He has the most beautiful eyes. Baby blue, like ice. Or crystal, or...

"Um, Haley, this is Danny," Tucker offered. "And Danny, this is Haley. She's new."

"Hi, Haley," Danny said politely, and wondered why she was staring so intently at him.

"Hi," Haley replied, realizing what she was thinking, and scolding herself for even complimenting his eyes.

"Where'd you move from?" Danny asked her, with a curious look on his face.

"Ah, across the state. Yep, small town. Really, really... small," she offered, losing interest and trying not to look at his mesmerizing blue eyes. Unfortunately for Haley, she got lost in them anyway.

She seems so familiar... Danny thought as she was awkwardly staring at him.

"Uh..." Danny hesitated.

Haley snapped out of her trance and realized that she had to focus. This was the target. She needed to kill this kid.

But why did he seem so familiar?

"So, uh, wanna do something later, Haley? Nasty Burger?" Tucker asked reluctantly.

Haley's eyes widened for a moment, but then she realized that this would work. Plan in action.

"Oh, sure," Haley said, smiling. "What time? And what is this... Nasty Burger?" she asked.

Tucker laughed. "It's a fast food joint. Everyone hangs there."

"Oh. Alright. Sounds good. I'll look it up on my phone for directions," Haley said.

"Okay! Danny and I will meet you there, around 6?" Tucker asked.

"Cool," Haley replied.

Why is this kid asking me to meet him somewhere so early? We met what, 3 minutes ago? Wow. Major turn-off.

And yet, she sort of felt bad for the kid. I mean, he wasn't ugly or mean or anything, just desperate. Yeah, desperate. She could help him. But she wasn't here to help some girlfriend-less geek. She was here to kill the other girlfriend-less geek. Or... was he? Did he have a girlfriend? Was he a geek? He sure didn't seem like it...

Why I am thinking about that? Oh my... just stop. Stop, Haley. Don't hit on the guy that you have to kill.

Eventually, class ended, and the students filed out into the crowded halls.

Fourth period rolled around quickly. "Haley" made a few new... "acquaintances."

But where to sit at lunch? Tough one.

Then she spotted Danny and Tucker.

"Haley! Over here!" Tucker yelled from across the cafeteria.

Haley attempted to plaster on a smile and hesitantly walked over to his table to sit down.

"Hey," Haley greeted.

And of course Dash had to walk over and ruin the moment.

"Hey, there... Haley? Heard you were new. Can I get your number? Maybe we can hang out sometime," Dash casually asked.

Haley's eyes widened, realizing that she was being kind of asked out. She didn't even know this kid. Yet she had a faint idea of his type... And what was up with the guys at this school? Forward much? She wanted them to leave her the hell alone, if she was being honest.

She didn't want to cause any suspicion, though, and so she wrote down her number on a spare piece of paper and gave it to him, smiling casually.

There, at least he thinks I'm normal.

After Dash walked away, Tucker tried to make small talk with her.

"So, how were your first classes?" he asked hesitantly.

"Um, they were okay," Haley replied. She took a bite out of her salad.

"Salad?" Danny asked, looking down curiously at her lunch tray.

"Oh, yeah. I'm an ul-", she started, then hesitated.

"A.. what?" Tucker asked.

"Oh, never mind. I forget," Haley stalled herself.

Danny reminded her. "An ul?" he said suspiciously.

"An ultra-recyclo vegetarian!" exclaimed Tucker.

Haley's eyes widened in shock, as if he was psychic or something? How would he know something like that? She didn't want to tell them as to not reveal anything about who she really was... but this kid apparently already knew, or knew something.

"Um. Okay, sure," Haley said, pretending to look bored.

Haley felt the need to end this little moment they were having, so she got up to throw away her garbage before she was even eating.

When she left, Danny whispered something to Tucker.

"She's an ultra-recyclo vegetarian?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Wow, just like-," Tucker started.

"Don't," Danny warned. "Don't say her name."

"Okay... I'm sorry. Seriously though Danny, you need to get over it. She'll be back. Don't worry about it," Tucker reassured him.

"Well, I hope so. But until then, I don't want to be reminded of her. I just have a... a bad feeling about this girl. I mean Haley. It just so happens she's a vegetarian? And she wears black? I've noticed that too," Danny explained.

"Whoa! Dude, you're overreacting. She's just the new girl. She's different. That's not so bad, is it?"

"It never really was," Danny replied.