A.N: Hey Guys!!
So here comes the epilogue. I had a blast writing this story and it's mainly because of you all and your fantastic reviews.
The song used in this chapter is 'I could not ask for more' by Edwin McCain.
Anyways I hope this epilogue answers the last question you had.
Thanks again for the support.
Steffy =D
Four years later:
"You know, I hope it is not going to become a tradition," I said chuckling sitting on the passenger of our big SUV. The sun was setting on the horizon but the windows were so dark that the sun wouldn't bother Adrian.
"What is?" Asked Adrian sniggering from the driver seat.
"I was the pregnant bride and now I'm the super heavily pregnant Matron of honor," I added rubbing my big belly as I was just finishing my seventh month of pregnancy.
"You look stunning, my Rose," he said to me. "And I hope it becomes a custom… Uh…" He wiggled his eyebrows just before parking to the Hampton Inns hotel car park. It was a 5 star hotel and it was hosting the wedding of the last Dragomir, as she was marrying Christian today. "I should ask Eddie to find a wife for next year."
I chuckled, "you're such a dork, do you now that?" I said reaching for his hand.
"What's a dork mama?" Asked Sofia from her car seat.
I turned around and grimaced. I totally forgot that our little 3 and half year old daughter was picking up on everything.
"That's a very good question princess!" Said Adrian marveling turning around to look at her since we were now parked. "So 'mommy' what's a dork?" He asked grinning.
Sofia grinned too and it made me laugh, as usual. She inherited her father dimpled smile and she knew how to use it already. Nobody could resist her, even the toughest person melt for her. She had my long dark slightly wavy hair and her father big emerald eyes. She was smart and joyful, I couldn't have dreamt to have a better child and I thanked god for such a gift.
"Well, bunny a dork it's ummm…well, it's a way a mommy can call a daddy when she loves him." I said with my wide innocent smile.
"Nice save," whispered Adrian.
"Thank you," I whispered back.
"Sure it is momma." She said rolling her eyes, which made both Adrian and I burst into laugher.
"Did our 3 year old daughter just used sarcasm on me?" I asked to Adrian totally stunned.
"Well, she's not your daughter for nothing my love," he said kissing me quickly before getting out of the car to unfasten Sofia from her car seat.
"I'm three and a middle!" Said Sofia offended as I got out of the car.
Adrian brought her on his shoulder, as she just loved that… She felt on top of the world.
"We say 3 and a half baby." I said walking beside Adrian. He had one hand up to maintain Sofia in place, she had her little arms wrapped around his neck and he held my hand with his other.
"But the middle is a half right?" She asked seriously. "So it's the same!"
"Well, it is to some extent but it's a rule baby." I said calmly as I loved teaching her. I loved every aspect of being a mother actually, every single second of it. "It's the proper way to say it."
"Says who?" she asked stubbornly.
Adrian laughed. "An attitude just like her mother."
"Oh, laugh daddy!" I said sarcastically. "We'll see if her attitude makes you laugh when she will be 15 and starting to date." I shot him a sidelong glance.
He grinned "I've got it plan!" He said pretending to be serious. "We'll move to the North Pole when she turns 12"! He added winking.
"Of course we will…" I said rolling my eyes. I knew that he was only half joking, Adrian would be a very protective father. She would always be her baby girl. Our boy will have it much more easy… Raphael I thought bringing my free hand on my belly.
As soon as we walked into the big hall, we could see people running everywhere getting the final notes of the wedding ready. As the last Dragomir, Lissa, had to invite one or two representatives of royal families so they had a lot of pressure…poor wedding organizer.
"Uncle Chris!!" Shouted Sofia bouncing on Adrian's shoulders as soon as she saw Chris getting out of the Room where the dinner would take place.
"Princess Sofia!!" He said with a wide smile hurrying toward us. It was easy to see he was totally smitten with her, but who wasn't.
He reached up and took her from Adrian shoulders. She hugged his neck tightly.
He hugged her back and it was so funny how tiny she looked in this huge manly arms but he was always so caring with her, so careful like she was glass.
"Hey guys!" He said to Adrian and I. He kissed Sofia's cheek. "So, you'll stay with me during the wedding then?"
Sofia nodded. "Mommy and Daddy have a job to do so…" She cocked her head to the side.
"Yeah but I'm the lucky one since I'm staying with my princess," he said winking. In fact, Chris jumped on the opportunity to babysit Sofia while Adrian and I did our best man and matron of honor duties.
"Well…you better go meet Christian and Lissa. They are freaking out." Chris added chuckling while Sofia was sitting on his right forearm. "And what about us… Do you want a hot chocolate?" He asked to Sofia.
She nodded. "Let's go!" She said with her big dimpled smile. "Bye mommy, bye daddy see you later," she said waving.
"Bye baby." Said Adrian wrapping his arm around me.
Sofia didn't even look back as Chris took the direction of the Hotel bar.
Adrian sighed and shook his head. "See? Our baby is abandoning us for hunky Chris!!" He said pointing to them as they disappeared from our sight.
"What do you want? Our daughter has a very sure taste in man!" I said chuckling. "Unlike her mother" I added innocently.
"Really…" Said Adrian seductively. He brushed my jaw line with his lips, which made me shiver. "Uh…your lips say one thing but your body says another."
We both laughed.
"I love you," I said kissing him soundly. "I just want to have a little word with Christian before joining Lissa."
"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll go see the bride and give her a quick kiss." He said kissing me before we parted in the corridor.
I lightly knocked at the door and walked in.
"Rose !" Said Christian already in his tuxedo with a wide smile "How are you?" He came up to me and kissed my forehead.
"I should ask you." I said chuckling taking care of his bow tie. "You are the one about to tie the knot," I said winking.
"Yeah but you are the one carrying my godson!" He said bringing his hands to my belly. "How is my big boy doing?" He asked to my belly.
I laughed. "He is good," I said winking at Eddie who was looking at us grinning struggling with his bow tie. "A good kicker actually."
"Energetic!! That's awesome," said Christian proudly.
"Yeah well, it's not your stomach!" I laughed. "Come here Eddie. Your bow tie won't tie itself."
"Where is my goddaughter?" he asked after hugging me. In fact, Adrian and I didn't want to take a couple as godmother and godfather so that's why Lissa was the godmother of Sofia and Eddie was the godfather.
However Sofia's middle name was Christiana and we named her like that in Christian's honor. I could swear that when we announced it to Christian, he had tears in his eyes but of course being Mr. Badass he said he had something in his eye.
"She is with her babysitter…Chris." I said chuckling, as they knew that he loved to spend time with her.
"Well, guys got to go see the bride." I gently rubbed Christian cheek. "You two are going to make it. I knew it from the start."
"Well, I'll see you guys at the altar…I'll be the walking belly." I added chuckling.
I made it to Lissa's Room when Adrian were exiting it wide eyes.
"Is everything alright?" I asked with concerned.
"Well, do you remember how you were scarily crazy when you wanted the chocolate strawberries at 3 am, when we were in our little lodge in the middle of the woods, when you were pregnant with Sofia?" He asked seriously
"Yeah…I still feel bad about that." I grimaced. "I really thought you would dodge the granite ashtray I threw at you!" I said looking at the tiny scar it caused on his forehead. I remember saying 'Yeah you were only good to get me pregnant! Now you have to assume goddamn it!'
"Well, even then bleeding…you were not as scary as the woman in there," he said pretending to shudder. "I think Stress it's like her Kryptonite or something driving her coocoo pants."
I chuckled. "It's ok hubby," I said kissing him. "It's a woman thing." I added, padding his arm.
"Yeah, well good luck and remember I love you." He said kissing me a bit more passionately.
It took me some good talking to calm down Lissa and, as much as Tasha (the bridesmaid) tried before I arrived, it was useless as she kept saying, ' I need Rose.'
As soon as we made it to the altar and the pastor started to talk, I connected eyes with Adrian and we were once more lost in each other eyes forgetting the world surrounding us.
I was probably the worst matron of honor in history since I didn't even hear a word of what had been said during the ceremony.
I was back four years before when I was pronouncing my vows and I could say today that I loved him even more than I loved him on our wedding day.
He really was the ideal husband, giving me everything I could ever dream of. He gave me the confidence in myself to pursue my studies. When I was feeling down, thinking I would not able to succeed, he was there helping me back up and I was about to start my master's degree in psychology, just because of him.
He was also the best father to his daughter. I remembered the day she was born like it was yesterday. He was there every step of the way and when I gave birth and they brought the little Sofia into my arms, Adrian actually burst into tears. He was so overwhelmed by his joy.
He kissed her forehead and my lips. "You did so good my Rose…so good! I love you so, so much!" He rested his forehead against mine and gently brought his hand on Sofia's tummy as she was in my arms. "You gave me the most beautiful present in the world my Rose…my women…my life is perfect, You're all I've been waiting for. I could not ask for more."
Then, when I put Sofia in his arms, he was barely breathing. He was scared to hurt her.
"I couldn't wait to meet you," he said softly looking down at her, tears still running down his cheeks. "I love you so much my baby girl… My daughter..." He kissed her forehead. "My life is complete now."
He then looked up and smiled at me. "She is so perfect! We did a pretty awesome job here didn't we?" He asked winking at me.
"I think so… She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" I said as he put her back very carefully into my arms. I kissed her forehead.
"We have a baby!" He said marveling. "We are parents!" He added.
"Are you scared?" I asked nicely holding the babies' hand.
"Of being a father? No," he said sincerely. "With you beside me I have no fear," he added gently stroking my hair. "I'm just scared to wake up and realize this blessed life was just a dream. I mean…" he sat down on the chair beside the bed. "What did I do to deserve you and her? Two miracles for an ordinary man." He added taking my free hand and bringing it to his cheek, leaning in my touch.
"Oh, Adrian you are anything but ordinary." I said truthfully. "You are the most loving, caring, extraordinary man I have ever met and I think you deserve me, her and so much more." I smiled. "You are my miracle Adrian I truly believe it. We saved each other."
Now back in this hotel, almost four years later I was even more sure of that. I saw Adrian looking at Sofia fondly, she was sat on Chris knees and I knew right then that he did revisit the same memories than I did.
During dinner, I quickly scanned the room to see the guests as I was sitting at the honor table just beside Lissa and Adrian was beside Christian.
"Dimitri is not here?" I asked Lissa surprised, as I knew for a fact he was invited.
"Yeah, he is but there was some trouble with the security…" She rolled her eyes. "Some moroi get worried fast so he volunteered his services," she added not so pleased by the idea.
"Oh right…" I just said sad to think he didn't get to enjoy that day with us. "But Stella?"
"She is there," Said Lissa pointing to the table on the corner, the seat beside her being empty. "But she is very understanding you know."
I nodded. Stella was the sweetest girl possible she was a PHD student but also a teaching assistant that's how she met Lissa about two years ago and even if they tried to be discreet about it, Dimitri and her became an item about 6 months ago and I was very pleased for them as Dimitri deserved the best and she was exactly what he needed.
She was human so we were scared at first but she accepted our world fairly well and I could see how good she was to him he really seemed genuinely happy and that was something I prayed for.
"And the King?" I asked curious, as I was particularly fond of the man. He largely met Adrian's and my expectations on every level of our society politic. He was nice and really caring and since he was on the throne many mixed couples (moroi/Dhampirs) appeared but we were still a first as Major royalty were involved. But I guess it was like in the human world, a wedding between high royalty and common people was pretty rare. But Paul Conta was a very good move for us as a society…He was a good, fair and understanding sovereign. Tatiana left as soon as the King was crowned and for what I heard she retired to her mansion in northern Europe… She was a sore looser.
"He couldn't make it and was really upset about that but he send us a present though and he asked us to come to visit soon." She added with a smile.
"Yeah…" I chuckled "he send a present for Sofia last month," I shook my head. "I wonder who would actually resist her charms."
Lissa laughed. "I think that no one can! It's like her gift! I mean look at her!" She said pointing at Sofia, who was apparently in a very important discussion with Chris, as she didn't want to let go of him after the ceremony. Her baby crush was cute.
As we were finishing the meal, the band started to set up, getting ready for the dancing part of the evening in the other room.
"So what about that first dance?" Asked Lissa with curiosity. She and Christian didn't manage to come to an agreement for the song and it was causing some silly arguments so Adrian settled it all saying he would take care of that as part of our wedding gift (we also paid for their honeymoon which consisted of one week in a palace in Aspen.).
"Well, I dunno," I said truthfully, as Adrian didn't want to spill. "You could ask Adrian or wait about 10 minutes and find out."
"You're no fun!" She said pouting.
I chuckled "well I'm a mom you know…" I said with a wink.
Once the dinner was over people started to go to the other room that was set with 2 bars some smaller tables and of course a huge dance floor.
I went to Chris and Sofia.
"Come on bunny," I said reaching for her hand. "Give some space to uncle Chris," I said winking to Chris "and Daddy is about to sing." I added with a smile.
"Really?" She squealed all keyed up jumping from Chris' knees. She loved to hear Adrian sang, well it was just like me. He had such a melodic, deep soothing voice… I could listen to him all day long. He was also so gifted with the piano and the guitar… he was playing and singing very often to us. There were even a period when Sofia was still a baby that just hearing him sing a verse of any song was calming her.
She reached for my hand eagerly and held it tightly in hers. I looked at her small hand in mine and it made me emotional like usual. I just was grateful for this divine present that I was not even sure I deserved.
"Plus… Uncle Chris should go check out those drunken moroi…" I whispered to Chris.
He laughed. "That's why I always loved you Rose! You're the best wing woman ever," he said winking.
We went to stay on the far left of the dance floor, near the stage so Sofia could have a good view on Adrian.
"Well guys," he said walking on stage with an acoustic guitar. "This is a song I wrote and I really think it fit you both," he said in the microphone. "You would be able to say that nobody ever danced on that song well…" He looked down and winked at Sofia. "Well, maybe my baby girl did but that's it."
Sofia grinned with pride and she squeezed my hand.
Lissa and Christian walked at the middle of the dance floor and as soon as Adrian played the first notes I couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly when Adrian wrote this song, it was three and an Half year ago just after Sofia's birth.
Lying here with you
Listening to the rain
Smiling just to see the smile upon your face
These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments I'll remember all my life
I found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
Looking in your eyes
Seeing all I need
Everything you are is everything to me
These are the moments
I know heaven must exist
These are the moments I know all I need is this
I have all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
Adrian looked at me as I mouthed an I love you.
I could not ask for more than this time together
I could not ask for more than this time with you
Every prayer has been answered
Every dream I have's come true
And right here in this moment is right where I'm meant to be
Here with you here with me
Christian kissed Lissa and the people around the dance floor clapped and cheered.
These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments I'll remember all my life
I've got all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more
Adrian nodded to Christian and Lissa who mouthed their thanks. As Adrian exited the stage on the right, the band started to play and couples walked on the floor to dance.
''I wanna dance with daddy,'' said Sofia breaking from my grip ready to run to meet Adrian and I wasn't able to catch her before she started to run… That big belly was really handicapping now.
I trailed behind her as fast as I could and of course she caught her foot in the carpeting and I already could see her fall flat on her face since I would not be fast enough to catch her in time but a pair of hands caught her just before she hit the floor.
''Hey careful Angel.'' Said the woman chuckling kneeling in front on Sofia. ''Where are you running so fast?''
''My daddy just sang and I want to dance with him,'' said Sofia unhappy to be restrained.
''Thank you,'' I said taking Sofia's hand looking down unsmiling. ''Come on Sofia, let's go find daddy.'' I said beginning to turn away to leave.
''You've got a beautiful daughter Rose.'' She said simply.
''Thank you Janine.'' I only said as calling her 'mother' would have raised so many questions from Sofia and she disavowed me anyways. I frowned. I was pretty sure that her moroi was not at the wedding, why was she here?
''I see you have another one on the way…'' She said looking at my belly.
''Oh yeah? What makes you think that?'' I said sarcastically resting my free hand on my bulging belly.
I saw anger flash in her eyes but she didn't say anything she just stared for a couple of seconds.
''Easy tiger…'' Whispered Eddie from behind me as he knew that I was even more short tempered the usual when I was pregnant and knowing me it was scary. ''I'm stealing my goddaughter from you,'' he said and I was grateful so I could speak my mind with Sofia out of hearing range.
''Come on baby, let's go dance,'' he said kneeling opening his arms as she jumped into them.
''Yay!'' she marveled. ''See'ya later mamma.''
''I'll be right with you guys,'' I said kissing Sofia's forehead.
''Bye Janine…'' She said waving as Eddie was walking to the dance floor.
''Bye Sofia…'' She said with some longing in her voice. ''She seems very unique,'' she added with a smile.
''Yeah…she is one of a kind.'' I said not able to conceal the love in my voice. ''What are you even doing here?'' I asked finally. ''Your charge has not been invited.''
''I know…I proposed my help to the security team.'' she said uncomfortably.
''Why?'' I asked honestly wondering,
''It has been four years since I last saw you Rose,'' she said so nicely that it startled me. ''I wanted to see how you were doing.''
''And whose fault is that?'' I snapped. I took a deep breath to calm myself. ''I'm sorry that I'm not miserable. I'm actually very happy.'' I said truthfully. ''I have a fantastic husband who loves me more than anything and that I love more than I thought possible. I have the most wonderful daughter that I could have dreamed of, some amazing friends that I love like my brothers and sisters. I aced all my exams and got accepted to a pretty high rated masters degree program and I have a baby boy on the way. Who, I'm pretty sure, will end up soccer player or any other sport that require kicking…Geez,'' I added laughing.
''I'm glad your happy Rose really.'' She exhaled loudly. ''I didn't mean what I said to you… honestly. Of course I wanted you to be happy.''
''Right…and it only took you four years to check on me and tell me that,'' I said not able to sound as nonchalant as I wanted to be.
''I didn't know how to do it.'' She said sheepishly.
''Do what?'' I asked narrowing my eyes.
''Apologize.'' She said simply. ''I didn't mean it Rose and I regret those 4 years that I didn't get to spend with you, not meeting my granddaughter,'' she said looking at the dance floor where Eddie was twirling with Sofia who was laughing so hard she was almost crying.
''Really? Is that what it's all about?'' I asked suspiciously. ''Because I know you and I'm pretty sure if my life would have been a mess you would have enjoyed a big fat 'I-told-you-so,''' I added narrowing my eyes. ''You never showed compassion mother and I'm pretty sure you never will… Well, for me at least.''
My mother nodded and I could see both sadness and resignation on her face and boy she was making me feel guilty!
''Listen, you are the one who chose this ok?'' I said more trying to convince myself than her really because all things considered she was still my mother.
I looked on the dance floor as Adrian made his way to Sofia and he looked at me. I knew him too well and I knew what his eyes full of love and compassion were telling me. He was saying 'give it a try Rose, you know you won't forgive yourself if you don't'.
I sighed and looked back at my mother who was about to go.
''Wait,'' I said calmly as she looked at me expectant. ''Don't make me regret this please,'' I added gesturing for Adrian to bring Sofia.
Adrian walked to us holding Sofia in his arms.
''Guardian Hathaway…'' said Adrian politely before kissing me quickly.
''Please call me Janine…Adrian.'' She said and I knew right then that for someone like her it meant a lot.
''Janine,'' said Adrian bowing his head slightly
''Tell me princess…'' I said kissing the tip of Sofia's nose as she was still in Adrian's arms. ''Mommy would like to dance with daddy, would you mind spending a few minutes with Janine?'' I asked pointing at my mother who was smiling warmly to Sofia. I never saw my mother smile warmly before. She was a terrible mom but maybe she could be an alright grandma.
''Okay…'' Said Sofia pouting slightly, making Adrian chuckle.
Adrian whispered something to her ear, which considerably enlightened her mood.
He put her on the floor and she went to Janine reaching up to shake her hand.
''Let me introduce myself properly,'' she said seriously. ''My name is Sofia Christiana Ivashkov nice to meet you.''
My mom mouth popped open and she looked at Adrian and me with incredulity.
''Yeah, she is pretty surprising at first,'' said Adrian wrapping his arm around my waist. ''She is so, so smart,'' he then winked at me. ''And she's a pretty powerful smartass already. Go figure who's she got that one from'' he added chuckling.
I elbowed him playfully.
My mother nodded and looked at Sofia with pride. ''Well it's very nice to meet you my name is Janine Hathaway I'm…'' She bit her lips. ''I'm a old friend,'' she said sadly.
I cleared my throat. ''Well, if you are still here tomorrow, we would love to have you for dinner.'' I said as Adrian tightened his grip around my waist in approval.
"Thank you Rose.'' She said sincerely. ''I would gladly come to dinner'' she said holding Sofia's hand.
''Well wifey, let's go and dance,'' said Adrian pulling me gently to the dance floor.
I shot a wary glace to Sofia but followed Adrian on the dance floor.
''That was very nice of you Rose.'' He said pulling me as close as my belly allowed it. ''You took the high road.''
''Yeah. It's your fault!'' I said playfully. ''You make me so blissfully happy that I just can't be mean anymore.''
''Well, making you happy is the mission of my life,'' he said kissing my lips. ''And it's not that hard really as I love you more and more each day.''
''That's good since I do love you more and more too,'' I said sliding slightly on my side to rest my head on his shoulder. ''What did you say to Sofia to cheer her up like that?'' I asked curiously.
He laughed. ''I promised to sing to her tonight, her favorite song,'' he added kissing my head.
Sofia's favorite song was ironically the first song that Adrian wrote for me, Beautiful.
As he made me twirl, I caught a glimpse of my mother chatting profusely with Sofia. She seemed so happy, almost in heaven.
''You did very good Rose,'' he said rubbing my back.
''I just figured that Sofia should get a chance to meet her grandmother you know.'' I took a deep breath. ''And someone told me one day that everybody deserves a second chance.''
''It's very true my Rose,'' he said chuckling. ''That person is very wise…'' He said trailing off.
''Yeah, he is sometimes but you should see him trying to build Ikea furniture…Useless''. I chuckled. ''He is lucky I'm here.''
''Ouch… Ego hurt right here,'' he said pointing to his heart, pretending to be hurt. ''I'm not that bad.''
''Nah of course not!'' I said sarcastically. ''It just took you 4 days to build a basic bookshelf and because you forgot some pieces, once I put a single book on it, the thing fell in 4 pieces.''
''Humph.'' Said Adrian so I took two steps back to look at him.
I chuckled and looked at him, with what I hope, was all the love I felt for him. I brought my hand to his face. ''That's also one of the reason why I love you.'' I smiled. ''I never thought it was possible but I love every single part of you. We've been together four years now and I know it's not much but it's everything to me and I admit that every day I've got to spend by your side was a bliss.''
Adrian took my hand from his face and brought it to his heart. ''This heart is beating only for you Rose. Each night when I come home and look into your eyes the world makes sense again.'' He smiled ''I breathe for you, I wake up every morning and the first thing I think about is you.'' He took a deep breath. ''You and our babies are making me a better man every single day.'' He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. ''I loved every second I spent by your side and I thank destiny for putting you on my path I mean god must love me much more than I thought if he gave me you and I intend to enjoy it till my last breathe and if you intend to be with me till the end of the road then I'll die an happy man and my only regret will be not being able to show you my love anymore but I would still love you, death will not be able to stop me.''
''Two souls linked till the end of time. You stole my heart a long time ago Mr. Ivashkov and it's yours to keep.'' I said amorously.
''As you stole mine Mrs. Ivashkov the first time you locked eyes with mine. I never stood a chance!'' He gently brought a strand of straight hair behind my ear and left his fingers trailed down my neck. ''But I didn't want a chance to resist you...I just wanted you to love me and to let me love you.'' He kissed me a bit more passionately. ''I am forever yours as you are forever mine, I will always love you, always protect you and I'll never let you go.''
''That's good since I intend to stay by your side until the end of time.'' I whispered getting lost in his eyes as it was always the case when we were together.
Two beings, that everything separated, became one heart and one soul with the power of true love…Destiny is just inescapable.