Oi oi^^

I wanted to start a new story yes I am going to continue the other story but I just wanted to write this one^^

There will be three important couples in the story 1) Ryoma yukimura, 2) Tezuka Fuji, 3) Atobe Sanada. And lots of other different couples^^

summary: A group of students from rich families studies people in the ghetto. They meet the most feared gang in the city and it changes their life forever.

disclaimer: I don't own anything..... Maybe I do own something but nothing in this story:P

He would've sighed if he wasn't Tezuka. He would've been frustrated. But he was Tezuka and he didn't feel, or at least he didn't show, those emotions.

Atobe snorted. His almighty self had never planned on coming to such a place.

The walls were falling apart and if they still stood they had cracks and the paint was coming off on most places. If there were windows in the buildings the glass was shattered and the frame was bended. Doors were hanging from the frame and if you didn't watch out they would fall down. Colorful graffiti decorated the walls but still everything seemed dull and gray. Glass and empty beer bottles were shattered everywhere.

No Tezuka didn't like this place it gave him an uncomfortable feeling. He was not scared Tezuka Kunimitsu was not scared. He was one of the people from the upper-class. He had been confronted with business men, swindlers, lawyers, frauds and other people you wouldn't invite in your house if you had the choice. Tezuka would never be afraid of people.

Atobe wasn't afraid either but he was utterly disgusted to say the least. He was one of the richest people in this country. He didn't see why he would need to wander through the ghetto.

Yukimura however didn't seem to mind that much he found this place filthy but he didn't mind being here. He found it interesting to see the other side of society.

Yanagi was amused and scribbled down many things. Yes he was one of the few people who found this interesting.

Why would people from the upper-class spend time here you might wonder. It was a school assignment they had to study a different group from society and Yukimura had decided for their group. They would have to study gangs and people who lived on the street.

Yukimura studied the people 'crowding' the street.

First you had a small group hanging together eyeing Tezuka's group with mixed emotions.

Then you had the people who stood alone and eyed the groups of people warily.

Next you had the people who walked past shooting the group a glance but not much more.

Last there were two people who raised Yukimura's attention.

People walked past the two people in fear and respect.

The two people themselves were unique.

One was a small and frail looking brunette. He had closed eyes and a smile. His head was turned towards Tezuka's group but Yukimura wasn't sure if he actually watched them. The boy wore a plain black t-shirt and ripped blue jeans.

The other was tall and muscular. He wore a cap and had brown eyes that were completely free of emotions like the rest of his face. He wore a black jacket over a white shirt and brown baggy jeans with many pockets. He ignored the group and stared at a point a bit behind them.

Yukimura turned his head slightly to see what the boy was looking at.

A frail figure with black shorts, a white sleeveless shirt and a white cap was running in their direction. A smirk was clearly visible on his face. He easily avoided Tezuka's group and stopped before the two boys.

The brunettes smile widened a bit when the boy came to a halt before him. He turned and walked away followed by the two other boys.

Yukimura noticed all eyes were on the three people. He wondered how high the status of those people exactly was here.

Yanagi walked towards one of the people. "Who are they?" He asked motioning his head over to where the boys used to be.

The boy almost chocked when it was asked him. "None of your business go away." He said while getting up and walking away.

Yanagi opened his usually closed eyes in surprise.

Atobe looked annoyed. "Ore-sama demands you to stop and tell him who those people were." In his eyes this might just be useful for the project.

The boy laughed before walking away.

Yukimura smiled amused. "Hmmm." He said thinking. "Shall we follow them?"

Atobe and Tezuka looked at him incredulous.

"Yes let's do that." Yanagi said.

Someone bumped in to Atobe at that very moment. "Atobe-san." He said clearly surprised.

"Marui?" Yukimura asked.

"Have you seen a small boy with a white cap?"

"Yes why?"

"He stole my wallet."

"Your wallet?"


"We were just planning on following him." Yanagi said.

"You don't seriously think you'll get that back do you?" A voice asked.

They looked up and saw a boy a little older than them. He had black hair and a tanned skin. He was tall and had a mocking smile. "That boy with the cap. He's one of the numbers and there's just no way in hell you'll get anything back from them."

"The numbers?" Yukimura asked.

"I've heard about them." Yanagi said flipping through the pages of a notebook. "They are the most feared gang at the moment. They are ordered in numbers the leader has the lowest number."

"And why exactly should we be afraid of them?" Atobe asked clearly annoyed.

"The gang who leaded before this one had over 200 members and they all got knocked down by one of the numbers." Yanagi said.

"Only number 11 actually." The boy said.

"Which numbers did the ones we have seen?" Yukimura asked curious.

Everyone looked at the boy.

"I'm not sure no one knows who has which number exactly. But the three you saw are at least in the top ten."

"But you know who number eleven is?" Yukimura asked. He already knew they wouldn't catch up with the three boys anymore.

The boy laughed, turned around and left.

Everyone stared at him confused.

"That's why we shouldn't talk to these lowlifes so indecent." Atobe said.

"We should go and come back tomorrow." Yanagi said staring at the point the boy was just a few seconds ago.

Yukimura was reviewing his notes from chemistry and smiled as Yanagi came walking towards him.

"I had forgotten you had a checkup today at the hospital. We could go another day if you like." Yanagi said.

"You should go. I will catch up with you later." Yukimura said. "I will call you if I can't find you is that okay?"

Ooishi walked in their class. "I heard about yesterday are you sure it's a good idea for you to go again? I mean you might get in trouble. I don't think it's safe to walk around without bodyguards there. I already told this to Tezuka but he didn't listen."

Kikumaru hopped inside the classroom and hugged Ooishi from behind. "What's the matter Ooishi you look worried?"

"They want to go talk to some sort of gang."

"That sounds so cool, can I come with you nya?"

Yukimura chuckled. "You should ask Yanagi."

"No you can't go it is way too dangerous." Ooishi said worried.

Yukimura chuckled again. Sometime she wondered how those two ended up together. "Don't you think it would be safer if we go with a big group?"

Ooishi really didn't know what to say.

Kikumaru beamed. "Yes yes we should go with a lot of people. I'll ask Kawamura, Shinji, Kamio oh and Kabaji and Oshitari."

Ooishi thought he would die from worry when he heard this.

"You should come too." Yukimura said smiling brightly.

But before Ooishi could answer he was pulled out of the classroom by a hyper Kikumaru.

Yukimura walked out the hospital and decided to go catch up with the others. It was a bit later than he had anticipated but he had time enough to catch up with his friends.

"Pretty girls shouldn't walk alone here." A voice said.

Yukimura spun around to find a group of four boys/men. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm a boy."

The men laughed while pushing him against a wall.

Yukimura knew that as a fellow man he shouldn't really do this and that it wouldn't really help with making them believe he was a boy but he didn't care at this moment. He kicked the man holding him there where it hurt.

The man cursed and released him.

A soft chuckle from the side disturbed his thinking. "You're sure you're a boy? You look and act pretty much like a girl."

The men in front of Yukimura froze.

"If you want to bother people fine with me but do it somewhere I'm not trying to sleep."

Yukimura raised an eyebrow. He moved his head trying to see the face of the boy.

This boy was rather cocky to sleep somewhere where people easily could do something to him.

"B-but w-we were quiet." One of the men stuttered.


"We will leave now." One of the other men said backing away slowly.

The others followed the man's example and followed him in his mission to become invisible.

Yukimura now got a good view at the boy.

He was small with almost a female build; he wore a white cap, black shorts, a white sleeveless shirt, and a black jacket.

Yukimura couldn't really see his face but he was obviously the boy from yesterday. "You're the boy from yesterday, one of the numbers, the one who stole Marui's purse."

The boy gave no hint whatsoever that he had heard Yukimura.

"Thank you for helping me." Yukimura tried while following the boy.

"Tch." He didn't look at Yukimura. "I didn't help you."

Yukimura smiled. "Yes you did."

The boy twitched but because of his cap and because he had his back towards Yukimura it wasn't seen. "I didn't."

Yukimura chuckled.

This boy was childish beyond believe and it amused Yukimura.

"You did." He replied. "And I want to thank you for it."

"I didn't and if you want to thank me leave me alone."

Yukimura chuckled again but didn't reply and he didn't do what the boy had asked him.

The boy was getting frustrated. "Leave me alone."

Yukimura just smiled and didn't do as he was asked.

They walked in silence for a while. The boy was silently fuming and Yukimura was amused.

"What do you want?" The boy asked/jelled in his annoyance.

"You stole my friend's wallet I want it back."

"Tch." The boy said ignoring him and walking a little faster.

Yukimura was keeping up easily. "You're one of the numbers right?"

The boy once again fastened his pace.

"What's your name?" Yukimura said still easily keeping up. He had far longer legs than this boy and that made it easy to keep up.

The boy suddenly stopped and faced Yukimura.

Yukimura smiled brightly he thought he had won and he finally could have a proper conversation with the boy.

The boy looked at Yukimura and smirked. He kicked him where Yukimura kicked some other man not too long ago.

Yukimura yelped in pain and surprise and fell to his knees.

"Guess you're a boy after all." The boy said smirking and running away.

The boy walked aimlessly through the streets trying to recall a conversation he heard yesterday.


He had been half asleep half awake and he had been leaning against the door when one of the others came back.

"There's a group of people who were trying to follow you."


"I had a nice conversation with them." He chuckled.

"The group that stood next to the streetlight?"

"The one with the four boys and the girl?"

Their leader softly chuckled. "Not exactly but I think we're talking about the same group."

"Our princess had stolen a wallet from one of them."

"You know he isn't asleep right?" their leader asked in a silent chuckling.

"They aren't a gang but they seem to know enough about us."

"I think someone should deal with them."

"You think?"

"Shut up baka mumushi."

"You two feel like going?"

"NO!" They replied in unison.

"Then shall we send the twins and the brothers?"

A nod of confirmation was enough and it was settled they probably wouldn't be coming back ever.

-end flaskback-

The boy grinned.

Or that boy he had met was already running away or he was going to find his friends in quite a mess.

Another thought struck the boy he wasn't the only one of the numbers who had thought the person he met earlier was a girl.

Yukimura wasn't really pleased when he had walked towards his friends. But he was angry, surprised and on the verge of breaking down when he found his friends. What was it that had happened here?

Okay this was chapter one^^ I hope you liked it^^ Please review reviewers are loved^^