"You don't want me?" those words echoed in my head. My name is Isabella Marie Swan Dwyer, yes Dwyer. Phil adopted me after a very long discussion about it. After he left me I decided to move back to Phoenix, I missed it so much. A week after I left Charlie I found out that he was killed on the job. Then a few days after that when I was walking home from my job and I was raped, but luckily they found the bastard that did it to me. So now I'm seventeen, pregnant and scared out of my mind.

"Mom!" I called down the stairs. I'd told her about being raped and now I had to tell her that I was pregnant.

"Yeah?" she asked walking into my room with a huge smile plastered on her face, she wasn't going to be happy much longer.

"Mom, I'm just going to come right out and say this, I'm pregnant," I sighed.

She stood up and walked out of my room the only thing I heard her say was, "Damn that rapist."

One year later

That was then, this is now. I'm eighteen and I have a beautiful daughter Serenity Elizabeth Swan Dwyer. She is one month old and she is the best. Four days ago was the worst day of my life, even worse then when he left me. My mom and Phil were attacked and killed by a vampire and then I was bitten. Luckily the kids were gone for the day, but unfortunately we can no longer live here, so we are moving to Jefferson, Washington. It's a tiny town about one hour east of Forks. I bought a house for the kids and myself to live in. As I already mentioned my daughter's name is Serenity Elizabeth Swan Dwyer. My brother's names are Camden (Cam) Robert Dwyer he's in 5th grade, Ryan (Ry) Jonathon Dwyer he's in 2nd grade and Christopher (Chris) Phillip Dwyer he's four years old. My sister's names are Trinity Lynn Dwyer she's in 4th grade and Anastasia Renée Nichole Dwyer she's two years old. They didn't really understand what had happened to me but they understood that I wouldn't hurt them. Today was the first day at a brand new school. I always started by waking up Cam first because he is the oldest and then I would wake up Seren after everyone else was fed and ready to go.

"Cam? Buddy, come on wake up," I smiled and quietly shook him, I cheated a little bit by using one of my many powers to make him listen to me.

"Fine," he mumbled getting out of bed and walking toward the bathroom.

After I had finally woke up all of my siblings I ran downstairs to make them breakfast. While they ate I decided what they would wear. For Cam I had picked out Abercrombie jeans with a t-shirt and a plaid button-up shirt over it. For Ry I picked out American Eagle jeans with a green t-shirt, a white button-up shirt and a blue striped vest over it. Finally for Chris I picked out American Eagle jeans with a plain t-shirt and a striped blue and white hoodie. Now for the fun part dressing the girls, after being forced by Alice to shop I started to like it. For Trinity I picked out a short denim skirt with grey leggings and a long sleeve grey knit shirt. For Ana I picked out a t-shirt with a long sleeve shirt under it and a brown skirt with brown leggings. Serenity wasn't quite ready to be woken up yet so I picked out her clothes, I picked a pink dress with a white sweater over it.

When I finally picked out all of the kids' clothes I ran downstairs to tell them to get ready for school. Then I ran upstairs to get my daughter ready to go to day care. When I got upstairs she was already awake, so I changed, fed and dressed her. I had to get my clothes so I put her in her playpen and then ran into my room to get ready. I decided to wear a denim skirt and grey leggings with a purple top.

While I was walking down the stairs the doorbell rang, so I answered it.

"Hello," I smiled.

"Hey Bella," she giggled.

"Hey Angela. Come in," I said.

Angela had moved with me to Phoenix with her siblings because her parents disappeared. She was also bitten the same day I was. She had two sisters and two brothers, our siblings are really good friends. Her brother's names are Alexander Joseph Weber Dwyer he's in 5th grade and Nicholas James Weber Dwyer he's in 2nd grade, and her sister's names are Natalie Ray Weber Dwyer she's in 4th grade and Danielle Grace Weber Dwyer she's two. Angela and I are saying that we are sisters and we are enrolling as juniors. It was almost time to leave so I grabbed the three diaper bags and told everyone to put their coats on as I walked out to my car. I had a Lexus LX 09 SUV and Angela had a Lexus GX 09 SUV. Angela and I were looking for a house that was big enough for all of us, but we still had yet to do so. I jumped into my car and threw the bags onto the front seat. Chris has a light blue and brown diaper bag, Ana has a black and white bag and Seren has a black, white and pink designed bag. As I pulled out of my driveway I saw a silver Volvo and a red BMW speed by.

"It couldn't be."

A/N Thanks you so much to anyone who read this story. I know there is a lot of describing in this chapter, but don't worry there will be more dialogue very soon. Please review. I will update as soon as I get at least five reviews and I get some spare time.