Hello everyone, long time no writing. I hope you can forgive me, I have been going through a rough time you see. To everyone who has left reviews, thank you ever so much for your advice and complements, I really appreciate everything that has been said. Thank you again =].

And with no further ado, may I present Chapter 5.

Erik tread quietly on the slippery cobbles beneath his feet, not once stumbling or sliding on the damp slime that coated the stone. At the bottom of the staircase was the beginning of a lake. Low levels of mist swirled above the dank, green water, the only thing that invaded the tranquil surface was the small, wooden gondola that wobbled very slightly in the current. Tied to the wall by a frayed piece of rope. In the gondola were rich blankets and pillows, put specifically there for this night. Erik lay Erszabet down in the boat gently and fiddled with the small lantern at the wooden edge to glow ever so slightly in the dark, instead of emitting a blazing glare. With his cape and loose, cotton shirt thrown beside Erszabet, Erik yanked the rope from the wall and jumped into the gondola, pushing it from the lake's shore with a long metal pole. The further into the dark tunnels the boat drifted, the denser the mist grew, until nothing but the rats were present, squeaking quietly on the carved statues that gazed into nothingness.

Erszabet felt the sensation of bobbing, of being on water, and it confused her mind. A quiet splash began to stir her from sleep, causing her to murmur and flutter her eyelids. After a little while almost floating, something stopped and a pair of hands hoisted her into the air, pulling her into the strong arms that carried her to a bed made of carved stone, with deep red and black drapes hanging around its curved sides from the ceiling. Her nerves twitched as her skin met with satin and heavy silk, luxurious pillows filled with feathers, a mattress that soothed every curve and promised blissful sleep, for a moment leaving her mind in a slight, dreamy daze. Erszabet was close to awakening, but a warm, enveloping blanket was pulled over her small body, pushing her back into oblivion.

The phantom almost glided to his wardrobe, opening the door tentatively.

"Now….which one for my beloved?" Erik whispered to the emptiness, rummaging around in the deep, oak armoire, "Which dress will do her justice?".

His cold hand grabbed a black, cotton dress with lace sewed around the hem, a dress that trailed behind and began to shorten at mid-thigh length, which would show the alluring sight of a garter on her smooth, unblemished skin. Erik smiled to himself and shut the wardrobe door. He held it carefully, so it didn't touch the ground, and lay it beside Erszabet's sleeping form. With a loss of control, Erik reached out and stroked her delicate cheek lovingly.

" I would hate to have to kill you my little one…"

Above ground, the sun was beginning to brighten the Hungarian skies. Birds had taken wing and darted with skill in the breeze high above. But inside the opera house panic had broke free. After the discovery of Erszabet's disappearance, the entire opera house was searched, checking every dark corner and hidden door. Natalya sat with dismay on Erszabet's bed, rocking to and fro with an almost psychotic jerk, sobbing to herself.

"He has taken her!" Natalya thought wildly " I must save her somehow!"

A knock at the door announced the arrival of the police, asking for a statement. Then a hour or two later, an ambulance pulled up outside the opera house, with two stern looking men stepping out with a straight jacket, and a woman being dragged to it by a tall policeman.

"I am not insane!" Natalya screamed " The Phantom has taken her! Taken her to hell! To be his forever!" She pulled at the officer's arm frantically "You must save her! You must!"

The stern-looking paramedics came to her and fastened her in a straight jacket, then unfolding a stretcher and tying her to it too.

"Now now Miss, We will find her…don't you worry"

"But if you try to take her from him, the Phantom will kill you! He will kill her!"

The officer walked away as the doors were shut, making Natalya's screams dull inside the metal, "There is no phantom of the opera" he cursed under his breath "Damn madwoman".

Deep, soul-scratching notes shrieked into the air, clawing at the room's echo, reaching for every heartbeat with a hungry hand. The music drifted into Erszabet's dream, and began to wake her from the land of sunshine and flowers she always dreamed of. She blinked slowly and sat up, confused by the beautiful, yet haunting, sound that hurt and healed at the same time. Erszabet twisted so her feet were hanging off the bed, and pushed herself to stand, to follow the source. As she stood, her red, lace nightgown hung loosely behind her slim legs, exposing her black, tied corset and black panties, showing suspender's that kept her stockings up.

Erik played his violin with intense passion, refusing to look away for even a moment as his hands guided the bow across the silver strings. In this song was his obsession, love, power, desire and anger, all set free by the bow as it sang in the candle-lit room.

" Who is it there?…" A voice began to sing, "Who is here with me in this place?"

Erik stopped playing with surprise and turned around, to see Erszabet come towards him.

"Where am I? "

Erik slowly put his violin aside and took a step forward,

"Welcome to your new home" He sang in return, with a gruff edge to his voice "I trust everything is to your liking…"

Erszabet gazed at the handsome man, stood in a black, Victorian style suit with a red neckerchief as he sung to her. She walked towards him and the man opened his arms out wide to her,

"My new home?! Who are you to tell me that?!" She exclaimed "I don't mean to be rude but is it you who has brought me here?"

Erik narrowed his eyes and grabbed her, entrapping her in his arms.

" I have brought you here, for years I have wanted you to see me…" Erik took a breath and continued "Now you have come of age... It is time Erszabet, It is time to succumb…"

Erszabet's eyes widened with fear as the phantom leaned in close,

"And now I have you I will never let you go…"

He grabbed her chin and kissed her roughly, enjoying the softness of her lips,

"You belong to me……."

She tried to push him away, hitting at his broad chest, Erik just grabbed her wrists and held them behind her back,

"I'll never belong to you!"

Erik laughed cruelly and bit at her throat,

"I will not take no for an answer"

- Hope you like that chapter, more soon, I promise!- xxx