AN: No real theme or anything here, just a 500-word (not counting the title) drabble. Of Synlet. More drabbles coming soon whenever I feel bored. Oh, and also a bit of regurgitation mentioned. So don't read it if you're grossed out by such mentions.

Also, a note on the title. It comes from Erato and Thalia, two of the Muses of Greek mythology. Erato is the Muse of romantic writings and Thalia is the Muse of humor. And since humor and romance are most of what I write these days, it appears that these two decided to smack me upside the noggin. So... yeah.

Just In Time

Violet's stomach was threatening to empty itself.

Despite that, she stayed in bed, clothed only in her undergarments, hiding under the soft covers.

She hated those days, those days when you thought you were feeling sick but it turned out to be something else. Only she could never tell which was which, so she usually headed to the bathroom when she even felt the slightest bit nauseous.

But still she stayed under the covers until the last possible moment. She grabbed his blanket-she had been staying with him for longer than she could remember, it was easy to lose track of time here-and brought it to her face. Breathing in his scent made her feel a bit better, but she still felt sick.

When she realized that she knew she was going to lose her breakfast if she didn't move it, she grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her body like a towel, just in case anyone was around. That made her feel a little better as well, it gave her a bit more of a sense of security.

She had made the blanket about four years ago in home economics. It was a blanket depicting the solar system, with the names and astrological symbols of each planet embroidered on. She loved it and had refused to leave it behind when she moved in with him. He hadn't seen a problem with it.

Though it was just a blanket wrapped around her, it looked and somewhat felt like she was wearing a dress as she hurried to the bathroom. But by the time she arrived, the feeling was gone.

She looked at the porcelain bowl in front of her and frowned. It was somewhat dirty. Normally it wouldn't have bothered her, but she thought that if she was going to throw up, it might as well be in a clean toilet. So she grabbed the cleaner and scrubbed as quickly and efficiently as she could.

When it was finally clean to her satisfaction, she didn't feel sick as much. So she put the soda she had taken out about an hour ago back into the fridge. It was unopened, since she hadn't dared to open her mouth about an hour ago. She filled a glass with water and brought it back to the bedroom.

As she slowly sipped the water, trying to calm her stomach, she heard a door open, then shut. He was back. He was finally back.

He had left a few days ago to resolve some business issues he had been having. She didn't mind. He was back now, and that was what mattered. She realized that she had his blanket on her bed.

Quickly she removed the blanket and ferried it back to his room, invisible. She went back into her room and closed the door.

He was finally back, and now he could help take care of her.

Which was good, because her stomach emptied once she reached the bathroom again, just in time.