Disclaimer: I do not own Kirarin Revolution.


Hiroto sat in the wooden chair just beside the beautiful patient's bed.

Silence…it was everywhere…silence between two famous superstars…silence between a boy and a girl…oh well, there's also love anyway. What an awkward scenario they make it appear!

Kirari wouldn't even breathe properly. She knew she doesn't have anything she wanted to say to him for the meantime. She can talk just normally if it's Naa-san, Naa-yan, Kame-san, Arashi, her manager, the director or even Seiji…but that wasn't the case. What could she say to break the cold silence between her and the clueless boy as she believed Hiroto was?

"So how did you end up here?" Hiroto asked. He too wasn't comfortable. And since he wanted to help and not to make her situation worse, he knew it's up to him. For just five minutes, he has to break the ice and tell her … well, things in his mind.

Kirari sighed. "I think I played in the rain a little too much…ehehe." She chuckled knowing it was all her fault anyway. What would he say if he learned it's because it took her almost two weeks till Tuesday midnight when it rained on their way home to decide what gift to give the SHIPS duo for the celebration they're going to have after they accept the "Dazzling Dance Pair Award" on the coming Friday? It was Wednesday anyway. Good thing she got to buy what she needed and had it packed already. For her, it was a good thing. Not to mention she was still in the hospital bed after having herself soaked wet while the gift was all dry and safe. Naa-san hesitated with her suggestion of putting the gift as priority over her. But since it's Kirari who requested, though Naa-san felt bad about it, things happened.

At most I'm sure he'll like it… I'm sure…this time I won't mess up unlike the melted snow that evaporated last time…

"What did you play? Aren't you with Naa-san?" He wondered in curiosity. "Surely, Naa-san has an umbrella prepared, so do tell, what exactly happened?" Hiroto put his hands together in his chest as he waited for her explanation.

Lies…I sure do not want to lie to him. But I can't let him know. He'll just be angry and then he'll call me stupid again….stupid, stupid…but I sure feel better now that he's here…sorry Hiroto-kun, I just have to act a little to escape this scene…

"Ehm, ehm." She coughed. "I guess I talked too much. Sorry Hiroto-kun." She stared at her own two hands that tightened their hold on her blanket. She didn't want to lie. It's just that she wouldn't want him to know. She knew it's wrong…but…but…

"Sorry." Hiroto said with a very low tone as he stood up and fixed her blanket. He looked at her and tapped her head again.

Kirari knew she's blushing. But she has a fever anyway. "No, it's not."

"Stupid." He murmured. This left her confused. A while ago he's sorry now he's calling her stupid again, just like always. After lying to her, she finally got the chance to look at him again. He's smiling. He's tapping her head as he stares at her, and he's smiling.

"Don't speak. It's my fault, I made you talk. Get some sleep now. I only have two minutes left anyway. They just gave me five minutes. Please sleep." He said it as if he'll be in so much misery after the said two minutes passed…two minutes…that might change some things between them.

Kirari smiled back at him.

He's back to his usual self again. He's smiling.

"So uhm, bye then. Sleep well."

He let go of my head. Hehe, it's Hiroto after all. He could never guess my thoughts, not that I want him to anyway. But maybe it sure will be fun if I could say it to him, just like how I expressed my thoughts in the song Koi Hanabi.

Hiroto leaned and kissed her forehead.

"Goodbye then."

He walked out the door without looking back.

He sighed heavily as if a really heavy burden was just taken away from him.

She on the other hand, was left in shock.

"So what happened? What's with the sigh?" Seiji asked as he approached Hiroto signalling him it's his turn already.

"Nothing much. I just told her to rest." He forced himself to smile as he tapped Seiji's soldier.

A tap means different things depending on certain factors. When he tapped the girl she likes on the head, it means he's asking her to feel better and be safe. This time, it means something else.

Take care of her for me.

…was what it meant.

Seiji gave him a sad look. "Hiroto…" It's as if he wanted to clarify things. Why would he not tell Kirari his feelings for her? Seijii was a sensitive guy and he sure knows things no matter how Hiroto and Kirari try their best to hide them.

He knows Hiroto likes Kirari. He also knows he likes her. He's doing what he can to be closer to her. And despite Hiroto being a rival, he sure thinks it will be a lot better of Hiroto will act somehow to let her know.

Hiroto waved him bye as he passed by him. The rest of their friends were in the waiting area and he was planning to head there to let them know he'll be leaving already.

Before he went to their waiting friends, Seiji called him and asked, "You'll come back tomorrow, won't you?"

Hiroto nodded, again without looking back, and left.

Seiji smiled for himself and started knocking. He knew the person who just left Kirari's room anyway. He knew in reality, he no longer has to worry. With that person's serious expression just like what he saw, he knew it won't even take his friend that long to be back beside her.

Author's Note: Cliffie, cliffie! Hayella likes cliffie ^^

Sorry for making you guys wait. I am super grateful with the positive reviews you gave me. I sure hope you enjoyed this chapter most of the three. And then I'll do what I can to make you enjoy the incoming fourth and then those that'll follow with God's help. Thank you everyone!

Please give me more of your reviews again this time. It sure will encourage me to write and love writing more and more. ^^

God bless!

Sincerely yours,
