Uh, hi!! I'm Thunderhowl, and I've been around for a while, but I never got an account... and then I read some really good fanfiction by wildskysong, my freakin' hero, and I decided to try my hand.... So this li'l plot bunny made itself known while I was reading Unopened Doors (go read it know, it's amazing) and I decided to jot it down... eh. Then i got WSS to read it over and she convinced me to post it, so it is with some trepidation that I posted this...

It's basically a drabble fic detailing ten things that never happened, or have yet to happen, to the characters. There's a really good one in the HP fandom, but I can't remember what its callled... but I digress. It's like the FTTNH idea, but shorter and more specific. The first one is Eragon.

Please R&R!

Dedicated to wildskysong, who can put up with an amatuer like me...

Disclaimer- I own nothing. Duh.

Ten Things You Never Knew


10. Sometimes, he secretly wishes that Saphira chose someone else as her Rider, someone smarter, stronger, and braver, someone who can handle the sight of slaughtered children without weeping like a baby.

Every time he thinks this, she knocks him to the ground and tells him that there is no one in Alagaesia she would have chosen, and the dark thoughts go away, if only for a little while.

9. When Saphira hatched for him and he held her in his arms, he swore that nothing could be more perfect.

But now, as he cradles his newborn daughter, he isn't so sure.

8. The first time Arya rejected him, he cried.

The second time, he resolved.

And the third time, he made her change her mind. They were married two months later.

7. As he gazes down at Galbatorix's broken, defeated body, he feels the smallest twinge of doubt, and wonders if he did the right thing.

6. When the King offered him power, he looked back once and saw his family, his brother, cousin, and pregnant love, and he smiled at the King and refused.

He never regretted that decision, not even when his blood splattered the ground and Galbatorix tried to force the words from his torn, bleeding lips.

5. The day the Varden marched on Uru' baen, Arya gave him a quick kiss and ran off, an "I love you" still on her lips.

He forever regrets not telling her that he loves her too.

4. As he raises Brisingr high over his head, preparing to strike down his enemy, he remembers being a child, playing with the other village boys, and he hesitates.

Where monsters children once too?

3. With shaking hands, he closes Brom's eyes for the last time, mourning his first protector.

There is a small part of him that wants to cry "Father, don't leave me." He pushes it aside, because Brom can't be his father, and he is too old for fairytales.

2. He stands at the prow of his ship, full of nostalgia, missing his Alagaesia, and for the fifth time curses himself for walking into Angela's shop that day and having his fortune read.

Deep down, he wonders if it would have made a difference if he had walked away.

1. On the day that his cousin died, he cursed the gods. He wasn't ready to lose Roran, and cursed the gods again for making his cousin mortal.

On the day his brother died, he stood stock still and wept, because he wasn't ready to lead the Riders all by himself, and he missed Murtagh's advice.

On the day his wife died, he yelled at the sky and tore down the forest with magic, because he could have saved her, protected her, and damn it all, he wasn't ready.

On the day he died, he looked Death in the face and smiled. "I'm ready." He said, and walked with Death to his home.

Um, tada? Should I be proud or should I go die in a hole? Pleaze review, suggestions are much welcome!!!