AN: Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I have a lot of fics going on right now and I don't know how but this one fell in the crack. I'd love to hear some input on what you think since I'm worried that this first part will turn out too much like Midnight Sun, which was never my intention. Once I get away from Twilight I think it will be easier.

"Hey, I'm Mike. This is Lauryn, Eric, Jessica," Mike took turns pointing out each of his friends as the Cullens entered the small, already way too crowded cafe, "um..that's Ben, Tyler and Angela." Edward took his chance to nod politely before sitting himself into a table in the corner to avoid having to make small talk until Alice said they could go.

"I'm Alice," she jumped in, almost eager at the prospect of having a few people to talk to but it was obvious already that this would be just like every other time they'd started over. Several people visibly shied away into their corners as all the Cullens' entered and some even turned their backs to begin speaking in low whispers that they didn't realize were still being overheard. Alice, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind that people were now visibly ignoring her as she introduced the rest of the family and gave them the usual run down on the family's "history".

Edward took this chance to focus on the other group of teenagers that had not been introduced as friends of Mr. Newton. Three young girls, perhaps around seventeen themselves, sat laughing as they managed to finish off a banana split between the three of them while two other boys sat ogling the three girls as they licked chocolate syrup from off of their fingers. It was obvious that they were all together, more of a family than friends it seemed, but Edward was not interested in seeing what relations they held as much as he was worried about recognition of the Cullen's "condition" which had no doubt been passed down from their families. However, their minds seemed to be on the normal teenage worries and even as the youngest looking of the girls turned to look over the new comers, her only thoughts were on Emmetts' jeans.

"Disgusting," Edward said as he turned his thoughts back into his own and waited for Alice to give up the charade.

"You're Edward, right?" a young girl's voice asked as the seat next to him was suddenly taken. Edward nodded as he swallowed the hunger rising in his throat. He had hunted just the day before, but suddenly the room was too crowded and too cramped and the acid began to rise. A quick glance at Jasper told him that this visit may just be shorter than Alice hoped for as he closed his eyes against the pain.

"I'm Jessica, by the way," the young girl continued, even putting her hand out to try and shake it in the typical introduction but Edward just checked his watch. "So, you haven't been here long, have you."

"Obviously not," Edward said, allowing his boredom to filter through his words as he unnecessarily changed positions to increase his look of discomfort.

"Oh, well," the girl continued, obviously not taking a single one of his hints, "if you need someone to show you around, you know like a tour guide or something..."

I wouldn't trust you to help me find my way out of a paper sack, Edward thought as he looked at the girl desperately try to turn up the charm by readjusting the plunge of her shirt.

"There's not that much to really see around here." Edward said as he glanced once towards her and then looked towards his family again as he noticed that, like always, they had found themselves on the outskirts of the crowd. Alice sat, her head buried in Jasper's shoulder as he tried to keep her spirits high.

I just thought this time would be different is all, Alice thought towards Edward as she peeked over at him. He couldn't help but feel bad at her heartbreaking expression but didn't see how she could have thought that people would ever change. His thoughts wandered around the room as he processed through the typical thoughts of awkwardness and fear. Most people looked at them with desire, as they were supposed to, but most still recognized the threat and began the thoughts of "freaks" and "weirdo's" that Edward knew were only just beginning.

Just as Edward once again turned off the thoughts of the people around them he was slammed from the back by a young boy that had just entered the cafe. Edward had barely rocked forward as the young boy turned to rub his shoulder from the impact, obviously thinking that he must have hurt the man he hit as well.

"Whoa, sorry dude."

"You should watch were you're going," Jessica added as if she felt the need to stand up for her new "boy-toy", or so her thoughts believed.

"I really am sorry," the young boy stated as he continued to rub his shoulder.

"Jacob!" One of the older girls from the table stated as she flung her raven hair over her shoulder. "We told you you couldn't hang out with us."

"What are you doing here?" said the other girl, who actually looked as if she could be the twin of the girl next to her now that Edward looked at her properly.

"Dad sent me. He wants you back. Says it's a school night." The young boy walked forward and took a handful of fries from his sisters plate as she slapped the back of his head.

The siblings continued to fight as for the first time Edward looked back towards the back window where the first girl he had noticed was now sitting on the lap of the oldest looking boy and running a finger through his long hair.

"You OK, Sammie?" she whispered into his ear as she layed a soft kiss on his sweating brow.

"I don't know. I just suddenly feel kind of, I don't know," he was obviously feeling ill as he lay his head back against the cool window. The girl rose and pulled on his hand.

"Come on baby, I'm gonna get you home," the girl had trouble getting him to stand as he seemed to be weaving on his feet.

"Oh, Leah, you're not leaving now are you?" one of the sisters asked as they once again pushed away their little brother.

"I think Sam's getting sick. I'm gonna take him home."

"Yeah, and dad's gonna have your ass if you don't get home," Jacob said through a mouthful of fries as both girls rolled their eyes and shoved past him as they picked up their jackets. "You've gotta give me a ride."

"You walked here, you can walk back," one of the girls remarked as she passed Edward and gave him a once over as she smiled.

"Aw, come on Rachel. I'm not walking back just because you're trying to show off for your friends."

"No, you're walking back because your a whiny little, daddy's ass kissing twerp," the other sister apparently agreed as she nodded and shoved him out of the door.

It was at this time that Edward realized that Jessica had been talking this entire time, apparently believing that she still had a chance as long as she played herself up.

"Alice," Edward said as he abruptly stood up, leaving Jessica completely confused at his sudden absence, "you ready?"

Alice nodded as Edward offered her his hand and pulled her into a brotherly hug. "It's not you, sweet heart. It's just the way it is." Edward passed Alice off into Jasper's waiting arms and heard the typical thoughts

I thought they were brother and sister.

What the hell? Is sodomy allowed in Alaska?

that normally followed his family's display of public affection. Emmett seemed to know exactly what people were thinking as he quickly grabbed Rose's ass as the Cullens turned to walk back into the night where, ironically, they did belong.

"Well that was entertaining," Rosalie said, the sarcasm running over her lips faster than her words.

"Shut up, Rosalie," Edward said as he attempted a half smile at Alice before walking quickly in front of his family.

"Don't tell me to shut up," Rosalie stated as she quickened her pace to match his. "That was a joke." As she finally got in front of him she stopped, placing her hands on his chest to stop him in his tracks.

"This whole thing is a joke and if it wasn't for you we could still be in Alaska instead of hillbilly town USA trying to fit in with humans." The last word of her sentence might just have been the ugliest word in the English language.

"Did you even think about the rest of us before deciding that you couldn't put up with Tanya? Why are you always so selfish, Edward?"

"Perhaps I learned from the best," Edward retorted as he pushed her hands from his chest roughly before turning towards the woods they were walking along.

"Come on, Edward, don't do this," he briefly heard Emmett say before he took off into the dense trees, running as if the devil himself was chasing him.

God he's such a baby, Edward heard Rosalie say as she watched him run away, thinking that he was running simply because of what she had said. It wasn't exactly true but it didn't seem worth trying to explain anything to Rosalie. She was an all knowing Goddess that didn't need explanations and wouldn't listen or understand them if he tried. It was always going to be his fault, or Emmett's, or Alice's. Never Rosalie. She thought that moving was something that he had chosen, something that he knew would make him happy. The truth was that even with Alice's vision, he was certain that there was nothing here for him just like there was nothing for him in Alaska and he was beginning to think there was nothing for him in this world. Worse than there being nothing was the knowledge that there was no escape for him.

He slowed, knowing he could run as far as the other coast and not lose the demons on his heels and it was then that he heard the footfalls behind him. Much too light to be human, much to heavy to be vampire.

"Go away, Emmett." Edward said without even turning around. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Dude, what makes you think I do?" Emmett appeared at his side, a goofy grin plastered on his face as he slugged the back of Edwards shoulder sending him teetering forward. "You think that you're the only one that has to get away every now and then?"

They walked in silence, with no real destination in mind for several minutes. Well, Edward walked in silence, while Emmett whistled, counted lizards and stopped long enough to climb an oak before jumping from it's top branch.

"So," Emmett began and Edward sighed in exasperation. "She didn't mean what she said man. She's just..."

"Being herself," Edward finished hoping that would end the conversation. Emmett didn't seem to hear the period Edward had put on the end of this topic.

"Yeah, she does speak her mind, you know that. What I mean is that she didn't mean that this was your fault," Emmett continued until Edward stopped, his head cocked at a distant sound that Emmett had obviously not heard.

"I mean, it is sort of your fault, but it's not like we could have stayed in Alaska forever. I mean we could have but..."

"Shut up," Edward said, catching a scent that had sent his attack mode into overdrive.

"Come on Edward, stop being so Emo man. You're really not that complicated."

Edward turned, his eyebrows knitted at how unobservant Emmett could be as somewhere not a hundred feet from them a branch snapped. But as if to prove his point, Emmett took his look the wrong way.

"Really man. I hate to be the one to break it to you that you bring a lot of your 'lonliness' on yourself. That girl at the cafe would have let you have her. She probably wouldn't even make you remember her name after."

Now Edwards mouth dropped open at the crudeness that shouldn't have continually shocked him but he didn't have time to get into that right now. Just as he closed his mouth and took a step in front of his brother who had finally seemed to catch on to the scent, a man emerged from the trees, a look of murder across his copper face.