AU: This is my first 'fan fiction' so please and enjoy and I am sorry beforehand if there are places that need improvement.

This 'fan fiction' is a cross between 'Twilight' & 'The Tudors'. The story will revolve around Rosalie Hale and her life at the Tudor Court. The story is AU. The story will start in January, 1536.

*I know that Rosalie was changed by Carlisle but in my story he didn't but he might show up some time, I don't know. In may also include other Cullen members but that won't be until way later into the story*

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight as it belongs to Stephenie Meyer and I do not own The Tudors as it belongs to Michael Hirst and to history.


January 15th 1536

Rosalie was changed and she planned on revenge. Her life was shattered and would never end but she didn't blame the person that changed her. She blamed the person who had violated her many years ago; the person she thought would take care of her. She knew now that she had been wrong.

She made her way around to the back of Holly House, the place she was supposed to call home by know but yet she would never. It had been fifty years ago that she had seen this place and she hoped today would be her last. No one here would remember her, only her person of interest would.

She found a small window where she saw the faint light of a fire shining through into the dark night sky. She looked inside. There he was sitting, not knowing what was soon about to happen to him. He was sitting there all alone. Looking over documents, some of these documents he would never have the pleasure of signing. She had never had a feeling like this before. She had never wanted revenge before. She was sweet natured though a little vain but this man was the reason for her suffering today. He needed to pay a price.

January 20th 1536

The news of Lord Royce's death travelled fast between all the gossipers of the court. This news was sad but courtiers never liked to be displeased for two long. The more exciting news for the courtiers was the arrival of a new lady-in-waiting, Mistress Hale.

Rosalie hid a slight smile as she walked through the courtiers behind one of their majesties servants. She could feel all the courtier's eyes on her. Her beauty was intimidating to all that saw. She held her head up high. She wasn't afraid of what any of the courtiers might say.

People were soon speculating why she was here. Was it the King's idea? Was she the King's new mistress? Was it the Queen's choice? Though no one could guess what was really going on behind that beautiful face.

AN: Sorry for this chapter being so short, let's just say it is a prologue. Please review. I appreciate any advice you can give me.