Yay for another chapter lol, hopefully my ideas wont dry up lol. review please :)

She sat on the edge of the bed practically shaking as Punk handed her a glass of water, "So let me get this straight, you are having an affair with Chris and now there are pictures of you two together on the internet?"

Nodding reluctantly the blonde sipped the water, her tears had finally subsided from explaining what had happened to Phil, "Yup,that's about the gist of it," She responded softly, "Things couldn't get much worse."

He took a seat beside her, "They aren't those kind of pictures are they?"

Barbie shot him a glance, "God no, I thought you knew me better then that."

"I do, and didn't think they were," He said quickly, trying to cover his ass, "I just had to be sure."

Flopping back onto the mattress she sighed, "How did I end up in this situation?"

Phil laid back beside her, looking over at her worried face, "I don't know, but I can't help but feel like it's partially my fault."

"How is any of this your fault?" She asked him, the confusion in her voice.

His smile seemed to fade, "Because I broke up with you."

"That was no reason for me to run into Chris's arms, besides it was the right thing to do Philip. We were on different shows, we wouldn't be seeing each other as much and we had already been growing apart."

Reaching out he took her hand, "But maybe if I fought for us..."

"Maybes and what if's can't change things, and it might not have made a difference anyway. The point is I wound up with a man who I knew was off limits and I didn't care." She tried to offer him a smile, "That could never be you're fault."

It was his turn to sigh, "But I heard rumours you were seeing a married man, I should have said something to you."

She touched his face tenderly, "You're sweet, but it wouldn't have changed my mind." And it really wouldn't have, she had fallen for Chris head over heels, and nothing and no one would have stopped her from perusing him. She knew that it was wrong when it started, it even felt wrong for a little while and she had almost ending things...but she couldn't do it, she was hooked. "God that must make me a horrible person..."

He shook his head , "No it makes you human, everybody makes mistakes Babs...then you grow as a person by learning from those mistakes."

"But what if it doesn't feel like a mistake?" She said questioningly, "I know it's wrong, but at the same time it feels right when I'm with him...like it's where I'm supposed to be."

Phil didn't say anything at first, he just stayed silent trying to think of what he could say. He didn't want to encourage her behaviour but he also didn't want to say anything to make her anymore upset. Instead he opted to slightly change the subject. "So what are you going to do?" He asked, his voiced hushed as he watched her.

Barbie looked away, "I guess all I can do is wait."

He ran a hand over her shoulder, "Maybe it will all blow over."

"Somehow I doubt that very much."

The dark haired man offered her a friendly smile, "I firmly believe that things will work out the way they are supposed to. Maybe they won't be what you want right now, but everything happens for a reason B."

She shifted her weight on the mattress so that she was facing him, "Do you really believe that?"


Barbie tucked a hand under her head as she laid there, "I know we haven't really talked much since we broke up, that's entirely my fault and I apologize, I was so angry with you for something I knew had been coming." He tried to tell her that she didn't need to apologize but she wouldn't let him. "In fact I would have completely understood if you had slammed the door in my face earlier, and maybe this is too much to ask of you but I have no where else to go...can I stay here?"

"Of course you can, I'm always going to be here for you Babs." He told her, brushing the hair from her face. Phil didn't know why but from the very first time he'd seen her he knew he'd always have a soft spot for that face.

Chris paced back and forth the floor of his hotel room, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do next. From what he could gather the pictures had been out in the open for a few days now, long enough for everyone on the roster to know about them...which meant that it was a distinct possibility that Jess had already seen them.

She had yet to contact him but that could be good or bad, depending on which way he looked at it. Maybe she didn't call because she didn't know, or maybe she hadn't called because she was refusing to speak to him.

He had no idea what to do, "Call her or don't call her," Chris said allowed, "Come on think Irvine, what to do..."

Even if she didn't know he knew he had to tell her, because she would find out, there was no getting out of this one. But he didn't know if he should call her and break the news before she got it from someone else or if he should wait util he got home tomorrow...because it seemed like something he should do in person. Spilling it out over the phone where she couldn't get in his face or hit him like he deserved to be seemed cowardly to the Canadian.

Clutching his cellphone tightly he sighed, it truly was a loose-loose situation.

Before he had a chance to think about things any further the phone began to ring in his hand. Flipping it open the caller I.D read "Jess" and he knew then that he was going to have to deal with everything sooner rather then later. "Hey," He said softly, placing the cell to his ear, unsure of anything else he really could say.

"How dare you!" She screamed violently, causing Chris to have to pull the phone away from him.

She knew.

"Jess, I..."

His wife cut him off, "I have never been so embarrassed and humiliated in my entire life Christopher. I have my mother, and my friends calling and apologizing to me before I even know what the hell is going on. How could you do this to me?" She asked him, her angry tone subsiding and her voice beginning to break.

She was crying.

"To us..." The blonde woman continued. "Do you know how many times I've defended you? People always ask how can you be with a wrestler? You know they are all chronic cheaters who care about nothing but themselves. I would tell them they were wrong Chris, that you weren't like everyone else. That you were a father and husband first and wrestler second...and now I'm finding out that you're no different from every other ass hole on the roster."

"Jess please..."

Once again she cut him off, "I'm doing the talking here Chris, you listen...and listen clearly...don't come home. I don't want to see you right now, for the first time in over ten years. Chris I'm telling you to stay on the road...don't call me...don't email me, don't try to contact me in anyway. If I want to talk to you, then I'll find you, but for now, leave me the hell alone."

He tried again, "Jess..."

But she was gone, and he was left alone with nothing more then the dial tone.

For once in his life he felt powerless, and there was nothing he could do but lay back and take it.

Sliding out of his jeans he crawled into the hotel bed to be with his thoughts, his mind drifted to the pain that Jessica must be feeling. He never wanted to hurt her, he loved her...but lately he had been finding himself detached from the woman he used to hold above everything else. Like they were drifting apart.

And then Barbie came to him asking for his advice on her matches and if he could maybe help her in her quest to become a better a better performer. His role changed from mentor to friend, and then from friend to lover and he found himself happier with her then he had been in a long time.

His guilt was eating him alive but at the same time he couldn't stop himself from wondering where Barbie was. Chris felt horrible for the way he had treated her, and he wished he could say that he was sorry. But he knew that it was best for everyone involved if he just stayed away...