months before I put it up though, so please be patient.

Disclaimer: Nope

The day was a cold one. The cool winds and sheets of light rain immediately attacked any who dared to venture outside. Clouds dark and pregnant with water dominated the sky, blocking out the sun almost entirely. It was a day to stay cooped up inside, watching television or hanging with friends.

Yet, for a small group of people, neither of these things was attainable at the time. For they were mourning the passing of a young girl who went long before her time, because of prototype drugs prescribed to her by a faulty company. The family had decided on a closed funeral, only immediate family and close friends were invited. They wanted no one else to know how their daughter had died. The party was standing outside, under partial protection from the trees. They were in a graveyard, standing over a hole that was dug six feet below the surface. A gravestone was already in place, heading the grave. A plain, yet beautiful casket was beside the hole, the body inside waiting to finally be put to rest. The sound of quiet sobbing was coming from the small group of people. Those who were not crying were standing with a solemn look on their face.

Nate, dressed in a long black trench coat to keep out the rain, stood underneath a large oak tree several yards away from where the funeral was taking place. Under his jacket, his hand was grasped around manila envelope. Inside was a group of blue folders, which Parker had stolen from Floyd's Pharmaceuticals several nights before. He had come to deliver the envelope to the Battens. The others were at the office, preparing a small celebration for a job well done. Nate had decided to attend the funeral alone, and had slipped out before anyone could object. He didn't want any of the others to see him like this, especially Sophie. The memory of his son's funeral was still fresh on his mind, and this just brought everything back. He remembered how confused he was, how confused everyone was, that a child so young could have died. Children were supposed to outlive their parents, not the other way around.

He stood there for the better part of two hours, not wanting to get any closer to the private ceremony. His eyes watered and tears rolled down his cheeks as the casket was slowly lowered into the grave. Slowly, the crowd dispersed, until only the parents were left to mourn for their daughter. It was then that Nathan approached the couple. When they turned, he said nothing; nothing was needed to be said. He outstretched his hand that was holding the files toward the couple. Mr. Batten took a few steps forward and accepted the folder. Nate looks the grieving couple in the eyes. "There should be enough there to permanently shut them down."

"Thank you." Mrs. Batten whispered, fresh tears rolling down her face. The husband nodded in agreement. The three just stood there for several minutes. None wanting to leave, but none needing to stay. Nate finally started when his phone vibrated gently in his pocket. One of the team wondering where he was, no doubt. Nate ignored it; he would head back soon enough.

The Battens finally left, leaving Nathan there to contemplate the future and the past. He wondered what would come next. This job had hit hard. They had always gotten the 'bad guy', but never were they too late to save their client who was alive when they were sought out to help. The others, especially Eliot and Tori, were used to holding lives in the palm of their hands. That was the problem with being the good guys; the lives you were protecting happened to be innocent.

Nate slowly turned away from the freshly dug grave and headed back to his car. There was another matter to be dealt with.

At the Leverage Headquarters, the rest of the team was awaiting the return of their leader. Several large pizzas were open and strewn across the top of the conference table. The six screen flat screen anchored on the wall was showing all of the old newsreels detailing the break-in and explosion of Floyd's Pharmaceuticals two nights before. Placed randomly in the conference room was the team themselves, each dealing with the sour victory in their own way. Eliot had brought two packs of beer, and was currently working on his first bottle. He was sitting in one of the chairs, his boot-covered feet propped up on the table, a piece of pizza in his free hand. His left hand was bandaged, his knuckles being broken from the break-in. His eye had deflated back to normal size, only a ghost of a bruise left on his face. Eliot's headache was gone, thanks to several hours of sleep and some Napryson. Hardison was situated at the other end of the table, sitting on the glass instead of a chair. A bottle of orange soda lay empty next to his computer, which he was ever-working on. Tori was leaning again the wall, her eyes scanning the written words on the screens while slowly sipping on a glass of scotch she had stolen from Nate's stash. Under her shirt, her side was wrapped in bandages from the bullet wound she had gotten. Sophie was sitting in a chair working on a cup of tee, and Parker was laying, her back on the floor, feet propped up against the wall. Her shoes and socks were off, and she was wiggling her toes while eating a piece of pizza. A low buzz of conversation was vibrating around the room, Eliot the only quiet figure.

Nate walked in to the room, interrupting the casual atmosphere. Sighing, he sat down and took a piece of pizza. That move seemed to break the strange silence of the room, and everyone crowded around the table, taking a seat. They looked at Nate in expectancy, wondering how the drop went. "Well?"

"Floyd's Pharmaceuticals wont be functioning much longer." Smiles erupted on all five of the faces, and the strain was gone. Nathan couldn't understand how they hid the grief of the young girls death. Then again, he wasn't sure if any of them were fazed by it. He decided to put those thoughts in the past, if only to get through this gathering, and tried to focus on the good side of the situation. Nate was very proud of the way that his team had pulled everything together this job. They had worked as smoothly as they had before in LA, and part of it was thanks to Tori. Introducing a new player caused everyone else to unconsciously do his or her best, not wanting to be outdone by the newbie. Speaking of Tori, it was time to decide whether she would stay or not. Sophie and he had argued the first time everyone had met Tori, and the two had come to the decision that the team would have the final say if she Tori stayed or not. One no, and she would be back on the streets, looking for a new job. Nathan had agreed, figuring that it was only fair. Everyone else had to work with her as well.

"Man, Oregon better watch it's back!" Hardison exclaimed, getting a grin from the rest of the party.

"And it's front." Parker added, causing several strange looks to be cast her way.

Tori had remained quiet since Nate had entered the room, and was arriving on the exact thoughts that Nate was thinking. She knew that the others had to accept her in order for her stay to be prolonged. Instead of being kicked out, she excused herself, claiming that she had to go do something in the kitchen. She left, leaving the original crew in the conference room.

"Alright guys. You've seen Tori in action. What do you say?" Nate asked, looking at each of his friends in the eye. He leaned back in his chair, waiting for the response.

"Sure." Parker was the first to accept their new teammate.

"I like her." Hardison was next, agreeing with Parker.

"She's got potential…and the same shoe size as me." Sophie sheepishly exclaimed. With three yeses, four pairs of eyes turned to the Hitter, who was thinking very deeply about his choice.

He didn't trust her, and didn't like the idea that she could be working very closely with his teammates and friends. However, if they kicked her out, Tori would just disappear, and Eliot would never figure out the girls mysterious past. Curiosity won the battle. Besides, Eliot knew that he could take her, as long as a gun was not in proximity. "Fine."

Sophie stood up and squealed. "I'll go tell her." She then promptly left the room.

Nate allowed a small smile to grow on his lips. The team was complete. Hitter plus Hacker plus Grifter plus Thief plus Tracker plus one Honest Man equaled the perfect Leverage.

Several hours had passed since the others had gone home. After Tori had been properly inducted into the team, the pizza had quickly disappeared. After the food was gone, there was no real reason for anyone to stay, and the group had dispersed. Sophie and Hardison were the first to leave, followed by Parker. It was then that Eliot had excused himself to his office for some personal business. He wanted to get a jumpstart on his investigation. He would have gone home, but Hardison had more information at the office laying around than he had at his apartment. Eliot was sitting in his chair, computer screen on. His eyes were scanning the information on the screen, while he was talking into his phone.

"Listen, Skeeter, I know ya can find information 'bout her…..Hey, you owe me, remember!.......Or do I have to remind ya about Bosnia… week's fine." He promptly shut his phone and ran his hand through his hair. The work it took to find a good rat. He turned his chair to face the door and jumped when he saw a figure standing in the doorway. The person came closer, and he was it was Tori. She had a smile on her face, and was holding a bottle of wine in one hand, and two wine glasses in the other.

"If you're trying to get information about me, good luck. I clean up very well." She walked toward his desk and sat the wine and glasses on the table in front of her before sitting in the other available seat across from his desk.

"No harm in tryin'." Eliot eyes stared quizzically at the bottle of wine. "You drink wine?"

Tori grinned, and opened the bottle. She then poured moderate sized servings into each glass, and picked up the one closest to her, claiming it as her own. "You don't?"

Eliot waited until Tori took a sip, and then picked up his glass. He took a sip, and liked what he tasted. The girl knew her wine.

"Don't worry." She let out a small laugh. "I don't poison people. To drawn out and painful."

"What do ya want." He ignored her statement.

"Everyone else went home, and I don't like drinking alone. Got a problem?" She took another sip, savoring the flavor. "Mm, one of my favorites; almost two hundred dollars a bottle. Cheap, I know."

Eliot didn't understand why she was sitting here, drinking wine with him. It was almost like she was trying to win him over, like she did the others. But he wouldn't buy it. He leaned close to her, allowing his anger to show. "Ya may have fooled the others, but I know ya ain't what they think ya are…" He paused. "I'll find out. And when I do, if I don't like what I find…" He left the sentence open. Both knew exactly what he meant. Tori smiled.

"Ah, but you'll have to catch me first." She consciously crossed her legs, allowing Eliot to see that she was wearing a pair of black boots. The same boots that she wore when they went to Floyd's Pharmaceuticals. The same pair of boots that had a mechanical weapon hidden inside. Eliot frowned, realizing she was right. He could easily beat her in a hand-to-hand combat situation, something that both of them seemed fully aware of. The trick would be to catch her without a gun or other type of weapon that would place him at a disadvantage.

Tori, knowing Eliot got her message, stood up, glass of wine still in hand. She walked toward the door and turned. "Glad we understand each other." She disappeared.

Eliot leaned back in his chair and stared intensely at the glass of wine in his hand. He had just entered a deadly game of cat and mouse. The problem was, he was unsure of who was the hunter, and who was the prey.

The End?

I want to know exactly how many of you hate Tori, and how many love her.