I don't own Naruto.

I actually love the plot of this story.

I hope you would love it too.

I was eating bananas when this plot came into my head. o.o;

Haha so is AU, cause i suck it their real ninja universe. sooo....yeah, love you guys.


There was a myth passed on for generation that a strong and beautiful goddess exist some where beyond those hot sands, as big as the ocean that cools our eyes. She was a goddess meant never to be found, just like the golds and diamonds which people seek. For when she's found, they said the one that finds her will live the rest of their life suffering. She's nothing but a curse.

It was a thousand years ago when news went around Suna, the city of gold, that they have found the goddess that they've been searching for. She was dressed in a purple robe. Alot of the people of Suna were afraid of her. Her hair shines bright just like the sun, her skin tawny. Her eyes were like the ocean, ever changing colors, fighting storms-one had described them.

"Are you looking for the goddess?"

"Yeah! Do we actually have a chance on seeing her?"

"A goddess,eh? They don't exist."

"They do. Gods and Goddess exist."

"No such thing" A voice that does not believe at all.

A simple answer that possibly awakened the sleeping goddess...

Thousand years ago-

The goddess was sitted on a golden throne as she watches the people giving their efforts to please her. They had given her many gifts, offered outragous things, said some words that she heard but forgot later on. This people don't mean anything to her, why do they bow before her, honoring her. What had she done?

They had said out loud, they had found her.

But that was all wrong.

She had come to see them.

Tell me brothers, why did I come here and talk to these....people?

Temari, we're only created for one purpose. There's no need for questions.

This is my first time seeing them, I will question when I do not understand.

Be rid of them. They know too much, most of them are no longer afraid of us.

She looked at the people. She did not know them. She does not love them. It would be easy to get rid of them. Too easy, that there was no joy to end their pathetic lives.

"Hold" A single word she spoke made everyone around the city of Suna stop their movements and all eyes are on her. They seem to get closer to her, wanting to hear what she has to say.

"Do you fear me?" She asked.

A thousand voices she heard all at once. A thousand reason why she would be rid of them. A thousand reason why she should not. A thousand of lives she would ruin and more. And what does she gain from it? Affection from the one that rules her? She doesn't need it.

"You there, answer me. Do you fear me?" She picked him out of all the thousand.

Very dark eyes meet hers. He was just a young man with long dark messy hair.

"I have no reason to fear you, Goddess." He spoke easily and languidly.

"No reason?" Her voice deepening. "Do you seek death, young man?"

"I need not seek death for death shall come to all of us, Goddess."

The Goddess smiled, "Death never comes to me"

The young man merely gazed at her. She did not like him at all. He speaks eloquently and seem far too intelligent for a human, she could see that. His gaze does nothing but question her. Something about him she loathed more than she loathed the one that controls her.

"If I say the great days of Suna shall end the day after tomorrow, what shall you do?"

The people of Suna gasped. The young man did not move nor this nonchalant expression changed.

"Lay on the green grass and watch the clouds as I await for the end, Goddess."

"That is all you will do? You will not beg for your city's survival?"

"That is not needed when it is set on the stars what shall happen. One cannot run from destiny."

"You believe then that I have control over your life?" She asked.

"I do not believe that. It may seem so, but you do not control my life."

The goddess smiled and everyone around but the young man she's been speaking with looked up and seen the dark clouds above their city of gold. They murmurred and seem to fear her more and more. Horror filled their eyes as mothers hold on to their childrens and men watches silently.

"You will die, the day after tomorrow. That would prove I have control."

She stood up and everyone went down on her knees, but not the young man that she said will die the day after tomorrow just like she had plan to be rid of this city that day.

"You do not wish to bow down?"

"No one wishes to bow down. They are taught and forced to bow down, Goddess."

The young man was the first to see the Goddess genuine smile, it was then he started to slowly fear death. But he tried not to, he believed he was not afraid. He cannot be afraid.

The people of Suna had scattered, getting away from their golden city as fast as their feet could take them. The young man watched them all go as he sat on a hill top, he had the greatest view from here. His city, still shines even when the night comes. He sighed. He was taught to believe in them, the Gods and Goddess, for his parents and people feared nonbelievers shall be punish. Did he not believe enough? Will he be saved?

"I will be buried with you," The young man said, his voice was slightly sad.

"You do not wish to follow your friends?" The gentle voice that had been haunting him since early day speaks to him yet again. He did not want her here. He did not want her to see this view of Suna. He did not want to see her for she's the cause of it all.

"My heart is here." He said. He did not feel the need to turn to her. He did not need to see the image of the Goddess that was beautiful during day light and possibly more so during the night. The Goddess that will stab his heart soon and end his happiness.

"If you stay here, you will surely die the day after tomorrow."

He wanted to laugh, "Do you wish to save me then?" He asked bitterly.

"No, I was under the impression you wish to prove me wrong when your death is."

"I chose to stay, there for I chose my death. You do not control me, Goddess."

"Brave and foolish" The Goddess laughed. She was sure he would fight her forever.

But the sad truth was, he was going to die along with the city of Suna.


"So what then? The guy dies?"


"It doesn't matter about the out come, it happened long ago."

"C'mon, Shikamaru, you have to admit the Goddess and the young man story is interesting. Don't you want to know what happened to the guy?" Naruto asked Shikamaru.

"No, not really. They don't exist." Shikamaru said again.

They were sitting around the camp fire, being that night has come, they needed rest. Shikamaru was starting to regret coming onto this trip with Naruto. It was tiresome walking for many miles an hour and so on. Naruto refused to get a ride, or in fact just a simple camel ride would have made Shikamaru day much better. But no, they must walk while the old woman telling the story was the one on the camel. He was not complaining about the old woman having a ride. He was particularly fine with the old woman not walking because she was far too old.

"Don't say that, Shikamaru. You are close to the city where the Goddesss was found." Naruto said.

Shikamaru lamely looked at Naruto. He couldn't believe that Naruto believes these things. Unbelievable. He shook his head and mummbled troublesome. He was not sure why he agreed to come with Naruto and see the city that was called, city of gold, by old farts that are not living anymore. It's probably a wreck. Old stonage sort of city.

"Your friend is right, young man. You should not say such things. You might awaken her."

Shikamaru stared at the old woman, her name always escapes him. The way she said that was a bit suspicious. Shikamaru couldn't even trust the old woman. The heat around this place was maddening. He wore long sleeve, for fear of getting his skin fried yet the sweat made him uncomfortable. Just today he changed various of time. He didn't know how Naruto could handle the heat.

"Awaken who? The Goddess? Old woman, if you're trying to explain what happened to your precious city of gold by just making up stuff like that, just don't. We all know, all great cities, kingdoms, fall. They all do. Just like all of us die. It's not something we could ever escape from."

Naruto stared at Shikamaru.


"Iono, you sounded like the young man in the story except more twenty first century dialect."

Shikamaru blinked and frowned, "You gotta be kidding me. You were listening to her?"

"You weren't listening to her?"

"Some what, it was too troublesome to try and listen fully while the sun was frying me."

"Listen, young man-"

"Shikamaru, call me Shikamaru." Shikamaru said, he was getting irritated with the old woman who kept on calling him, young man, While she calls Naruto 'Child', how irksome.

"Whatever. Just go on with the story so Naruto will shut up." Shikamaru layed down and closed his eyes. He was too tired. He doesn't need to listen to the old woman or old lady. She was just trying to scare him. That was all, why would he fear the so called Goddess?

She doesn't exist.

"So...what happens?" Naruto asked.

"Well..." The old woman looked at Shikamaru. "One would say it was a beautiful tradegy."

"Great, I know what happened already." Shikamaru said, interrupting the old woman.

"Really now?"

"Yes, the guy falls in love with the Goddess but she's a Goddess. Against the rules."

"Oooh! That's like a nice love story. So is it a love story?" Naruto asked.

"Perhaps tomorrow when your friend is willing to listen under the scorching sun, you will learn what happened next."

"What happened? It didn't happen!" Shikamaru sat up staring at the old woman. "You're making it up to entertain our young minds. I don't like fictional stories. Facts are the best way to go."

"Aww, c'mon Shikamaru. Don't be a kill joy. Of course it happened that's why there's a story."

"Fiction" Shikamaru simply said.

The old lady threw dust, or what Shikamaru assumed was dust into the fire. The fire became bigger and seems to dance, changing colors. It was not possible. His eyes were playing tricks.

Naruto was just in awe.

Shikamaru mouth slightly opened, the image he sees in the fire was unbelievable.

He saw two people's back, one taller than the other, a guy with dark hair and the other, Shikamaru assumed must be the Goddess. He couldn't see how they looked like. But he saw what they were looking at, the long ago, City of Gold, Suna. It was beautiful. Shikamaru couldn't even describe it, he could only look at it and be mesmerize.

"Ehhh!!" Naruto started. "Old lady, you coulda showed us how the Goddess look like!"

"No one knows how she looks, one tries to describe her appearance but it does not justify. No words can suffice her beauty."

"Fancy tricks, you had alot of practices." Shikamaru said. "You almost had me going."

"You should believe in it, especially you, Shikamaru. Listen to what I tell you for you will need it."

Shikamaru stared at the remained of the fire and shook his head.



Please Review and tell me what you guys think. ^^ tell me if I did a Good job for first chap.