A/N below!
After almost one year - just enjoy :)

CHAPTER 20: I'm a death, not my pleasure to meet you

The Blue Road.

7 years ago.

"Leave this place, you Devil!"
"Fuck off, Allen, or else we will kill you..."

"There's no place for you here anymore."





"Oy, can you hear me, boy?" Voices inside of his head were slowly fading away as a real one rang in his ears. "C'mon, open your eyes." His face shivered under unfamiliar touch. The darkness he had left was really comfortable and Allen could feel himself being taken deeper and deeper. He had no reason to walk on this road. He had no reason to lie on the ground. No reason to live. He just wanted to be one with the soothing void in front of his eyes.


Allen's face twisted in pain. Even though he could feel new emotions of confusion and anger rising inside of him, he couldn't express them. There was no strenght inside of him anymore. However, the punch was powerful enough to make him weakly open his gray eye. The world in front of him was blurry, but he was able to figure out the place he was in. No doubt, he had been on the same road from Hewood, which head been walking for over hours. How many hours? After ten he lost the count.


The area was dark, it was probably a nighttime. Two bright spots were right in front of him. They were radiant and painful for his little eyes. The sound of working engine. The smell of smoke and alcohol. The hard, cold concrete. Allen's senses were limited.

"You're finally awake, brat. What the hell are you doing here? I almost ran you over!" A tall, black shadow. The boy couldn't see the face, car lights were blinding him. "Get up and get off the road, I'm in a hurry." Allen did his best to move his body up. After a while, he shakily stood on his tiny legs. "Go home, kiddo. The road is not a place to take a nap." Allen moved his lips silently, but words refused to be heard. The man came back to his vehicle, not paying attention to boy's miserable look.

Doors closing.

Engine roaring.

Tires rolling.

And a deafening silence...

The Plane. Flight 35.

12 a.m.


"This is the Head flight-attendant speaking. We are experiencing slight turbulences due to a storm that we're currently flying in. Our cabin crew recommends you to go back to your seats, fasten your seatbelts and remain calm. If any of you needs an assistance, please, push the yellow button above you. Thank you for your cooperation."

"That doesn't sound good, at all..." Tyki Mikk whined loudly. Reluctantly, he fastened his seatbelt and looked at his white-haired companion. The other experienced turbulences even less joyfully than the rest of the plane. "If these storms carry on, the plane will probably have to land somewhere else." Allen quickly covered his mouth with his hand. His skin became almost as white as his hair. The Portuguese man huffed in resignation. "Looks like you're having the time of your life." He pushed the yellow button and a female flight-attendant came in no time, holding a small pile of paper bags. Before she could ask anything, the tanned one snatched one bag and quickly gave it to Allen. The other accepted it gladly and made a quick use of it. Confused, the attendant stood silently. After a while, she was given a bag full of Allen's past lunch. "Thank you, that's all." Charming smile of the Portuguese seemed to please the girl.

"No... more..." Allen breathed deeply. "I'm... never flying... again." Another bump of plane brought back nausea.

"Hmm, I expected Cross's pupil to be a little more... tough?" Tyki reached for his pocket. "Chewing gum?" Allen glanced angrily, though in his condition the look wasn't fierce enough. "It's pepermint."

"Bar'n'Gas" Road Bar.

7 years ago.

"For the milionth time, you little piece of shit-" A fat kitchen-chef waved his fist at Allen, who tried his best to leave kitchen's trash bins. "If I ever see your ugly, stinking face again, I'll make chicken wings out of you!" The chef slammed the door. The boy finally stopped his tracks and fell on his knees. He felt like crying. Mana...I'm starving... He came closer to bar windows and looked at people inside. They seemed to enjoy hot, well-presenting meals. He observed a small boy, who had a big plate of pancackes with maple syrup. The boy was eating with his family – mom, dad and older brother. All plates were empty, except for boy's pancacke plate. Allen could read from the child's face – he was displeased with the dish and decided not to eat at all. His parents tried to convince him, but nothing could be done. Old waitress approached the family's table and took away pancakes.


Allen knew what was this plate's destination. A trash bin. Why does this fatso mind me eating in this trash...? Allen muffled coming sobs and sat down, leaning his back against the wall. He had to wait a little before he could visit the kitchen's back again. It had been several days since he left the circus and so far the only way he could survive was to either begging for food or eat leftovers. Hovewer, the longer he lived, the less he wanted to live. In the past, Mana taught him to cherish his life, no matter how hard it may be. Everytime Allen though about dying, he could hear Mana speak.

"Mana..." Allen brought his knees closer and leaned his head. He was really tired. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had a proper sleep. Either the conditions were poor or nightmares of Mana's death haunted him. Nevertheless, he had to regain some energy... Though maybe this time, the darkness would finally welcome me and keep me inside...

"What the hell are you doing here?" His mind was drifting and relaxing, when suddenly someone spoke. Allen looked up. Somehow, the question was familiar. "Wait... I know you. You're that pathetic kiddo from the Blue Road." He is that tall, black shadow... This time, Allen could see the man's features. He was wearing black coat with golden emblems and accessories. Long, red hair were tied in a ponytail and hidden under a big, black hat. Golden eyes were giving Allen a cold, insensible look. Those eyes must have seen a lot, thus Allen's pitful form didn't draw man's attention. The man reached inside of his pocket and took out a box of cigarettes. The movement shook the black coat, revealing something shiny. Allen's gray eyes stopped in shock. It was a gun. "Hmm, you look a lot different than 4 days ago." He lit the cigarette and crouched. Golden eyes were on the same level as silver ones. "Could it be..." He inhaled deeply.


"...you found a shred of will to live?" The gray smoke filled 10-year-old's lungs.

"Cough! Cough!" Allen was displeased with the man's behavior. Not only was he already weak from starvation and exhaustion, but it seemed that someone decided to torment him.

"An ugly being like you doesn't really have a home, huh?" The stranger eyed Allen from head to toes. The first thing that he noticed were boy's hair. They were gray from dirt and sweat, but he knew their color was pure white. He had seen many children in his life, but none of them looked like him. Golden eyes lowered down. He could tell the boy was malnourished and hadn't slept in days. He looked lower. Dirty clothes and shoes, ripped sleeves and trousers. Again, he looked into the kid's eyes. They were lifeless at first, but deep down he noticed. This small piece that desperately was holding onto his life. "Get up." The man grabbed boy's arm and roughly lifted him up.

"H-Hey! Let me go!" Despite his calls, the red-haired stranger dragged him all the way to the bar. Allen nervously looked around. Disgusted faces, they were everywhere and they were turned his direction. He hadn't showered in weeks. The stranger opened the door to the bar's bathroom and put the boy in front of a sink. In front of him were a random piece of cloth and liquid soap.

"Clean yourself." That was all he heard before the man slammed the door, leaving him alone in the bathroom. Allen looked in front of the mirror and was shocked. He hadn't had a clear reflection of himself since before the Circus Convention in Hewood. In glass reflection he had a hunch something different happened to his hair, but in that moment he saw it himself – his hair were no longer brown. Allen stood in front of the mirror.

He was crying.

The Plane. Flight 35.

1.15 a.m.

"Royal Straight Flush." Allen showed his deck of cards to his Portuguese companion. It was the first time he showed any kind of smile to Tyki. However, this one was full of self-satisfacion as he was pleased with winning over the man. "I win again." Tyki inhaled deeply, trying his best not to shout in despair.

"How the hell is that even possible!?" He failed miserably. "There's no way you could just win 10 times in a row, you cheating bastard!"

"Oh, is that so?" Allen's face was glimmering. He just won a free apartment in one of the sea resorts in Portugal. "Can you prove it that I cheated?"

"I changed cards to my best, I shuffled the deck, I swapped all aces! And yet you still win! No doubt you must be cheating!" Tyki took Allen's cards and prepared for the next game of poker.

"Well, you've just revealed that you cheat a lot." Allen smirked. Yes, he was cheating and he was really good at it. Nobody was able to catch him. He was pleased even more when he knew his opponent was trying to trick him as well. "And I play fair and square." After many years of traveling with his Master, Allen had to find a quick way to make money. And so he practiced poker. The beginnings were hard. When people caught him he was often beaten into a pulp or threatened to be killed. But Allen was learning from his fails. Game after game he became better.

"One more time!" Tyki was fired up. He never thought he would regret challenging the boy. All he wanted was to take out the info about Innocence's whereabouts from Allen. He thought he was the best in poker.

"So whaddya say, boy? Care for a little game? If I win, you'll tell me where you hid Innocence. And if you win, I'll pay you nicely. I promise you, I won't trick you. After all, we belong to the same family..."

"Hmm... Sure, why not."

I should have bitten off my tongue! No, not just that! I should have bitten it off and then swallowed it! Tyki frowned, concentrating on Allen's hands and cards. He knew how he shuffled the cards. He was going to switch 4 of them and pick four aces from the pile, while Allen would be forced to pick two tens, one nine and one queen. He was sure he would get four of a kind, leaving the younger with only one pair.

He took a quick look at his cards.

Changed four of them.

Looked at new ones.

And froze.

"Call! Four of a kind." Allen showed four glorious aces with an innocent smile. Tyki threw his weak pair of tens away.

His Rolex had to say goodbye.

"Bar'n'Gas" Road Bar.

7 years ago.

"Finally, you stopped looking like a crap." The strange man from before called Allen to his table, ordering him to sit down. After a moment, an old waitress came to their table, waiting for boys o chose. "Medium rare steak with mashed potatoes and green pea." He glanced at the boy as if he expected him to order something for himself "Also, bring us a glass of water". After a while, the order came. Allen was given water. "Bon apetit." The stranger took a fork and a knife. His feast started. On the other side of the table, Allen took the glass. His gray eyes couldn't leave the magnificent sight of juicy slice of meat. "Stop staring at my plate." Allen dropped his gaze and took a small sip of water. The redhead stopped eating, burped loudly and put the plate away from him, moving it closer to the boy. However, the plate wasn't meant to be taken by the boy. "I'm full." Allen was staring at meat, again. "Too bad this delicious steak has to be trashed. Oh well, I suppose racoons or rats will take care of it later." He heard a faint whine from the boy's side. "What was that, kiddo?"

"Umm..." Allen turned his face away. No doubt he wants to eat so badly...

"I don't suppose you want to eat it, since it's clear to me that you want to die badly." Allen's heart dropped at the man's words. He didn't know what to feel anymore. He had a desire to die, but right then it was overshadowed by the desire to eat. "Or is it that you feel too embarrassed to ask for a damn piece of meat that's right under your little nose?" Golden eyes were piercing through his soul. Allen shook his head, tears slowly forming in the corners of his eyes. "What's stopping you from asking?" The stranger moved closer in front of the weak boy. "Shame? Pride? Fear? Death? Which is it, boy?" Allen had a strong urge to just leave the bar and leave the psycho. He didn't understand why he was there.

I will not ask, because that man scares me.

I will not ask, because I don't need his pity.

I will not ask, because it's his food.

I wil not ask, because I don't care anymore.

"I-I-M-May... May I..." The stranger widened his eyes, concentrating on the boy's words. They were weak, but at least they were finally spoken. "May I... eat... your...d-diner?" Tears were heavily falling one after another. All blockades inside of him broke. The fear, the pride, the shame, and the death. Allen was left with only one sentence in his mind.

I will ask, because this steak looks delicious.

Allen could see a small, victorious smile forming in the corner of man's lips. The plate was finally closer to him. The strange handed over his fork and knife. Not any longer, Allen was carelessly stuffing his mouth with food. He took a giant bites and almost choked on every swallowed bit. Crying also didn't help him with choking. But he was happy, for the first time since Mana died. While Allen was eating, the man in front of him took a new cigarette and lit it. He ordered a black coffee and a big plate of pancakes. And so almost three hours left in sounds of puffing smoke out and ringing cutlery on plates. Allen left three clean plates in front of him while the redhead took a final sip of his coffee.

"That's it then." The man stood up. He grabbed Allens head and dragged him out of the place, leading him to a black Mercedes. The boy whined under the man's grasp. "You didn't think I would let you go without paying for this food you just ate, did you?" He opened the car's door and violently put Allen on the passenger's seat. Confusion and fright overwhelmed the boy. "I'll make sure you'll work your ass off for that." Allen swallowed a big lump in his throat as the took a seat behing the wheel. "From now on I am your Master and you may only address me as such. I'm gonna show you some tricks and when you are ready, you'll pay your debt." Allen tried to say something, but the manstarted the engine and left the area completely.

Allen was crying.

Though this time he wasn't sure why...

The Plane. Flight 35.

1.55 a.m.

Lavi looked out of the window and sighed. He and Marian had to switch places with Lenalee, because the girl didn't seem to be good after the storm. Therefore, Lavi could only either talk to Allen's inhumane Master (and he really didn't feel like to) or listen to pathetic attempts of Marian's hitting on Chinese girl. Just as the trip went by, Lenalee was visiting the toilet more frequently, leaving two men alone. I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored... Though in the back of his head he knew the situation he was in was of utmost importance, it didn't matter. I'm gonna die of boredom... The younger redhead thought about an interesting topic he could discuss with Marian.

"Hey. How did you two meet?" He finally asked. There was no reaction from the older's side. "Oy, I'm talking to you!" Marian Cross turned his head fully to the young redhead.

"What is it, idiotic bunny?"

"Dammit, stop calling me that!" Lavi regretted opening his mouth. "I said – how the hell poor Allen ended up with such a rotten person?"

"I really don't like your tone, idiot." Marian glared at the younger one. "I was in need of someone to deal with my crap. Allen was a kid stupid enough to be bought with a small chicken bone." Lavi's face showed a mixture of disgut and annoyance. And here I thought he was actually generous enough to be Allen's guardian on his own will. I don't even know if 'rotten' suits that son of a bitch... Lavi decided not to carry the topic on and came back to his window. Marian closed his eyes. He pictured a familiar pair of gray orbs, shining brightly with determination and with a burning passion.

A small smile was forming in the corner of his lips.

~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~


Welcome, welcome, welcome! Yep, I'm still alive.
Why am I here again? Oh well, even though years are passing by, I'm not completely done with my stories and I re-read them from time to time :) Somehow I ended up reading Neighbor, refreshed my favorite chapters and thought Hmm, I really could write something here... And so I grabbed my keyboard.


I actually though a little about Allen's and Marian's relationship. It made sense to me that Cross "adopted" Allen while he was freshly after the murder of Mana (also I tried to make a similarity to manga's plot). In my opinion, Marian suits the type that would take Allen, but he wouldn't show that he cares :) And the way he treated Allen in the bar? Actually, there are different point of views, be it cruel and ruthless or kind and merciful. Either way, there is a method in this madness!

I send my regards to all new readers and readers from the past (if you actually happen to remember this story :D). I also greet my friend, who is one of a few people in my life that actually know about his page's existence :D

Give me your thoughts in review :)