I slid open the glass door and stepped out of the warmth of the shower. My bare feet touched the cold marble tile. Edward's bathroom was twice the size of my bedroom at Charlie's. I walked over to the wall-length mirror and wiped my hand across it to clear it of the fog left from the too hot shower I had just taken. I looked at my pale reflection and pondered to myself how such a beautiful creature could love such a plain human. Edward always said I didn't see myself clearly but I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he saw when he looked at me. I wrapped the fluffy blue towel around myself and grabbed my brush from my toiletry bag. I combed through the tangles in my brown hair and sighed. I looked around for my clothes and realized I must have left them on his bed. I let another sigh escape my lips.

I opened the large wooden door and peered out into the hallway. I was very self conscious and didn't enjoy the idea of walking down the long hallway to Edward's room in nothing but a towel. Sometimes I wished he could read my mind so he would know I had forgotten my clothes and be standing there waiting for me. I looked to my left and then to my right and when I saw that the coast was clear I made a break for it. I pulled the door quietly behind me and stepped out in the hall. I didn't make it far. I felt a cold arm wrap around my neck and the painful twist of Emmet's knuckle in my scalp.

"Hey, little sis," he exclaimed while he rubbed one of his signature noogies into my clean hair. "Where are you going dressed like that?"

"Emmett, Stop!" I struggled. "That hurts!"

"Oh, c'mon! Let me have some fun! Rose and Alice will be gone all day shopping and Jasper is being all melancholy since Alice didn't give him any before she left."

"That's not my problem!" I scolded him. "Now let me go so I can get dressed."

He loosened the headlock he had me in but didn't let go of me completely. Instead he pushed me up against the wall and ran his cold hand up the outside of my right thigh. I felt his cool breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear, "Mmmm. Edward was right. You do look good in blue."

My breath caught in my throat and I felt a twinge of excitement between my legs.

Ahhhemmm. I heard him clear his throat and he even managed to make that sound musical.

"Oh, chill bro! I was just having a little fun." Emmett told Edward who had appeared silently on the staircase.

"I believe you've had enough fun for one day. Now let her go."

Emmett dropped his arms to his side and I scurried down the hall to Edward's room. I flew through the door and slammed it behind me. I dropped the towel and grabbed for my jeans. I tugged them on and then worked my arms through the straps of my bra. When I turned around for my t-shirt he was their holding it out to me.

"I wish you wouldn't cover yourself up so quickly," he said.

"Edward, I'm sorry…" I started but he just stood there watching me. I sat on the edge of his enormous bed and tried to think of how to apologize to him for what he had just witnessed.

"Bella, there's nothing to be sorry about," he said. Sometimes I wondered if he could read my mind.

He glided over to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"He aroused you?" he asked.

"Edward, no!" I shook my head from side to side. My cheeks burned as that all-telling blush filled them.

He was silent for a moment. "Bella, honey, please don't lie to me. I can smell your arousal. I know it well."

I searched for the right answer to his question. It had excited me to feel Emmett's breath on my ear, his cold fingers on my leg. But it wasn't the same excitement I often felt with Edward.

"Yes, I finally squeaked out. It aroused me. But it was a different feeling. Edward, you are always so loving and gentle. Protective and careful with me. I think the excitement I felt was because Emmett was being rough with me."

"Hmmm, he replied." "I thought women liked for a man to be slow and soft with them?"

"I do!" I answered him. "I said it was different, that's all."

He wrapped his long fingers around my warm hand. I was shaking with the guilt I was feeling.

"My heart's desire is your happiness, my love." "Perhaps I could learn something from Emmett, he does seem to always make Rosalie so happy…and that's no small task."

"I'm not sure I understand what you are getting at."

"Well, Bella, perhaps you should be with Emmett. I could watch. See how he pleasures you. I'm a firm believer in the old saying "You can teach an old dog new tricks".

"I don't know Edward."

He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face so that my eyes met his. "Consider it a tutoring session. He may be able to teach me ways of pleasuring you that I might never figure out on my own."

His lips pressed against mine and I felt that familiar flutter in my stomach and in my loins. He kissed by the book. His hands began exploring the curves of my barely covered breasts.

"First I'd like some alone time with you," he whispered.