A/N: There's a new character here. Her name is Marie. Please read and review this story. It means a lot to me. This story was a story I dreamt about a long time ago. It just sucks that I wasn't able to finish it because I was woken up by my sister. So well here it goes. Hope you like it.


Maria was a new vampire in Forks. She was welcomed by the Cullen's to their home. There, she became close with Bella & especially with Edward. They developed feelings for each other. But Bella and Edward's wedding was fast approaching so she and Edward have to say the truth to all. Is Edward really ready to give up Bella for Marie? Has his love faded entirely or is it just lust he's feeling for Marie? (a/n: sorry I didn't write anything about Maria's experience since I hate the girl and I want it to be only about Bella and Edward. No Maria. But she'll appear in some conversations only. If you have questions just review. Thanks a lot.)

Chapter 1

Alice's POV:

I was getting ready to leave and pick Bella up when Edward called.

"Hello Alice?"


"I would like to have the whole day for me and Bella alone."

"Oh okay. But we have a lot to do."

"Please Al."

"Fine. Best wishes in advance."

There was a long pause. He was hesitant to say something." Yeah sure." Then he hung up.

What is wrong with him? He was the one who wanted this wedding but he isn't happy? He really is crazy. Ever since that new vampire girl in forks, what's her name? Oh yeah Marie came he hasn't been himself . Marie was a friend to all of us. She was sweet and became one of my closest friends. She was so good and caring to Bella. Well, maybe Edward's just nervous. That explains it. There was a flash of light and I knew I was having a vision.

Edward was playing the piano while Bella was listening. He abruptly stopped.

"Bella." he said.


"I" he paused then heaved a sigh" I don't love you."

Then the vision ended. I was frozen in shock. How could Edward say that to her? He had loved her from the start. What the hell happened? I immediately phoned Edward. He wasn't answering. I drove fast to Bella's residence. I shouldn't let this happen. I need a reason from Edward. Why would he do such thing? When I arrived, Bella was eating breakfast.

"Hey Alice." she said.


"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? We're supposed to get those arrangements for your wedding right?"

"But Edward told me you said he and I can have our alone time today."

"Well yeah. But I changed my mind. We are so late for the arrangements you know. I'll just explain to him."

"Oh okay."

"Um..can I borrow you phone?"

"Sure. What happened to yours?"

"I left it."

"Oh. Here." she handed her phone to me. At least now he's gonna answer me.

"Hello Bella? What's wrong?"

"It's Alice Edward."

"Oh. Why is Bella's phone with you?"

"I borrowed it since you were not answering my calls."

"Sorry. I kinda got caught up in some stuff."

"funny. I really thought your thinking something deeper than that. You know like saying something to Bella?? "

He sighed.

"Why Edward? What's wrong? Why are you gonna do this to her? It's gonna break her and you know it."

"I know."

"Then why? Why do it?"

"I'll explain tomorrow."

"No. I won't let Bella get hurt. Explain first or I would never let Bella near you."

"See me in the house. Now."

"Got it."

I handed Bella her phone and told her I'll be back then drove back to the house only to find no one in there. I called Edward.

"Edward! Where the hell are you?"

"Picking Bella up. I can't risk anything Alice. Sorry. Don't worry I'll explain it to the whole family."

"Wait." he hung up.

I feel sorry for Bella. I know she'll be hurt and I don't want to see her hurt. We all love her. Screw Edward. Sigh. I can't do anything now but wait for the outcome. And I know it's going to be so bad. Thanks to my great brother Edward who never fails to break Bella's heart. Ugh. I so hate him now. HEARTBREAKER!

Edward's POV:

I was deliberating whether to tell her or not. My phone rang. It was Marie. Marie and I became close since she came to Forks. She became a friend of the family and was close to Bella. She was the one who was there for me when Bella and I have fights. I didn't notice it but I fell in love with her during those times.

"Hey love. What's up?"

"Nothing. I just missed you." she said.

"I missed you too."

"Ummm… Are you sure you're going to tell her?"

"Yes. I can't take it anymore. Besides, I wanna be with you."

"I want to be with you too but I'm not entirely sure what the result will be. Bella will be hurt. We're friends and I don't want to see her hurt."

"It's okay. She'll get over it. She has Jacob."

"I guess.. Well, I'll hung up now. I need to do something."

"Oh okay. Be safe my love."

"You too love. I love you."

"Love you too." then she hung up. My decision is final. I'm going to tell her. She's a good girl and she deserves someone better than me. Someone who can love her entirely.

A/N: So, how was it? Please tell me what you think about it so I can know your feelings and which parts to improve on or erase. Thanks. I assure you I'll update soon. Don't forget to review.:)