They were sitting on their bed, no one else in the room. Who would be? They lived alone. They had since they had come to Mexico. The room was eerily quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the dripping from their cheap hotel apartment sink. The silence was soon broken though.
"When...When did it start?"
Jonathan was tired. He was beginning to get a headache. He closed his eyes for a brief moment. No, not a headache. He was getting a migraine. The room was extremely hot, something he was usually grateful for since he got cold easily. He wasn't grateful now though. He couldn't stand it. He felt like he was burning up. All he wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep. It was time to ask Andrew the questions that had been bothering him, pressing to be asked for the last month. He had to know.
Andrew wasn't feeling much better. He didn't get as cold as Jonathan, so the heat was worse to him. He was tired as well, having stayed up all night dreading this. Jonathan was asking things Andrew wasn't comfortable with. It was obvious by the blond's facial expression. Jonathan didn't stop though and Andrew didn't pretend not to know what he was talking about. Jonathan needed to know.
"Right...It was right after that girl died."
Jonathan felt disgusted. Not with Andrew. The blond had always been a little...dense. He felt disgusted with Warren. He felt sick to his stomach every time he was reminded that once he had been the geniuses friend. Sure they hadn't been that close, and Jonathan was sure that if Warren hadn't betrayed him, he would of left the Trio eventually anyway because he wasn't a murderer like Warren, but they had been friends once upon a time. That had ended though, and it wasn't a clean ending. Andrew still wasn't over the fact Warren had left him, and he was having even more trouble with the fact the dark haired boy was dead.
"He replaced you with his ex?"
Andrew flinched. When it was put that way, it sounded so...dirty.
"He said he loved me."
"And you believed him?"
Was Andrew really that moronic? He was so smart, but he lacked common sense.
"Look, Andy..." Jonathan paused, unsure for a moment what to say. "We can't be friends anymore."
Jonathan hoped he was doing the right thing.
"Wh-what? Because I...with him?"
Jonathan swallowed and moved closer.
"No. Because you hurt me. Even more then he did."
"H-how? I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. I want something from you."
"What? Anything."
Jonathan moved in closer, invading Andrew's personal spaced.
"I want you to make it up to me."
Jonathan closed the gap between them and kissed Andrew softly. Noticing Andrew blinking, he pulled back.
"Was it bad? I've only kissed the twins."
"No. I'm just use to it a little rougher."
This time it was Andrew that closed the gap to kiss Jonathan.