I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, but every time I tried to write something it didn't sound right. I'm not the most experienced lemon writer, but you gotta start somewhere, right? Well, if you care to recall, we left dearest Nessie and Jake about to have wild newlywed sex (yeah, wild, what a joke). I skipped part of it, but not much. I'm just a lazy person, and you should except that. FYI, I'm going to be publishing a new story when I finish it called Another Brick in the Wall. Who doesn't love Pink Floyd?

There lay, completely naked, on a bed, with my husband, who was also completely naked. Sign, how exactly was life supposed to get better than this? It wasn't. It couldn't. Well, maybe after the baby comes. That was exciting.

Jake's lips fed hungrily on the skin of my neck. He trailed his hand up my side just take make me shiver. I wasn't in the mood for taking it slow (pregnancy is supposed to do that to you, right?) so I flipped us, straddling his waist, before I forced myself onto his engorged dick. We both moaned at the feeling.

Jake grabbed my hips to help with my movements. I was think he might beat me to the punch when his thumb found my clit and started to rub rhythmically. I climaxed at that point, bringing him with me.

We lay panting next to each other for a few minutes. I was still in cloud nine or whatever it was. Jake seemed to have regained his strength because he wrapped his arms around my expanding stomach.

He had this weird fetish with any baby weight I gained. I was a little creepy. But he was so excited; I knew that my kid would have as good a father as I had. Hopefully Jake would be a little more modern.

Epilogue, because I'm lazy.

"Charlotte, Sammy, come on, Uncle Seth is here," I called behind me to the back yard. They were busy helping Esme set up the Barbeque. They looked like maybe they were doing more hurt then help, but they were just turning six today.

Seth chose that time to walk into the back room leading out to the yard, followed my Judith and their son, Jamie. He was a cute little kid, and had his dark little eye on Charlotte. Her and her brother where pretty, in a half-werewolf quarter-vampire way.

The age worked, maybe they would end up together someday. Maybe.

"Seth!" shrieked Charlotte as she hurtled at him so fast I only got a glimpse of her rosy alabaster skin and jet black hair, so much like her brother's.

Sethica, as Jake liked to call him, gave a surprised noise before he braced himself for Charlotte's attach.

It was nice to have everyone here, together. The Cullen's were all outside with most of the wolf pack. Over the years they had really developed a comfort with each other. One that surprised everyone else.

The main thing was that we were safe, and happy, and Judith got over her Taliban ways. She wouldn't talk to anyone about her past life but Seth, but there are some things you just don't want to know.

So ends another story. I'll probably write a sequel sometime soon, I just had too much going on to keep writing this. And I lost interest. As you can tell by my degrading writing. Sorry about that. I don't have time to proof read this (like it helps anyways) so if there are mistakes kindly ignore them and don't complain. Wow, I am so lazy. You know you love me.