It was cold outside. Very, very cold. I could hear the cries of my friends as I was slipping away. Didn't they realize that it was cold? They should have stayed home where it was safe and warm. I had it all under control. I had defeated the enemy, won the war, everything was okay now. Why didn't they see that? Why couldn't understand that this was supposed to happen.
He fights.
He wins.
Enemy dies.
He dies.
His loss makes everyone else happy. It's always been that way. If his suffering didn't make others happy, then what was the point? He was a jinchuuriki, a human sacrifice. He was born to protect, he lived to protect, and he was going to die to protect. As his good friend neji had pointed out to him in their fight- death is the one fate everyone shares.
And his time to bow to fate was now.
I had no regrets. Well… maybe one. I never became hokage. But that was to be expected. Hokages aren't meant to be disposable… and leaders were most certainly never sacrifices. So it just wouldn't have worked.
But now, now my time served as a sacrifice was up. Now I could be happy. I could have a real family. I know I was being selfish. There were still so many more people that needed to be protected, saved, rescued!
Obaa-chan. She needs me, now more than ever after ero-sennin died.
Iruka-sensei. Even if we don't see each other too often nowadays, he's still like a big brother to me.
And… that's about it. Everyone who doesn't hate me has found someone who would help them deal with the loss. So my death really wouldn't matter… would it?
Then why… why do I hear more than 2 voices shouting for me to stay alive. There's… what? Are those… tears? Someone is crying, and their tears are landing on my face. That doesn't work, it's not right. It's not supposed to be like this. I'm supposed to wipe away the tears, not cause them. No, this isn't right at all.
Well, if people are going to cry over me, then I can't go and be selfish, can I? If it causes others pain for me to pass away, then I shall not pass away just yet. After all…
I go by many titles.
Human Sacrifice.
Future Hokage.
Most Unpredictable Knucklehead Ninja of Konoha.
Uzumaki Naruto.