A/N: ….hello? I fully realize I may have lost anyone who was reading this as of five (!) years ago, but if any of you are still around and continue reading, you are amazing and I appreciate you more than you can imagine.

Talk about serious writer's block. I never forgot this story, and I always desperately wanted to finish it, but I hit a huge wall plot-wise that took a while to break down.

Good news is, I have the remainder of the story outlined, so (perhaps slowly) but surely, this story will at long last have an ending. For those of you who began reading years ago and are still along for the ride, I thank you, and I humbly request your feedback as I update. As for new readers, welcome, and thanks for checking this out! I'd greatly appreciate any and all reviews as you work your way through the story.

So, without further ado...

Elphaba hesitated, the reality of where she was and what she was doing suddenly hitting her full force. From the safety of the carriage, she observed the entrance to Shiz. The university was magnificent, certainly, but at the moment she could only focus on the mass of prospective students gathered in the courtyard.

Unfazed, Galinda hopped out and began walking toward the crowd. Suddenly realizing that Elphaba wasn't with her, she turned and studied the other girl quizzically. "You coming?"

Slowly, Elphaba nodded and exited the carriage. Galinda waited for her to catch up, and when she did, noticed that Elphaba's pallor was...off. More of a mint green than the usual emerald. And her eyes never wavered from the crowd they were approaching.

"Are you alright, Elphie?"

Swallowing, Elphaba nodded. "It's just so many people," she said quietly. "I guess I'm not used to it. Fiyero and I were privately tutored at the palace, and the king and queen rarely hosted large events." She paused, biting her lip. "I don't think I've been surrounded by a crowd like this since..." Embarrassed, she trailed off, tearing her gaze away from the crowd and studying the cobblestones at her feet.

Suddenly understanding, Galinda smiled softly at the other girl, regretting the tone she'd taken with Elphaba during their carriage ride. "You'll be fine."

Surprised at Galinda's confidence, Elphaba regarded her doubtfully. "How do you know?"

Galinda shrugged. "Because you're with me. I'm kind of a big deal. And I'm in your corner. We got this."

Smiling despite herself, Elphaba shook her head. "You're...a very interesting person, Galinda."

"Why thank you, Miss Elphaba."

"Not sure that was a compliment," Elphaba muttered with a smirk.

Galinda shrugged with a grin. "I'll take it."

For a moment, the girls went unnoticed as they approached the crowd. Much to Elphaba's chagrin, this moment was fleeting.

"It's Galinda!" a boy called out excitedly.

At that, the crowd of students quieted and turned to look in their direction. All of them. Had she not been so terrified, Elphaba would have marveled at how the entire group of students had reacted to the mere mention of Galinda's arrival.

Galinda, however, took their it all in stride, waving at the crowd with a smile. "It's good to see me, isn't it?"

The crowd murmured their assent, then much to Elphaba's horror (though certainly not to her surprise), they turned their attention to her. The excited chattering prompted by Galinda's entrance transformed into whispering, snickering.

"Oh my Oz, what is that?"

"Do you think she's contagious?"

"I'm certain of it. If you touch a frog, you get warts."

Suddenly, Elphaba felt as though she were seven years old again. On display, a spectacle to discuss. A monster to frighten. A...freak...to gawk at. She felt bile rising up her throat at the intensity of the memory. History was repeating itself. It had been stupid of her to expect anything different.

Mere seconds into the whispered comments, one of the girls stepped forward. The crowd quieted as she spoke.

"Galinda, who is this?" There was no mistaking the girl's disgust and amusement as she regarded Elphaba, as though expecting a punchline from Galinda in response.

With a sickening realization, Elphaba began to expect the same. After all, it made no sense that Galinda would defend her to these people. The blonde loved Fiyero – she'd admitted as much. Why then would she have any desire to be friends with the freakish green girl who had inexplicably taken her place? Even though Elphaba believed, in her heart of hearts, that Fiyero no longer loved her, Galinda had made it clear that she disagreed.

It was brilliant, really, for Galinda to have gotten them to this point, to have gained Elphaba's fledgling trust enough to effectively humiliate her.

Elphaba closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"Why, hello, Miss Pfannee," Galinda finally responded. "Lovely to see you as well. Allow me to introduce Miss Elphaba." Galinda linked arms with the green girl, who looked at her, startled. "A dear friend whose acquaintance I made over summer holiday."

A stunned silence followed, during which the girl – Pfannee – regarded Elphaba in disbelief. Finally, she responded. "Surely you can't be serious, Galinda," she said with a nervous laugh. "I mean, she's..."

"Oh, but I am deadly serious," Galinda interrupted. Elphaba marveled at the blonde's steely countenance as she regarded Pfannee, her blue eyes suddenly ice. "And what was it you were about to say?" she asked quietly, her tone venomous and laced with warning.

Pfannee cleared her throat. "Only that, she's...she's welcome to join our shopping outing this weekend, if you both are free." Pfannee then glanced back at Elphaba, her attitude remarkably changed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Elphaba," she offered, without a hint of irony in her tone.

Elphaba, stunned, could only nod.

"Well, that sounds lovely, Miss Pfannee. Perhaps we will." Like a flipped switch, Galinda returned to her bubbly, lighthearted self. The exchange and its resolution had affected the crowd as well, whose staring and rude commentary ceased as they resumed their previous casual conversations.

"Come on, Elphie, let's go check in at Crage Hall. I requested a private suite, we can share if you want—might be fun!" Galinda said casually to Elphaba, acting as though nothing had occurred.

Still in shock, Elphaba finally found her voice. "I...I can't believe you did that."

Galinda glanced at her, confused. "Did you see how many suitcases I brought? The private suite was absolutely necessary. One of the regular dorm rooms would have been much too small. Plus," she whispered conspiratorially, wrinkling her nose in disgust, "those rooms smell."

Elphaba shook her head. "The...what? No, Galinda. What you did back there. What you said to that girl. You...you didn't have to do that."

Galinda grinned impishly. "Yes, well—that's what makes me so nice."

The girls fell into a companionable silence as they approached the dorm. Galinda broke it. "Pfannee can be terribly obnoxious at times, but her family owns the most amazing clothing boutique in Shiz Square. I'm sure we'll visit it this weekend."

Elphaba looked at the blonde, bemused. "You're really taking her up on her invitation?"

"Of course we are," Galinda stared at the green girl as though she'd grown a second head. "I mean, it's shopping, Elphie."

The other girl could only shake her head with a smile.

Moments later, they entered the lobby of Crage Hall. As they approached the registration table to check-in and collect their orientation materials, Elphaba suddenly came to an abrupt halt and drew in a sharp breath.

"What is it now?" Galinda asked, her tone light and bearing little trace of irritation. When there was no immediate response, the blonde followed Elphaba's gaze to determine what had caught her attention.

It was a girl at the front of the registration line.

A girl in a chair.

"Oh my Oz," Elphaba finally breathed. "Nessa?"