Mockingjay: The Hunger Games Sequel

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games book. But I do own the plot to this story.

Summary: When Katniss steps onto the platform, with Peeta's hand in hers, what will she do? She knows she cares for Peeta, but then there's Gale. How will she work her way through this love triangle? (My first Hunger Games Fanfiction! And my first Fanfiction for this account!) This story is pre-written so updates will be constant! Another summary inside the story!

Summary #2: The wind whistles past her ears, and she closes her eyes for just a second enjoying the sound, and the feeling of falling into nothingness. But then she opens her eyes. The full shock of what just happened has finally set she's falling to her death! Will Katniss survive? And how will she work out her problems with Peeta and Gale?

Chapter 1

I step out onto the platform with Peeta in hand. I smile at the cameras but it's not a real smile. I am still so confused. Do I really love Peeta? But what about Gale are we just friends or is there something there like I suspect that could turn into something… I just wish…Well I don't know what I wish. Peeta waves to the crowd, and I can see the hollowness in his eyes. It hurts me so much to see him like this. It's worse then not having water in The Hunger Games. Even if I don't love Peeta I still care for him. Peeta gives me a peck on the lips to play along with our "act". But as he tries to break away from our kiss I find myself holding his face there. I don't want to lose my bread boy. I kiss him hard and I feel him freeze under the intense connection our lips have. I break away and smile at the stunned look on his face. I whisper in his ear. "That wasn't part of the "act" bread boy." A smile breaks out on his face and he hugs me. But right now all I can think about is Gale and how he's probably standing somewhere around here watching me kiss and hug Peeta. What was I thinking?

Chapter 2

The cameras flash in my face and I start to feel woozy. Why would I kiss Peeta like that? Do I even love him? Or do I just not want to leave him? How will Gale feel? Does he even like me? Question after Question are buzzing through my head.

"Katniss!" someone calls "Over here Fire Girl" Another says. Peeta squeezes my hand and I look up at him and he gives me a cocky grin. I give him a small smile and lean some of my weight on him. I don't even notice Effie and Haymitch next to us until she starts talking.

"Hello everyone!" the crowd screams. "We would like to welcome back the winners of The Hunger Games. District 12's own Katniss and Peeta!" Everyone screams loader. I know everyone wants to see us and congratulate us but I only want to see three people right now. My mom, Prim, and Gale. The three most important people in my world.

Chapter 3

We make our way through the crowd but eventually I spot my mom and Prim. I rip my hand out of Peetas and run towards them.

"Mom, Prim!" I scream as load as I can. Their heads whip towards me and huge smiles explode on there faces. I run into Prim's arms first, lift her up in the air and spin her around. She is giggling and I am crying. She hands me a flower and I tuck it behind my ear.

"I missed you so much!" she says and she drags out the so like there are a million "o's" on the end.

"I know, I know." I coo to her. "I missed you to." I let go of Prim and hug my mother. It's a nice hug but then I bury my face into her shirt and hug her so tight she looks like she's turning purple. She kisses my hair. But we don't exchange any words. We don't need to. We both already know what each other would say. Just then Peeta walks up and smiles at me.

"You're the one that has been kissing my sister!" Prim says. It is not a question, but a statement. I blush she has seen us kiss so many times.

"Uh…" Peeta stutters.

"Prim" I say pointing an angry finger at her. She smiles and shrugs. I can't help myself I have to hug her again; I've missed that sweet innocent smile to much. Peeta whispers in my ear,

"I'll leave you two alone, go catch up with some other people." He says and is gone.

I put Prim down. Then I see him a few yards behind her. Gale. I scream his name loader then I did Prim and my mom's. I feel heads turn and eyes watching me but I don't care. I flat out sprint to Gale. Once I reach him I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waste. He's shocked for a second but then smiles.

"Hey Catnip, you got heavier, gain a little weight while you were gone?" He jokes. But I hug him tighter.

"I missed you." I whisper. I feel like I'm 12 again in the woods meeting him for the first time.

"Okay, okay I missed you too." He says patting my back. I can feel Haymitch's eyes boring holes into my back. And jump down.

"Sorry, Haymitch." I whisper.

"Oh…" he says. Peeta walks up next to me and grabs my hand a little too tight.

"Hello Gale." He says politely.
"Hey Peeta, how were the games?" he asks.

"Interesting." Is all Peeta says eyeing me. "Katniss, we have to go there are some other people who would like to talk to us. Okay I say. I'll be right behind you. He looks from me then to Gale, sighs, and walks away.

"One hour from now, in the woods. I'll tell you everything." I say. All he does is nod and then I'm walking away from him. Going to join Peeta.

Chapter 4

I catch up with Peeta and grab his hand. I smile at him but his face is hard. He leads me into an ally way between to buildings when no one is looking. He leans against one wall and I lean against the opposite. He takes a deep breath.

"What the hell was that?!" he asks.

"What?" I say

"You know what; you jumped into his arms like he was the most important person in the world. You might as well of just started kissing him." He says.

"Jealous?" I ask.

"No! No way…well kind of. Just a little bit." He smiles.

"Peeta I told you that…" I start.

"No, don't please no more acting." He says softly.

"Peeta I'm not acting." I actually don't know if I'm acting or not.

"Then prove it." He smirks. I sigh.

I walk over to him and press his body up to mine letting them conform to each other. Then I kiss him. Just a regular kiss. But he holds me just like I held him on the platform. But we come to an abrupt halt when we start seeing the flashes from the opening of the alleyway. I back away and blush But Peeta pulls me back next to him and waves his hand for them to go away. He gives me one last peck on the cheek, and then leads me out of the ally into the vast cameras and to Haymitch and Effie.

"Nice touch sweetheart, secret kissing, I like it." Haymitch laughs. He's probably already had 3 drinks…at least. Effie grabs the microphone.

"I hope you all have gotten a chance to welcome back our two lovely tributes! You will get to see them tomorrow when everyone is welcome to come to a party at Katniss and Peetas two new houses where them and there families will live. Until tomorrow district 12!" she shouts out. There is cheering and then we are told to go to our families, pack up our belongings and there will be a car to bring us to our new houses in the morning. A car! Peeta kisses me on the cheek. We say goodbye to Effie until tomorrow and tell Haymitch we will see him later. Because he's our new and only neighbor. He sighs.

"Well then I guess I'll have to start calling you neighbor instead of sweetheart!" he jokes.

"I shrug. "Eh, sweethearts fine. I'm kind of getting used to it." I joke right back. He laughs and says goodbye.

"See you later." Peeta says and kisses me again. He lets go of my hand and walks to his family. I turn and walk over to Mom and Prim.