Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Love Story

A few months later a completely depressed Gabriella was walking around her house looking down at the ground and not caring if she ran into anything. Isabelle was completely worried about her daughter. She had never seen her so upset before. Gabriella heard the door open and saw her father walk in with a smile on his face. She wanted to question him, but she was still really upset with him.

"Gabriella honey," Carlos tried to get Gabriella's attention.

"I'm going to go to the market" she randomly said to no one in particular and just walked out of the door.

Isabelle walked over to her husband after Gabriella left. "What's with that giant grin?"

"Gabriella's going to be happy again."

Gabriella didn't want to be so upset but nothing could help the heartbreak that she had to suffer. As she was walking a bunch of people walking next or around her said hi to their princess, but Gabriella just walked by them with so much as a glance. When she reached the market she decided that she didn't want to be depressed anymore so she went to go and buy herself things.

After shopping, where she bought some new dresses, and some flowers, she was walking home. The long way. Past the way where Troy took her their first night together. Letting some tears fall out of her eyes she didn't notice a man running towards her at lightning speed.

"Gabriella!!" The man yelled. Choosing to ignore the man Gabriella just kept walking. "Gabriella" the man yelled again. Gabriella unwillingly looked up and was shocked to see Troy running towards her. Dropping everything that she was carrying she ran towards him too. After they were in each other's arms Troy picked her up, and Gabriella wrapped her legs around his waist, they then shared the most passionate kiss ever known to man.

After breaking apart when the need for air became to desperate, they kept their foreheads touching. Troy reached up and wiped away the tears that were coming down her cheeks.

Gabriella then went to say something but stopped when she saw Troy bend down to one knee pulling out a diamond ring.

"Marry me, Gabriella. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I talked to your father, and he finally gave me his blessing. Marry me?" Troy said with a smile that made Gabriella's knees turn to jello.

"Yes." Gabriella practically screamed. Troy then stood up and pulled her into another kiss.


"Gabriella!!!" A now 31 year old Troy yelled for his wife of 5 years. Only a month after the proposal Troy and Gabriella got married, in a very small wedding where just their family was present. The announcement of the country's princess marriage was a thrilling one for the people. They now had a future king, one that everyone loved, and respected.

Then only 9 months after their marriage they welcomed the future king, in a boy that they named after Gabriella's grandfather, Alejandro. Then two short months after he was born the future queen announced she was again expecting a baby. None of this came as a surprise, seeing how Troy and Gabriella were so in love with each other. So now 5 years later and the happy family consisted of 4 children, and another one on the way.

"What?" Gabriella answered her husband's yelling voice.

"Where are the children?" He asked after finding his wife.

"I think they are in their playroom with Nurse Edwards. Why?"

"I have a surprise for them." He said looking like a child himself, all jumpy and giddy.

Gabriella laughed at the way her husband was acting. "What is it?"

"I can't tell you. But I know that you will like it." Troy said while rubbing her now 6 month pregnant stomach.

"Okay," she sighed, "I'll go help you find them." After she said that she and Troy went to the children's playroom and like Gabriella thought they were all in there with Nurse Edwards watching them.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Tristan their 3 year old son noticed his parents walk in first and quickly ran over to them, closely followed by 5 year old brother Alejandro, 4 year old brother Javier, and 2 year old sister Melina.

Troy bent down to the children's level and started whispering his intentions to them, while Gabriella was telling Nurse Edwards that Troy was going to take the children out for a little while and that she could take a break.

Once Troy got all of his beautiful children ready, and saying goodbye to Gabriella they started walking toward the garden that Troy and Gabriella spent their first night together.

"Okay go pick out your favorite flower and then bring them back to me." Troy told all of the kids, who then ran off in their own separate directions. A few minutes later all of the kids had a different flower in each of their hands.

"Daddy what are these for?" Javier asked his father.

"You guys are going to give these flowers to your mommy today okay."

"Why?" Tristan asked.

"Today's her birthday, and these are the presents that you are going to give her." Troy explained to all of them before walking back to their home. Once they arrived the kids ran around the house furiously trying to find their mother. Troy on the other hand already knew that she was in the kitchen, eating had been the most drastic change since her pregnancy.

"Hey, baby. Where are the kids?" Gabriella asked after she noticed Troy.

"Mommy!!!!" 4 little voices yelled at the same time.

"Found them." Gabriella said with a laugh. Then all 4 children ran over to their mother once they finally found her, each with their flower in their hand. They all then proceeded to hand her their flower with big smiles on each of their faces.

"Oh, what are these for?" Gabriella asked them.

"Your birthday." Melina said in her tiny voice.

"Thank you so much you guys. How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Daddy." They said at the same time.

Gabriella then turned toward Troy with a knowing smile on her face. "Kids go play for a while." Troy instructed then walked closer to Gabriella.

"Happy birthday baby."

"Thank you." She said before lightly kissing him.

"Wait here for a minute." Troy told her.

"Okay." Troy then left Gabriella in the kitchen to finish her sandwich. When he came back he grabbed Gabriella by the hand and proceeded to pull her towards the entrance of their home.

"Where did you go?" Gabriella asked.

"I went to tell Nurse Edwards to watch the kids for a while because we aren't going to be home for a while."

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can be alone." Troy told her before walking her to the garden so they could spend the rest of the day together in the place that their love first started.