Author's Note- Oh my God!! I'm soooooooooooooo sorry for not updating in 4 months!! I missed the 1 year anniversary! I hope you guys are still reading my story. Here comes a new chapter now!! I've had severe writers' block and I'm back in action now baby. Lemme stop my ranting, here's a new chapter of Chaaaaiiiinnnn Reaction!!!

"Poyuuuuu...." moaned Itosagi as he sat there looking at Claire.

"Ito-Chan, relax, we're going to make our escape within the next few minutes...just relax..." said Claire with a psychotic grin on her tanned face.

Claire looked like a small child around eight years old. She wore a black top with blue sleeves, but at the end of the sleeves was a wristband with white rims. She also adorned a black skirt, white stockings and black boots. To top it off, she had matching blue hair and eyes. The scary part, of it all, was that she had an AK-47 strapped to her back.

Claire looked at her brainwashed human partner. "Come on Natsumi, you gotta snap outta of it sometime today puh-lease!" she said sarcastically

Natsumi had orange hair and pink eyes and like all of the others Shining Gate members, wore a blue and white jumpsuit and in her hand was a blue spellbook.

Claire looked around the room where they were standing and then peeked outside. She saw other Shining Gate members and mamodo walking around she then nodded and turned towards Itosagi.

"Ok, lets get moving!" said Claire

Claire, Itosagi and their bookkeepers began walking through the halls until they came to a door leading to the outside where to Shining Gate members stood.

"Where are you guys going?" asked the first one

"Uh, Dakota gave us a recon order on the outer region on this part of the mountain and we're headed to our post now." said Claire in an official-sounding tone

The two guards looked at each other, nodded and let them through. As they got outside, there was snow covering the path down the mountain. Claire looked at Itosagi and said, "Okay, we are going to have to clear up the now."


Claire held out her hand and a solar energy ring hit the snow and cleared some of it away, revealing the some of the dirt path. As they began running down the mountain, Claire kept her hand held out as she said, "Natsumi, keep using Kaichiro!"

Natsumi, kept the blue light glowing as she yelled,"Kaichiro, Kaichiro, Kaichiro, Kaichiro, Kaichiro, Kaichiro, Kaichiro!"

Claire began firing solar rings in rapid succession, the rapid fire was giving Claire an adrenaline rush.

"I love the adrenaline rush baby, I feel it! I feel it! Hahahahaha!"

Soon enough, Claire's demon horns could be seen sticking out of her head as she ran down the mountain path with a psycho look on her face, much to Itosagi's dismay. They quickly came to a stop on a ridge and looked around.

Itosagi rubbed his furry head on Seiku's leg, only to see a blank look on his face.

"Poyuuu..." sighed the rabbit demon with his ears flopped down

"Ito-Chan, you're worried about your partner aren't ya?" said Claire

"Poy...poyuu" said Itosagi

"It the bracelets Shining Gate members wear which controls there free will...some have more free will than others. That's why the frequencies emitted from the bracelets are different for each and every member, depending on their resistance. Seiku, Ito-Chan's partner has his on a high frequency considering how he had such massive resistance at first. Now he's brainwashed and can only read spells and say a limited amount of things. Natsumi, even though hers is also turned up, she has more consciousness than Seiku yet, she's nowhere near being fully awakened either. I cant get these white aluminum-alloy bracelets off of them. So I'm thinking the "light" the get exposed to is what controls them and the bracelets." though Claire as she stood there

They looked over the ridge and saw Solin and Lolo talking to a mamodo and his human partner.

"So...Gansu Genso, we meet in this world at last."

"Yes, Solin, we do." said Gansu Genso

Gansu Genso was a red clown-like mamodo (think of the ancient mamodo Alm but red and taller and more toned and a more aggressive face) He had maroon gloves, a white face, yellow eyes a scar going over his left eye and a triangle scar on his right cheek. He had on maroon briefs and maroon boots. His spiky hair was also maroon while the rest of his body was red and he had a red nose.

His partner was an olive-colored skin young man who had shaggy black hair, he wore a black bomber jacket, dark blue jeans and black snow boots. In his hand, was a magenta spellbook.

"Omar, I sense two other demons nearby." said Gansu Genso

"Do you want to kill them?" asked Omar

This sent a look of surprise on Claire and Itosagi's face.

"No, let them be, we got more important things to worry about, like the fate of this world if Sahro Kalt isn't stopped." said Gansu Genso

Gansu Genso looked at Solin and said, "It's funny but I thought it was you who was controlling the snow on this mountain in the middle of the summer."

"You wish." said Solin

Lolo then said, "Ok, so why are you two here? What have you guys come to tell us?"

Gansu Genso cleared his throat and began, "Ok, as you know Sahro Kalt and Herrman, his human partner run the Shining Gate Society."

"Tell us something we don't know." Interrupted Lolo

"Shut up and let me finish." snapped Gansu Genso

"They keep control and increase their numbers in their seven locations by revealing the "light"."

"The light? To what exactly?" asked Lolo

"We believe that it has something to do with how the sun reflects off of the ice somewhere near the peak of Mount Gusuku. Then, Herrman has harnessed this power and built some type of special mirror in order to spread it across many regions in select locations and build a headquarters facility around the light points in order to contain it."

"I if the mirror system gets destroyed, then everybody goes back to normal?" asked Lolo

"That's what we speculate, however we do not plan on getting involved in confronting Sahro Kalt. There's a demon from the Cobra Clan and a group of others heading up the mountain now as we speak. They are going to be the ones who take on Sahro Kalt. If they are all defeated, then that's is where Omar and I step in. Plus, if enough of them are defeated, then the King Festival will began and we know that will be a whole new Hell on Earth. So,it's best to eliminate Sahro Kalt as soon as possible. If not, then he could be troublesome during the King Festival."

"Ok, I see. I'm going to lurk in the shadows and watch Chainz and his allies."

"You have fun with that, Omar and I are going to the Himalayas and train our new abilities and lie and wait until 10 demons remain on Earth, only then will you see us again. Oh and just to show you one of my new abilities as a treat, check this out."

Gansu Genso floated in the air, and Omar grabbed his leg and floated with him. He then closed his eyes and vanished into thin air.

"Lolo, let's sit back and watch how this all plays out. If we're lucky, they will all destroy each other." said Solin with a small, dark laugh

Claire and Itosagi looked at each other and Claire said, "Itosagi, we have to find this Chainz guy and tell him everything we know now."

Itosagi's ears shot up and he started waving his arms.

"Poyu! Poyu Poyu Poyu Poyu Poyu Poyu Poyu Poyyyyyyyyy!!!"

"I don't understand a word you're saying." said Claire flatly

Itosagi fell over anime style. He then got up and began wiggling his ears as the rabbit ran on all fours down the mountain path as Claire and their partners followed in his wake.

Author's Note- All righty! Who is this Gansu Genso guy? What is the King Festival? Herrman's source of light has been revealed and the true threat of Sahro Kalt is revealed a bit more. Will Chainz and friends be able to defeat him and return things back to normal? Find out on the next chapter of Chain Reaction! R&R!!