It has been at least a few months since Drew participated in the Kanto Grand Festival and lost to his rival May. After returning to his home in LaRousse City, he went home; practically bored with nothing worthwhile to do during his stay. While Drew was tending to his roses on his plant box in the window of his room, he noticed a full-grown red rose among the rest of his delicate rose buds. As soon as he picked it out of the plant box, Drew Hayden's life was never the same again.

Lightning and Sword Fan Fiction Productions and Southern Cross Entertainment proudly present…

"Wish Upon a May!"

Drew's wish is May's command.


Chapter 1: My name is May but I'm not May

The train pulled over at the Grand Station in the heart of LaRousse City: the Hoenn Region's city of the future. As soon as the train doors opened up, people got off the train and crowded the station platforms. A certain green-haired and cool-headed 10-year-old boy: Drew Hayden has just got off the morning train and finally set foot on his hometown. It has been a few months since he participated in the Kanto Grand Festival and lost to his rival May. But it has been a full year since his last visit to LaRousse City. He felt good about returning home after being defeated by the one person he values so much as a fellow coordinator. For now, Drew plans on having a well-deserved rest of his own in his house.

"I'm home." Drew called as soon as he took off his shoes inside the entrance.

Nobody bothered to reply. Nobody answered. Drew took a look around and realized that nobody's home.

"I should've known. Everything's wrapped up in plastic." Drew sighed; walking up the stairs and entering his room.

Drew's room was particularly small. The main feature of his room was a cabinet full of contest ribbons he won in the past. He stared at a huge space in the center where the Ribbon Cup was supposed to be placed. But it seemed that he failed to get it. Drew opened the window and took a breath of fresh air. His room was overseeing much of the city so despite its size he has a nice view to compensate for that.

"I've only been gone for a year but much has changed." Drew said; tending to his roses in the plant box below the window panes. "I see these roses of mine have grown."

Suddenly, Drew immediately saw something different—a full-grown rose among his rose buds. As far as he could recall, he planted all of the roses at the same time. So why is this odd fellow already full-grown when it should be somewhere near a bud?

"That's odd." Drew said. "I know I planted all of these roses at the same time."

Slowly, Drew picked the full-grown rose off the plant box. He took a good look at it and concluded that it was a normal sparkling red rose—no funny stuff added like growth accelerators or the like. In fact, it was one of the most beautiful roses he had ever seen. Normally, the roses he always gives to May were not sparkling and nowhere near pretty as the one Drew is holding in his hand right now. He put the full-grown rose in a small flower vase full of fresh water.

"I wonder how May is doing." Drew sighed. "I feel kind of…lonely."


Meanwhile somewhere in the mountains of Johto, the brunette coordinator sneezed so loud; nearby wild Pokemon scurried away in fear. She rubbed her nose and any sticky mucus that could've gotten out of her nose with a clean hanky. It was very typical of her to conclude that someone was talking about her.

"Did somebody just call out my name?" May said.


Back in the futuristic city of LaRousse, Drew continued to look at his full-grown sparkling rose in the flower vase by the table. He was bored—practically bored. He wished that he could join May in her journey in Johto but they were rivals after all. They would be fighting over every ribbon in every contest in every town or city in the region if that happened. Drew took the rose out of the vase and played with it for a while. Then he began reciting a poem just for time to go faster.

"Roses are red; violets are…hmm…Drew?"

All of a sudden, the rose began shaking violently by itself. Drew immediately threw the rose on the floor as it continued to shake.

"Whoa! What…what's happening?" Drew said. "That rose has a mind of its own!"

Eventually, a huge puff of pink smoke clouded the entire bedroom. Drew quickly covered his mouth and opened the windows even further to let the smoke out. When the smoke had cleared, he noticed that the rose was gone from where he threw it. Instead, a brunette girl was standing right in front of him; dressed up in Arabian-themed princess's clothing—more like what Drew's rival wore during the Wallace Cup.

"Good morning, master!" The brunette girl winked at Drew with folded hands.

"M-Master…?" Drew replied in total bewilderment. "What are you doing in my room, May?"

"Oh, that's great! You quickly got my name right!"

"Huh? What?"

The brunette girl made a curtsy bow; lifting her long gown a bit and bowing down. "Hello, my name is May."

"Of course you're May!" Drew exclaimed. "Who do you think you are? Harley?"


"More importantly, what are you doing here? I thought you're in Johto."

"Um, Master…"

"And the Wallace Cup just ended. Why are you still wearing that?"

"Master, I—"

"Wait a sec, that's it! You must be a spy! You were sent to take me out, weren't—"

The brunette girl, who looked like Drew's rival May in every aspect, immediately grabbed a thick book and hit Drew as hard as she could on the head. The not-so-cool-headed coordinator was knocked out cold shortly. Drew finally calmed down and overcame his paranoid state but was knocked out cold in return. The brunette girl, although evident that she had hit Drew in the head with the force of a rolling boulder, only realized that she had done something wrong involuntarily.

"Ah, Master…!" May shrieked, panicking. "Oh, what do I do? What do I do? Why does this keep on happening to me?"


Half-an-hour later, Drew regained consciousness and rose up from bed. He rubbed the part of his head that was hurting as much as migraine. He felt like he had hit his head with a thick book or something thicker than that.

"Whoa, that was some dream." Drew said. "I should really lay off the gelatin for a while."

"What happened in your dream, Master?" May asked.

"Oh, you'll never believe what happened. This rose I was playing with a while ago suddenly transformed into this girl I know wearing what she wore during the Wallace—"

Drew discontinued his story and fell eerily silent as soon as he realized…

"It wasn't a dream, Master." May winked a second time.

In the end, Drew had no choice but to accept the reality before him. Destiny just gave him a magical assistant.


"So let me get this straight, your name is May but you're not who I think you are." Drew said. "Are you some kind of genie? Judging by the way you dress…"

"That's right!" May smiled. "After serving my last master, I quickly transformed into a rose until somebody can chant the right words to set me free."


"Roses are red, violets are…then you say your name."

"That explains why the rose was vibrating like crazy a while ago. So, I suppose that you're so grateful to me for setting you free; you're granting me three wishes correct?"

"Not three, Master…five wishes."

"Five wishes? Don't genies usually grant their master three?"

"I'm a unique kind of genie, Master. I think that three wishes are too few."

"Are you REALLY a genie?" Drew gave his magical assistant a sneer.

"Do you want proof, Master? That can be arranged." May replied, standing up on the open space. "Why don't you wish for something right now?"

"No way; that will waste my number of wishes."

"Your wish will be on the house for this time only. Is that fair with you?"

"Well…I suppose it doesn't hurt to give it a try. I always want a small doll that looks like May—"

"Drew's wish is May's command!"