Bonjour Mes Amis!!!!! How are you guys??? I'm so sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I have EXAMS which is really bothersome, so I haven't had a lot of time to write. (Though I would much rather write than do exam stuff ;p) Anyway, thanks to all you guys who have followed the story and here is the next chapter!!!!

D: I really wish Alex Rider was mine, but sadly, 'tis not true.

Airport in Spain

Liz was waiting at the Madrid National Airport (a/n: I'm not sure if there is such thing, but go with the flow), her foot tapping against her backpack, which was the only thing that she was carrying. She was waiting for her airplane to get ready for its direct flight to London and that just was not happening fast enough. I really hope Alex is okay. 'Life is a Highway, I'm gonna ride it all night long…" (1) Liz looked at the caller ID on her phone and flipped it open.

"Hey Adam, update?"

"Well, they're still jamming the signals and every exit is still blocked. It seems like this guy has got his men on some sort of rotation system to make sure everything is covered. I hacked into the SAS. You'll never guess what unit is going to lead the rescue mission." Liz was about to open her mouth and guess when Adam continued as if he never stopped talking.

"On second thought, you'll probably be right, so anyway, it's K-unit. Imagine that. They're going to try and storm the school and yea…" Liz could hear Adam pause before he finished talking and her mind immediately went into major alert.

"Adam, why'd you stop?" He didn't answer. Mind on red alert.

"Adam… what aren't you telling me?" He sighed.

"There also has been confirmation that two shots have been fired." Liz's stomach plunged and she stopped listening to what Adam was saying. Her mind wasn't even paying attention to anything anymore. She no longer was focused on the going ons in this world. Two shots fired … Alex … confirmation … Alex … shots fired … STOP! Believe. Alex isn't dead. Alex is NOT dead. Believe. Liz slowly returned to the present. Adam was trying to comfort her.

"… you know, from what you've told me and from what I've read about him (2), he sure as hell can take care of himself. He'll be just fine, Liz. You don't have to worry. Liz? Liz? Girl, are you still there?" Liz shook herself out of her reverie and answered,

"Yea, yea I'm back, Adam. Listen, how's that bug jamming project thing that you've been working on going?" Adam became quiet and Liz could just see those genius wheels of his turning in his head.

"Well, now that you mentioned it, it's going better than I expected. I just got it to interrupt all types of radio frequencies that are being emitted in a vicinity of a 50 mile radius and I have concluded that due— "

"Adam, stop! Breathe. Is there any way you can modify it to jam whosever radio it is at Brooklands?"

"Hmmmm… I like the way you think, L. I'll just have to tweak it a bit, hack into MI6, figure out what new advanced systems those bad dudes have and then leave a little present on the doorstep of Royal & General!" finished Adam triumphantly while Liz giggled.

"Perfect, Adam. You rock! Call you later!" Liz shut her phone and got all her stuff together as her plane was finally called. She boarded the plane while her thoughts drifted off to Alex's situation.

Brookland School

Alex reeled back as the pain in his left arm felt like something akin to fire, but he didn't let any of it show on his face. He wouldn't give Kirov the satisfaction. With his left arm dangling uselessly at his side, he used his right arm to rip some of his shirt so that he could apply first aid to his own arm. Once he was done with that he went back to tending to Warren's arm, all the while still ignoring Kirov. Kirov presently had a remarkable resemblance to a tomato.

"Alex!" Kirov exploded. "Alex Rider, turn around this instant or I will shoot everyone in this room! Mark my words, I'll do it!" As Alex was done with Warren's arm, he patted his friend on the shoulder and gave him a grim smile before turning around and facing Kirov.

"Ah, so much better now that I can see your face. So this is a face that brought my company to its knees. So young, yet, I believe you have seen things none of your classmates can ever begin to imagine. Isn't that right, dear boy?"

"I don't believe I know what you're talking about, Mr. Kirov," said Alex even though on the inside his stomach was churning with the truth. Yippie! I'm a spy, he thought, fat lot of help that's given me.

"But Alex, wouldn't your friends like to know what you do for a living? Why you're never in school? Why you always come back all beaten up and battered? Why, friends of Alex, you classmate and friend is-"

And that's when Alex sprang. The Brookland School stage was not that big, but Kirov had managed to get five more men on it with him. He lashes out at the two men closest to him, the first when dropped, hands clutching his stomach The second one was unconscious on the stage from powerful roundhouse kick to the head. When the other three men realized what was happening to their comrades they rushed to help. Alex took in the three men rushing to him and started with the middle man with a quick series of jabs to the stomach and neck bringing the man down. He quickly moved onto the other two who were now wary of him. Both of them came at Alex at the same time trying to double team him. He swept the legs out of under one of the men, but the other one took advantage of his distraction and punched Alex in the stomach. Sucking in his breath, Alex looked around again to see that he was stilled out numbered. While he was fighting the three men, the first one had crept up behind him and took control of his arms. Alex tried to free his arms, but the three men were now standing and giving him evil grins. They came toward him and the middle man had the pleasure of giving a series of kicks and munches to his stomach and ribs. The first man roughly pushed Ales up to Kirov who had watched the whole display.

"What a show, Alex, what a show! You really must tell me where you learned to fight like that. No matter, I'm in control of you now," Kirov said while giving Alex a sinister smirk. Alex, on the other hand, wasn't paying attention to Kirov at the present moment. At least Warren was able to get away from this mess, though Alex happily. While Alex had Kirov's men preoccupied, Warren was able to quietly edged himself off the stage and into the arms of his crying girlfriend. (YAY!)

"Well, Alex, what was I saying before? Ah yes… what our dear little Alex does for a living. His job that he keeps secret from all of you. Well you see that Alex here is actually-"

And for the second time that day, Kirov wasn't able to finish his sentence, because Alex had moved again. At the reality that he was really a spy could be revealed to his classmates was too much. They couldn't know, he couldn't handle that. He summoned up all his strength and flipped the man who was holding his arms captive. With his arms free, he knocked the gun out of Kirov's hand and wrestled the man to the ground. The two were rolling around on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. Everyone else in the room was watching and waiting to see who would end up on top. It all ended when Kirov managed to grab hold of Alex's injured arm and squeezed it hard. Alex released the hold he had on Kirov as his entire body flooded with pain, the origin of it being his left arm. With Alex on his knees in front of him, angrily swept his hair out of his face and accepted his gun from one of his men. Once he had his gun, he pressed it immediately to Alex's temple. He grabbed hold of Alex's hair with his other hand and lowered his head so that he could whisper in Alex's ear.

"Alex Rider, you have been an extreme annoyance to SCORPIA and myself as well. The greatest organization taken down by a scrawny teenager like you. What do you think people think of us? The world would be so much better with out you in it and my superiors have given me the honor of doing the job. Is there anything that the great Alex Rider would like to say to his measly friends before he dies in front of their eyes?" The entire room had held their breath once the gun was pressed against Alex's head, so Kirov's words were easy heard. Many of the audience gasped as realization dawned upon them about what was about to happen. The entire time, Alex was staring ahead with cold fury at his situation and immobile body.

"Well, say goodbye, Alex. It was a pleasure meeting you, but now I want you dead," said Kirov smiling. But once again he was interrupted (boy, Kirov is always getting interrupted) by one of his men bursting through the auditorium doors. He ran down the center aisle and up to Kirov.

"Sir! I don't know what happened! We were doing our rounds when all of a sudden the radios didn't work anymore. We tried to contact you, but all of a sudden we were surrounded and had to put up a fire fight. It's the SAS, Sir, they're here."

While Kirov started cursing, Alex was thanking God for his good luck. The, suddenly, Alex was on the move again, but this time he was being pulled along by Kirov. His head was swimming and when he finally concentrated his gaze to take in his surroundings he became aware that he was on the roof of his school, which was six stories high. Kirov was dragging him towards the edge.

"Well, Alex, I guess today is not your day to die. I knew this was a possible outcome, so I came prepared. I hope your not scared of flying."

That was the last thing Alex heard before Kirov jumped of the roof of his school, taking him along.


Hey Guys!! So I started this chapter while I had exams and finished it during vacation. Sorry it took so long and I promise that more will come veryyyyyyyy soon!!!!!

1)hehe... Life is a Highway was my first ever ringtone for my phone!!!

2) This will be further explain in my future chapters which I promise will come soon!!!

3 :)