Author's Note:
first fanfic hope you like.
most links are on profile (including my personal picks for characters)
so check 'em out i know it's hard to visualize for some ;)
Am I not Enough for You?
1: That Party Last Night was Awfully Crazy
"Allllllice!!!" I yelled down the stairs of our two story loft.
"Bella, there's no need to yell I can hear," Alice responded, sounding a bit annoyed.
"Oh, sorry," I sheepishly apologized, "do you know where my denim mini skirt is? I can't find it after that party last night."
"Yeah, when we were cleaning up I put it in your hamper."
"Thanks," I walked into my room.
"No, problem where are you going?" she asked.
"Jacob's coming to get me and we are going to get some lunch," I blushed, "by the way that skirt wasn't dirty." I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes while going back downstairs, where her and Rose were watching the Betsy Johnson Fashion Show taking place in LA.
"Knock, knock," I heard my favorite deep voice ask, as he walked off the dinging elevator.
"I'm up here Jacob!" I replied giddily as he climbed the stairs. Jacob was my ex and now best friend.
He eyed my outfit of a rolled up burgundy t-shirt, denim mini (that I just found), and black leggings. "Damn girl! How much ass did you get in that outfit last night?!" Jacob asked as he gave me a soft peck on the lips. He was wearing a simple outfit of dark washed jeans, a grey muscle shirt (damnit!), and a preppy (probably Ralph Lauren) version of an army jacket.
"Ha-ha," I replied sarcastically as I rolled my eyes, "you know for a fact I don't do that." The fact that I wouldn't sleep with Jacob was the reason we ended it. He was too horny and I wasn't putting out, so he found pleasure elsewhere and I kicked him out.
"I'll be back later to get ready for the party!" I yelled ecstatically as we waited for the elevator.
We got in and Jacob snaked his arm around me, but I shrugged out of it with an exasperated sigh. The elevator stopped on the floor below us, which was weird because it's been empty for like months now. Those thoughts ceased as soon as the doors opened revealing a very hunky stranger. He was about 6 foot with more brown than golden, wavy locks and light blue eyes.
"Well hello there gorgeous!" he greeted me enthusiastically.
I smiled and extended my hand, "It's Bella, but I answer to gorgeous when someone as hott as you is speaking."
"I'll have to keep that in mind," he winked, "I'm Emmett, by the way, me and my brothers just moved here for the start of the NYU school year."
"Oh well, then I hope we have some classes together," I blushed, "ps there's going to be a kick-ass masquerade upstairs tonight–top floor–it's formal attire and masks only."
"Hmmmm sounds like fun we'll be there," he smiled as the elevator dinged open, "see you then gorgeous."
"Wow, Bella, why didn't you just rip your clothes off and ask him to take you now?" I heard Jacob laugh in my ear.
"Well I didn't want to be rude," I smiled slyly, stepping on to the city streets. We took the one block trek to our favorite diner on foot. We ate there everyday, and got a discount of free since we made friends with the owners.
"Sam, Emily what's up," Jacob high-fived the owner, "we'll have two usuals, in the regular booth." I heard Sam laugh as he called our order back to Seth.
Jacob pushed my hair behind my ear, "Bella, I don't know why you–"
"Don't Jacob," I interrupted. He started to say something else, but I stopped him saying, "no, I know what you're going to say and my answer is no. I'm not going to give us"–motioning between the two of us–"another try."
Seth was walking up with our usual morning order, "well don't let me interrupt the smack down that's about to begin. My money's on Bella," he said cracking a smile and waggling his eyebrows.
"Goodbye, Seth," Jacob waved him away, not bothering to hide his irritation at my refusal and Seth's crack. We finished in silence and walked back to the loft in a huff. That sexy guy from the elevator–what was his name, Everett, maybe?–was standing waiting to catch an elevator up to his floor.
"Well, hello gorgeous," I could get real used to that. "I didn't get the pleasure of making your acquaintance earlier–I was a little preoccupied by this enchanting creature–you're her… boyfriend? Brother, maybe?" this boy has such manners; he didn't even notice Jacob's frustration.
"Jacob," he cleared his throat and tried to seem nicer, "Err, ex-boyfriend actually."
Sexy guy nodded knowingly and stretched out his hand, "You probably heard before, but I'm Emmett," I'm glad I had that cleared up for me. Wouldn't to call him the wrong name or "sexy guy" next time he talked to me. I bit my lip thinking, the things I would do to you 'sexy guy'. The whole exchange lasted about two minutes or so, when the elevator doors opened, revealing two equally sexy guys.
"Hey, guys," Emmett greeted the other two. Then, he looked at me and Jacob, "this is Bella and Jacob. Bella and Jacob, my brothers: Jasper–"motioning to an older looking, blonde hair-blue eyed guy"–and Edward–"motioning to the younger bronzed haired, green eyed one. Oh my god, these guys actually live on the floor under me.
"Oh, brothers, you all look so different," I asked genuinely curious. I didn't even notice we were getting off on a floor that was not mine.
"Yeah we get that a lot," the middle one, introduced as Jasper–I think–said, winking at me.
"We were adopted by what we call our father," the youngest one, Edmund…?, chuckled, like he was reading my mind. I blushed, he looked about my age, and was flashing me a devastatingly gorgeous, crooked smile. I heard someone clear their throat behind me, it was Jacob.
"Are you going to stay here?" he asked not bothering to hide his annoyed tone, "I thought you wanted to get ready for the party."
"Oh, right the party!" I nearly broke the elevator "up" button I jammed it so hard.
"Hmm, are you our hostess this evening? I know there's only one floor above ours and the party's on the top floor," Edward raised one eyebrow, as me and Jacob climbed into the elevator.
"Maybe…" I said in a sultry, come-and-get-me tone, as the doors closed. The one I had only every used on Jacob. I could feel the jealousy fuming from him, as I stepped off into the main room glowing.
"Wait just one second, gorgeous," Emmett called stopping the doors, "number?" I gave him my number and he gave me all three of theirs so we could talk or text or whatever.
Our loft was very stylish; we decorated it ourselves meshing our very unique styles. The loft was paid in full thanks in a main part to my full academic ride to NYU and the hefty inheritance from my dead mother. Charlie, my father and chief of NYPD, and her didn't end on the best of terms. So, I, being the closest living relative got the huge fortune from her and her husband Phil.
In addition to the two-floor loft we have the roof. So, we throw the best, most kick-ass parties at NYU. Only those who are known show up, if you're a nobody you're out. Not to sound stuck up, but those are Alice's rules.
"What did you do?" Alice squealed.
"Met our new neighbors," I replied with just as much enthusiasm.
"Oh goodness, their hott aren't they?" Alice questioned recognizing the look on my face.
"Super," I breathed, "I invited them to the masquerade." Her eyes lit up at that. Jacob flopped on the couch in a 'humph'.
"Aw, what's the matter dog?" Rosalie teased. She had been calling him that since he cheated on me with some sorority slut. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, he's just mad that I turned him down flat, yet again," I smiled, knowing they would love this part, "and flirted with all three irresistible guys that live under us–at the same time!"
Alice screamed and tackled me in a hug, "you didn't"
"Oh, I did," I laughed knowing she'd be happy.
"Ok, let's get ready I already laid out your outfit. So, you have to shower, and I'll do your hair and make up," she said excitingly leading me up the stairs. She stopped and turned to Jacob, "your outfit is in the guest bedroom." She wrinkled her nose like the idea of it being his bedroom disgusted her.
I took the most meticulous shower every making sure I was shaved, clean and smooth. Alice didn't really need to blow dry my hair, because she liked my natural waves. While we waited for my hair to dry, she made my face over for the big reveal at midnight–when everyone takes of their masks after a night of mystery. She did bright fuchsia eyeliner with traditional black mascara; she said it would perfectly complement my butter yellow dress and mask. Once my hair was completely dry, Alice came back in and fixed it. It was mostly up with a few strands falling down here and there.
She left again to let me change I put on the black lace strapless bra and thong set. It didn't feel necessary, but Alice said she had a feeling. She always got those premonitions about stuff almost like she was physic. I put on the rest of my buttery yellow ensable and donned me beautiful mask. A few last checks: lip gloss? Check. Cell phone? Check. Overall? Check mate, I have to admit I loved Alice's work– the yellow was perfect to make my milk chocolate eyes a golden, liquidy topaz.
again haha
please review i really want honest opinions
i think the only out of character person is going to be bella
bc i really wanted to do one about partying (muse=sister)
and i wanted it to be about bella so....