WOO! Second FanFiction! Anyway, sorry. I was planning on writing this for a while now, but I was too busy searching Twilight on the Internet! Hope you guys had fun if you went to the Midnight Release Party! Don't tell me if you did though because then I'll get really pissed at you because I live in Japan so there was no way I could go! So don't brag! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and the person who gave me this wonderful idea is darkness wasted! Thank you so much!!! Sorry if I switch the POV a lot during this chapter!

Disclaimer: -cough- I totally own it. Yeah, NOT! –cough-

Alice's POV

"Bella! Wait!" I yelled. I saw her retreating form with tears in my eyes. Bella didn't even turn around, she just kept walking. This was the first time she ever ignored me. A pang of pain struck my heart like a knife. I ran after her, but as I touched her arm to grab her and make her stop she turned around and hissed, "Don't touch me."

I dropped my hand immediately and flinched, but whether it was from the amount of venom in her voice or if it was because her blazing –usually soft- chocolate brown eyes were staring me down. This was all Edward's fault. How could he? Risk my friendship because of his selfish reasons. Maybe it was just Tanya, but if he loved Bella so much, he wouldn't dump her for that pitiful excuse of a vampire called Tanya would he?

I felt something wet slide down my right cheek and suddenly my eyes were overflowing with tears. I watched helplessly as my former best friend walked away from me, and her previous life.

Bella's POV

As I walked away from my so-called best friend I let my thoughts wander as I quickly walked away into the forest surrounding their beautiful house. I was raging mad when really, I should've been heartbroken. This was the second time he broke my fragile heart. First, when he left me because he thought that he was putting me in danger because of what they were. Vampires. When we were reunited he promised me he would never leave me again. So many promises he made, only to be broken later. I got even more furious thinking about him and his family. I trusted them. They were my second family. Love is not perfect, it's pain. Why me? If I hadn't moved here, to Forks, I would be happy with my mom and Phil in Florida. I started to run trying to not trip on twigs and branches. My clumsiness, what he thought was adorable now kept me from running away faster. I tripped and fell scraping my palms. Why should I get up? My life is falling apart by the second all because of love. A stupid reason, but you'll be amazed at what people experience daily because of it. My palms were bleeding, and I started to get dizzy. The smell of blood, rusty and salty, disgusted me. Everything went black.

Charlie's POV (A/N: Sorry if this is bad! I never wrote in his POV before!)

I paced back and forth in my living room as I awaited my only daughter, Bella. It was past midnight and she still hadn't come home. She usually calls if she was going to spend the night at the Cullens'. Where was she? I decided to call Sam Ulley, to see if she was in the forest, lost.

Ring. Ring. Rin-


"Hey, Sam, it's me Charlie. Bella's not home. Could you check the forest to see if she's not lost?"

"Sure, I'll go right away. Where was she in the afternoon?"

"With the Cullens. Most likely in their house."

"Oh, ok. Bye, I won't rest until I find her, sir."

"Thank you Sam. Good night and good luck."

I decided to call the Cullens to see if she forgot to call and was spending the night there.


"Hello, um, who is this speaking?"

"It's Jasper."

"Oh hello Jasper, this is Charlie. Bella's dad. Is she at your house?"

"No, sir. I'm afraid she left a few hours ago. Is she not home yet?"

"Unfortunately, no. Do you know where she is?"

"No sir. I'm sorry. I have no information whatsoever about her whereabouts."

"Oh, thank you anyway. Good night Jasper."

"Good night, sir. And I hope you find her."


Bella isn't at the Cullens. She wouldn't go into town by herself. Hopefully Sam will find her in the forest somewhere. I just hope she's not hurt. I decided to rest. I couldn't do anything anymore.

Bella's POV

I felt strong arms under me, and under that nothing. I was being carried. I slowly opened my eyes to see Sam Ulley staring back at me with concern in his eyes. His arms were burning my back, as he carried me back to my beloved home.

"Bella? Are you okay?"


"What happened?"

"I fell."

He chuckled and I could feel his chest vibrating. He shook his head, and then said, "We're here. I found you in the forest. Did you get lost?"

"Yeah, I don't remember much. All I remember is running through the woods, tripping, scraping my hands, and fainting from the smell of blood."

"Bella? Bella? Honey, are you okay?!" I heard Charlie yell as he came running out the front door.

"Sam you can put me down now. Thanks. Yes Ch- Dad. I'm okay. The only thing that's wrong with me is my palms, but then again, that's no surprise knowing me." I sighed.

"Sam, thank you very much. I owe you, kid. Oh yeah, Bella, do you remember Billy?"

I heard Sam's footsteps fade away as he went back to La Push. "Yes, why?"

"He's coming over later, and he's bringing his son, Jacob, so go get cleaned up. You want to make a good impression; after all, he is around your age. I think he's one year younger than you."

"Whatever you say Dad."

I cautiously went upstairs to take a hot shower. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the warm water, letting it flow down my body and calming my nerves. I refused to think of them, but instead I thought about what I should wear tonight. When I finished taking a shower I dried and wrapped my towel around me. I walked to my room, and picked my favorite pair of faded jeans and a black tee. My palms weren't bleeding anymore and after I cleaned the wound it didn't look as bad as it looked with blood. I didn't bother with band aids. I went downstairs and I could hear voices. I assumed Jacob and Billy were here already. As I got to the last step I looked up and saw Jacob. Tall, handsome, and tan. His short cropped black hair was rumpled making it look like he was lying down moments before and he was wearing a white tee with ripped jeans. His face was young and cute. I knew I would immediately become friends with him. When I met his black eyes however, he looked at me like I was his sun.

Jacob's POV

I heard the stairs that led upstairs creak and –out of instincts- I glanced at it. That's when I saw her. She slowly came down the last step and looked up. Her wavy brown hair falling down her back, still wet from her shower. I could feel her gaze on me, and when our eyes met, my life changed forever. I stared at her like I was a blind man seeing the sun for the first time, her being my sun.

"Hi, I'm Bella," she said, walking towards me and extending her hand. I shook it a smile creeping up my face.

"Jacob." I nodded.

"Bella, this is Billy, and as you have already met Jacob, I won't bother with introductions. Billy this is my wonderful daughter, Bella," Charlie introduced everyone. I noticed I was still shaking Bella's hand and she was staring at our two hands as if she wanted to let go. I quickly let go, feeling a bit hurt.

"You're hot," Bella informed me. I chuckled, but then she realized what she said and her eyes widened. "No, not in that meaning. As in heat, you're hot. It feels like you have a fever."

"It's normal, you might as well get used to it," I teased. She blushed a beautiful color of red, making her pale face have a little color. "You're so pale you look like a vampire."

Her eyes became furious then and I knew I said something wrong. Did she know about the Cullens? She tried to calm herself by taking in deep breaths, but failed. A tear formed in her eye, but she quickly wiped it. She spun around and sprinted for the stairs.

"Bella?" I yelled after her.

"Did you say something wrong?" Billy whispered so quietly Charlie couldn't hear. He knew I had a better hearing than humans due to the fact I was a werewolf. I shook my head, and then thought about it. If she knew about the Cullens and Sam said something about her being close to them, then of course that would hurt her.

"Bella, honey?" I heard Charlie yell up the stairs.

"I'm fine dad! I just have to do something really quick!" I heard Bella reply. I hurt my imprint without even trying. That was a bad way to start it off. I wondered if she would ever like me.

Bella's POV

Did he know? How could he know about the Cullens? And why was he so hot? Maybe he did have a fever, but the way he looked at was a bit scary. It was full of adoration, but he couldn't love me after saying a few words to me. It was all so confusing.

"Bella, honey?" Charlie yelled.

"I'm find dad! I just have to do something really quick!" I yelled back. That was a lie. I just needed some time. I nearly started crying because he said the word 'vampire'. He probably thought that I was crazy, and really superstitious. I wonder if I blew my friendship with Jacob because of that. I was so stupid. I wish that the ground would open a hole in the ground and would suck me in. Then, no one would think I was a freak, and I wouldn't have to suffer.

Ok, that was a bit bad. I think. Do you guys like it? Again, I'm sorry if you got annoyed because I kept switching the POVs all the time. And if you don't know it yet…Even though I actually MENTIONED it in the story, Jacob IMPRINTED on Bella. PLEASE REVIEW whether you hated, liked, or loved this story! I'm not sure if I should continue this…So if you want me to continue, please tell me in your reviews!!! Thank your for reading this! REVIEW!!! Love you all!