A/N: Wassup? This idea just got into my head, so I decided to write a romantic fic for once. This is for my own enjoyment of writing, so if you flame me this time, I'll set out my Gatomon from my D-3, use the digimental of courage, which enabled her to digivolve to Lynxmon, and barbecue you into either a charbroiled or a well-done steak.
WARNING: Vee / Gato, some Gato / Pata. Plus, there will be Takari and wee bit Daikari (so, Davis bashers and Daikari haters, move out!). (Daisuke make not have that huge crush on her because he should have grown a heck lot.) Flamedramon's talking= [ ], D.C's Author notes= ( ). I STILL DO NOT OWN DIGIMON!!!! I wish, though.
For my Hero, have I loved thee?
By: Dragon of Courage (AKA Taigal)
Man, I still stuck with that partnerless digidestined, of course you may guess that's Davis, but that's how the theory goes until you know the past that hurts, literary.
Anyway, the name's Flamedramon, Davis' digimon partner. I used to be Veemon, but love changes suddenly when you have a crush on somebody and that somebody like someone else. *Cough * Patamon *cough*. You think that I'm crazy about the whole stuck-data-in-a-digidestined-DNA, am I? Do you know how I came to be? Let me tell you. It all started on a digimon's birthday…
Chapter One: Claws of Rejection –My Only Decision
Davis woke up and went to the bathroom, to fix his hair and doing the boy's stuff. After he returned, he found Veemon snoring under his blankets. He remembered the night before that he tried to teach Veemon how to write, and it was pretty tricky. Pencil stubs were scattered all over the desk and floors and crumpled paper balls surrounded the trashcan. Plus the week before that, he taught Veemon how to use the computer and the Internet. They check it just in case any Diablomon came back, again.
He walked over to the bed and tapped lightly on Veemon's shoulder. He grunted, muttered to himself, and snored away. Davis repeated the process, but tapped harder. Still, no results showed. At last he kick the bunk, which shook Veemon off it and landed head first on the floor.
He groaned in pain as he rubbed his hard head, "Whatsh you do that for?"
Davis whistled and smirked, "Don't you have some party to attend in the Digital World?"
That made Veemon jump, run to the bathroom, and locked the door, to do what male digimon does.
Davis changed his clothes; his goggles were on the shelf as a prized possession, but he intended to wear them to go to the Digital World for his third reunion with the digidestined and a birthday party. He went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and he saw his family there, except Jun, who's gone in high school. Three years passed and he noticed a small change about digimon. They are considering as pets that can do chores around the house. Of course that all he knew about their help in the real world, besides putting wandering Digimon though the portal and back to their home.
Yeah, he even had grown a bit mature about Kari. She's now his best friend, along with Ken. Surprisingly, T.K. was his best buddy…for homework and basketball. [T.K and Kari's going out for hang outs, which made Davis loose a million brain cells.] Yolei was admitted to high school along with Ken. Cody is still young and still play kendo.
Davis looked in the fridge and found some of his recipes for his ramen noodles. He cut some green onions when Veemon entered the kitchen. He wore the tail ring hung on a gold chain that Gatomon gave him on the first reunion. He gave her Kari's old whistle that Kari and he restored, but Gatomon forgot to give him a present, so she gave him her tail ring in a neutral manner. Veemon was happy about it, so he treasured it.
Mrs. Motomiya looked up from her reading and smiled, "I cooked you some breakfast, boys, so you can't get hungry while attending that young cat's party. What's that digimon's name?"
Veemon blushed and answered, "Gatomon, mom."
She thought a while and looked at the wall clock, "Oh! I need to go shopping! Davis, the plastic bag is in the cupboard near you, the soup container's in the cupboard on top, and don't chop that onion like that! You're going to cut yourself."
Davis yelped as his finger went to his mouth. He whimpered as Veemon snickered. He glared at him, but continued to chop away, with his hurt finger. His mother sighed, "Next time, USE YOUR HEAD and don't chop carelessly. Good bye, Davis and Veemon, have fun at the Digital World!"
Davis sighed as Veemon sat on the chair and began to eat noisily. The goggle boy put a bandage on his cut. He went to the table where Veemon sat and ate his food a little noisier than him.
The doorbell rang. A young girl wearing a camera around her neck answered it. As she opened it she smelled noodles and wassabi.
"Hey Davis, what's up?" she said.
Davis smirked and showed his food to her, "I made everyone's favorite noodles!"
The girl rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Come on in. Tai! Get your lazy butt over here!"
The junior looked at her and shut off the TV. He sighed, "What now, Kari? Another scratching post?"
Veemon appeared behind Davis, "No, but Ish a dozen roses, with a handmade card and catnipsh!"
Tai felt relieved. Davis noticed a difference about him, "Hey Tai, by any chance did you lose a few inches of that hair?"
He looked up and blushed. He ruffled his hair and answered, "Yeah, my mother didn't want my hair to grow long. She threaten me that if I don't cut it right, she going to mop the floor with it! My beautiful hair…."
He carried the gift into Kari's room while Davis, Veemon and Kari stayed behind snickering about his remark. Tai stuck his head out the door and yelled, "Aren't you coming?"
They snapped and answered back, "Yeah, we're coming."
Davis reminded her, "So, how's T.K.?"
She muttered, "He's okay, but he got into trouble with the math teacher, so he's running late from Saturday school."
He smirked, "So, finally he's in trouble"
"Shut it goggle boy! You have been in luck this week that you didn't have any trouble. I counted that you have ten detentions a month!"
He blushed. As he entered the room Tai adjusted the computer (No, not kick it), and dug into his pockets. He thought, "Hmm, gum wrappers, Gatomon's present, Chap Stick, house keys, more gum wrappers, ewww, a wad of gum, and oh yeah! There it is!"
He pulled out a blue D-3 while Kari did the same, except that her is pink. Tai found his digivice and was ready. There go the infamous words:
The next thing that hit them, they were suck into the computer. (Davis' first words in the digital world, "So, this is what is like to be downloaded.")
"Dude! This world haven't change one bit since the whole MaloMyotismon incident [Yeah, everything started at the "whole MaloMyotismon." Man, that guy freaked me out you know, but Davis was such a bullshi- ah, bullhead.]."
"Yeah, like you didn't know."
"I know all right, but Oikawa did a pretty good job on preserving the world."
"Hey guys, we're here."
Tai, Kari and Davis found themselves a big party. There were confetti everywhere, digimon Gatomon knew were here, and even Oikawa found himself mixed with the party. His butterflies were flitting around the place, creating a rainbow color. Veemon looked around and saw Gatomon.
"I'll see you later, Davish!" he said as he followed her. Davis looked for Yolei and cupped his hands, "Hey, Yolei! I bet you one hundred yen that I'm gonna win the food contest."
Someone with large glasses answered, "Bring it on!"
Veemon followed Gatomon away from the party. "That's strange, she never goes this far from her partner."
Gatomon walked into a clearing and found an orange/ white pig with bat wings. She smiled as it talked, "Hey Gatomon, Happy Birthday."
"I haven't seen you for a while Patamon," She answered.
When Veemon realized who she been talking to, he felt jealous, but he hid behind a tree.
"I have got the greatest present that you can ever imagined!"
"What is it?"
"A dinner for two at the Cherubim Palace."
"No way! It's impossible to get a reservation there."
"I manage the time to get the spot."
"Oh Patamon, You're so sweet," Gatomon sighed, "Oh, I love you."
He blushed when Gatomon was about to kiss him when they heard a twig snap. Gatomon hushed him and began to scout around the clearing. Since no one was there, she shrugged and continued to talk to Patamon.
"Where's T.K.?"
"Oh, he's having trouble with a teacher, that's all."
"Heh, It's must be his second time this year."
"Yeah, couldn't have been as worse as Davis."
"Yeah, I know."
"Isn't Veemon at the party now?"
"Why would I care? He's just a bigger, worthless jerk than any digimon I know. He always tries to help me, but the message isn't in his thick head: I am a champion level digimon. I mean one punch, Bam! He's down. Anyway, he's just a little dragon that can't harm a rock."
"Really, I heard that he's quite strong to be a rookie."
"Patamon, are you going against me?"
"No! I just that, hey! Davis brought the ramen noodles! I can smell them! Wanna come?"
"Sure thing, Pata!"
As they walked towards the woods, Veemon ran up to her. He gave Gatomon a smile and the present in her paws shakily. Gatomon sighed and said, "What's wrong now?"
"I-I just want t-to give you a h-happy birthday," he said, shamefaced. Patamon beat him too it. He loved her. Even though he have used the digi-egg of courage, he still couldn't say it in speech, afraid that he's going to trip up and be miserable forever.
Patamon chuckled, "Veemon, I didn't know you can stutter instead of lisping!"
Gatomon giggled. He almost stamped his feet, but looked at them with a fire lit in his eyes. He said, "I guess that your girlfriend could enjoy a good dinner for the stupid palace anyway, batpig!"
Gatomon's anger rushed to her and slap! Nobody insults whom I like! Patamon gasped as blood trickled from her claws and Veemon's cheek. He told her, as Veemon stood there, dumbfounded, "Gatomon, you've lost his friendship forever!"
She glared at Veemon, but muttered to him, "I don't care for his lousy friendship. Why did he have the digi-egg of friendship, anyway?"
Gatomon walked away with Patamon muttering to him, saying that this idea was his entire fault.
Veemon ran from them as fast as possible not believing what Gatomon did. Large tears began to form, but he resisted as blood flowed more from his check.
"I'm not strong enough?" he thought in disappointment, "but I managed to defeat many impossible opponents, but how come she doesn't like me?"
He stopped because he reached the party. He sniffed his tears and entered. Veemon then found Davis serving noodles and said, "I'm going for a walk outside of the party."
"How did you get hurt?"
"I just tripped on a rock."
Davis gave him and odd look, "I know your lying."
"Whatsh do you mean?"
"You're tail is twitching, and you're gonna miss the noodles."
"Oh, forget about that! I'm not yet in the mood for noodles. May I go for a walk?"
"Okay, whatever," said Davis with anxiety in his throat. Something's wrong with Veemon. I'll talk to him after I serve these noodles to everyone, including the digimon.
Veemon managed to run out of the party without anyone following him and into a clump of rocks that faced towards the cliff. He looked for a flat rock and sat down. His teary eyes were looking at the sea level and sighed. Then he looked at a sharp, bumpy rock. He's just a little dragon that can't harm a rock.
He picked it up and tried to squeeze it as hard as possible, but he failed and only gave him a hand that is bleeding. He started to whimper, "If I could only digivolve to some kind of a champion, maybe an armor, so Ish can prove that I not weak."
"My, what some spirit you have," someone spoke sarcastically.
Veemon turned around in bewilderment. There, behind a boulder was a centaur-like digimon, except that he was wearing red armor on his upper body and fore legs. His wrist armor was decorated in flames, similar to Flamedramon's. He wore a helmet; a quiver of arrows were strapped to his side, and his bow was hung over his shoulder. A small silver horn was shining from the sun. The Crest of Hope was engraved on his belt and on his cape.
"Who are you?" Veemon asked.
The centaur answered, "My name's Sagittarimon, an armor level digimon who do great justice with my arrows made of CroneDigizoid called Judgment Arrow. I'm the strongest of the centaur type digimon."
"Hmph! A champion."
"I have heard that you are upset about Gatomon in the woods."
"H-How did you know?"
"Oikawa told me."
"Oh. I just wished that I could become a champion. I missed my old self."
"How about now?"
"What do you mean?" asked Veemon feeling the wound that Gatomon inflicted. It's a scar for life inside and out.
"I have to run an errand to get a specific crystal and put it somewhere Oikawa, Gennai and I know only. He gave me one of his butterflies and told me to use it just in case I ran into any trouble. I believe that it is used to digivolve, but I don't need it anyway. You can have it, if you can only get the crystal. The digivolution may get awry, such as staying as a champion for numbers of months. It's your decision, anyway you can become loved and respected if you can do it."
"Maybe I should," Veemon thought. He felt that he might miss Davis if he's going to look for a crappy crystal, but he also felt that he doesn't want to see Gatomon again. Screw her, she always get the better of me. Maybe I should think about my situation. Anyway, I do need a timeout from everything in the real world and have some adventures in the digital world. Now, that's the old Veemon I know!
"I will help you, if you can tell Davish that I'm on a adventure that will take a long time and it ish for myself. Here I'll write the message," Veemon said as he found a scrap of bark from a tree and found his little pencil, which he put in his pouch-like belt. He wrote:
Going on adventure. Please, don't come with me. It's personal.
V mon
Veemon gave Sagittarimon the message. Sagittarimon asked him, "To whom are you going to digivolve to?"
He though about it, "Uhh…"
Veemon has to pick. XVmon, Raidramon, or Flamedramon? Eeny, meeny, minney, moe! I got it!
Sagittarimon took out something behind his back and it was a rainbow butterfly encased in a crystal ball. He gave it him. Veemon clutched it and Sagittarimon told him, "Picture your digivolution and the ball will obey you."
Veemon picture a slender, muscled digimon. A smooth runner, strong warrior with a hot-temper humor was perfect for him. The butterfly glowed a white light as it engulfed Veemon.
Veemon armor digivoles to…Flamedramon, The Fire of Courage!
He became three feet taller than before and his armor was adorned with flames. A big bladed horn was on top of his head and in the middle of his V-like symbol. The crest of courage was engraved on the back of his chest armor. The small scar was almost hidden beneath his helmet, but Flamedramon didn't notice.
He looked at himself in disbelief, but he turned to Sagittarimon, "So, where's the crystal?"
Scary narrator guy: Is Sagittarimon a trick? Will the digidestined and Gatomon know the truth about his adventure? Find out next time, on Digimon- *D.C. pulls out a large mallet and thwacks him hard. Then D.C. used her fireball and charbroiled him *
D.C.: Digital Monsters. I am so gonna kill that narrator. Hehe, of course, it's a cliffhanger. The review sign is right below this, so get going!