Yullen Soundtrack

Summary: Songfics with a Yullen theme. Track 6: Soul Meets Body by DCFC. The two knew that this was where his empty soul met his empty body, and they became one and complete.

Warnings: A bit cliché and repetitive; a shaky new narration style that I'm trying out.

Well, I rather like this song. Thank you, Abreaction :D It's very nice.

So, uh, I miss writing Kanda. I'm going to say that bluntly. After practice, I feel empty. It was rather refreshing to be so outrightly mean (I'm very courteous and nice; like Allen on most days. "Most" refers to every day that I don't spend cooped up in my house all day with no one to talk to and no utensils with which I can write), so I decided to (try to) pick on both Allen and Kanda this time around :D … But I'm probably going to end up writing more on Kanda, instead… -sigh-

I'm trying a new narration style—it's much simpler, and very different from the omniscient, eloquent-and-elaborate style that I normally use. It's semi-repetitive in the beginning, but is supposed to tie in with the last phrase. Tell me what you think… if you notice any difference (read: if I manage to hold out with the new style long enough).

Hope you enjoy, and again—I don't own D. Gray-man, or any of the songs used in this fanfiction.




Track 6: Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie




I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me

A cool breeze; a resounding emptiness tells Kanda something is missing, even after long lengths of travel. He longs for the warmth of the sun that makes him feel complete.

And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new

A breath of stale air; a feeling of stuffiness surrounds Allen. He longs for the refreshing, awakening splash of cold water that brings him to reality.

Cause in my head there's a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they're far more suited than here

The two harbor thoughts that should not exist; thoughts that are banished in hopes of someone more deserving receives them and can wholeheartedly return them, for they are not welcome in their world. They cannot exist without prejudice.

I cannot guess what we'll discover
Between the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hand can wash one another's
And not one speck will remain
But as those thoughts are frantically buried with makeshift shovels, their thoughts bleed from their minds and dirty their hands. If they could be cleaned by the objects of their endeavors, then they would be spotless forevermore.

I do believe it's true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too

A cool breeze; a sudden urge to move forward brings Allen to his feet. Aimlessly, he wanders until he encounters a long-haired Exorcist. The younger Exorcist seats himself next to the other and they sit in silence.

So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you're the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

A breath of stale air; a desire for the one next to him makes Kanda reach for his hand. He asks the younger of the two to sing; to sing the song that he knows makes the other uncomfortable. But it's the only song he wants to hear.

Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body

The soft humming is all that can be heard, and the two knew that this was where his empty soul met his empty body, and they became one and complete.

I do believe it's true
That there are holes left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too

A cool breeze; the feet that Kanda has overused have taken rest. The warm sun has finally reached him, and made him feel complete. His empty soul had met his empty body.

So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you're the only song I want to hear

A breath of stale air; a splash of water has awakened Allen to the song that the other now hums along with.

A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

The two voices sing together in harmony, sending a melody softly soaring across the sky and into the atmosphere. All one wants to do is listen to the other, and, though they know that someday, one of them may leave before the other, they know that they will continue to sing together in harmony forevermore.





I felt a little awkward, writing this, since my sister was doing her chemistry homework behind me, but HEY. SUPPORT LOVE!

The next track is going to be taken from Chainsaw Mafia. No, she didn't request it; she introduced me to this awesome song—Wake Up by Story of the Year. Listen to it; I think it's rather fitting for this star-crossed (in their current life) duo. SUPPORT LOVE! (For some odd reason, I really feel like saying that. O_o;;)

And stupid, religious Californians; voting Yes on 8. NO ON 8! … Yes, I know that was in November of last year, but still… SUPPORT LOVE! –total spazzy moment-

At any rate, requests are still greatly appreciated :D I think I have some still in stock, but I don't remember any of them and I really want to do this one. I really like this next song, for some odd reason.

Gosh. I'm on an updating high today :D Well, who wouldn't? Abreaction and KISProuctions are back! (I think I've said that at least five times now...)

Sora Pwns x3

Next Track: Wake Up by Story of the Year