All characters are Stephenie Meyers. I don't own them I wish I did ;o)
Ok so this is the sequel to 7 Years. I am still writing the prequel. Once I do that I will post it ok. Please enjoy.
7 Years, 4 Months and 2 days and Forever.
Chapter 1
It's been 4 months since Edward came back into my life. He didn't know I was back when he tried to get into my window. He had said to his family that he wanted to find me. I at the time didn't know he knew I was home. I was unaware that he became one of my students. I had to take over for his regular English teacher. I was still mad and very hurt that he left. But I still loved him. I still wanted to be with him. Being apart for so long was not making getting back together easy. He had lied to keep me safe from being hurt.
We had a huge fight when I had appeared at the Cullen house to visit. Alice had seen that I would be at the house and had assured me that he wasn't going to be there. He had ended up coming home early. I promptly left and on the front porch is where the fight started. Back and forth we went. I tried to leave multiple times only to be stopped by Edward. He had admitted to lying to me. I had finally admitted that I was still in love with him. I loved him with all my heart. He kissed me and left him standing there for a third time.
Later that night we had made up entirely. I had decided the past was the past. We would start fresh. No more lying, no more secrets. I had some confessions for him that night. I had while he was gone slept with Jacob. He was not happy but he understood why.
I loved being back with Edward. He kept me safe. Until Victoria found me once again. She tried to kill me in a studio, much like James had seven years ago. How she knew was beyond me. She ended up breaking my arm and biting me. Edward had saved me from becoming a vampire for the second time. This time though she like James didn't survive. Mr. Tyler was her other victim. Or accompliss if you look at it the other way. He was also named James. I had gone to dinner with him twice. Edward and I figured him out. She had bit him too. Having her gone made me relax much more. I being relaxed I fell in step with Edwards family again. It was like they had never left.
Edward didn't want to loose me again. I didn't ever want to leave him. So he proposed. And I accepted.