Oh mi gosh!! I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry about the late update!!!!!!!! I had mouth problems, surgery, we had to put a dog down, and it was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry I couldn't update earlier, anyhow, let the story continue!

The Tunnel: Chapter Ten

Colonel Hogan was a very intelligent man. He acted like a good patient in the hospital wing until he was off the IV and Wilson trusted him enough to leave the infirmary for five minutes or so at a time. The first few times, Hogan just lay in bed, resting. The forth time, he was alone in the infirmary, he got an idea.

What if I leave the hospital suddenly via the tunnel that runs through every building in camp except barracks four1 he thought, (he was still on pain killers or he would have thought of this sooner)

So, the next day, Wilson had to visit Barracks five to see Private Snyder, who had developed a stomach virus overnight. Once Wilson left, Hogan put his plan into action. He hopped over to the filing cabinet, which hid the secret tunnel, and bent down to get into the tunnel. Hopping down the ladder was a little difficult, since the difficult colonel was impaired with a heavy cast (which was signed by every member in camp-allied or German except Klink). Once he made it into the tunnel, he used the sides as support and hopped to the communications room. Kinch was taking a message from the radio and looked thoroughly puzzled.

Once he had finished, he took off the headset and kneaded his eyebrows. Hogan chose that moment to make his presence known.

"Something bothering you Kinch?" he asked, startling his second-in-command.

"What the? Oh, it's you Colonel Hogan. I'm surprised Wilson let you out of the infirmary so soon with your cast still on." The down-to-earth man stated.

"Wilson doesn't know yet. What's up with the message-I saw you expression." Hogan asked, cutting the small talk.

"Message from London. Seems we're getting a new POW-an officer. Apparently he's going to be the co leader of our operation with you." Kinch sighed, shaking his head.
"I'm getting a bad feeling bout this. Who is this officer?" he asked, suspicion rising.

"You honestly don't want to know." Kinch answered seriously.

"Who?" Hogan demanded.

"Colonel Rodney Crittenden-RAF." Kinch said, squeezing his eyes for Hogan's reaction.

"CRITTENDON!!! What's he got to do with us?" Hogan exclaimed.

"Apparently he's been our 'parent', telling London what's happening at our little Stalag." Kinch said, looking down at the note.

Their discussion was cut short by Wilson's voice calling down the tunnel. "Colonel Hogan! Are you down here?"

Hogan looked at Kinch with alarm."Shoot! I forgot about the time! Wilson isn't supposed to know I'm down here-I'll hide in the emergency tunnel, and you lead him in the other way-okay?" Hogan asked frantically.

"Yes sir." Kinch said, barely keeping a grin off his face-this was going to be fun!

Hogan hopped down the tunnel as Kinch waited for the annoyed medic.

James Wilson was thoroughly annoyed. When he got back to the infirmary he was thinking of discharging Hogan because of how good he had been. However, all thoughts of discharge vanished when he opened the door; he had opened the door to an empty infirmary. Wilson's mind automatically went to the tunnel, since guards outside would have stopped the colonel. Wilson went to the filing cabinet and pushed it over to get into the tunnel. Once in the tunnel, Wilson headed towards the communication room which was right below barracks two. He called out as he got near, but when he was in the communications room, Kinch was alone reading a book.

"Kinch, have you seen Colonel Hogan in the past few minutes?" he asked politely

"No I haven't. I thought he was with you in the infirmary. Did you check there?" Kinch asked innocently.

"Yes I checked there-he escaped! I think I'll check Barracks two."Wilson said, leaving Kinch snickering to himself.

Once the trapdoor to Barracks Two closed, Hogan hopped back into view. It was obvious he had been laughing.

"Thanks for helping Kinch. I should probably go back to the infirmary before Wilson gets there." Hogan admitted.

"That's a good idea. I hope you get released soon-I forgot how much fun you can be-besides, we still need to talk about Crittenden."Kinch agreed.

Hogan started hopping back towards the camp hospital. He was just about to pass by barracks six when the ladder dropped and who dropped down but Sergeant Wilson. Hogan recognized Wilson immediately, and did an about-turn 2 and started hopping back towards the communications room. Wilson was hot on his heels calling his name, which made the adrenaline rush even more for Hogan.

Once within earshot of the room he yelled, "Kinch help! Wilson's after me!"

Kinch turned and laughed at the sight that met his eyes; Colonel Hogan was hopping frantically trying to escape the angry sergeant who was hot on his heels. Hogan hopped to one side of Hogan while Wilson stopped on the other side. Kinch, known around camp as 'the boxer' kept Wilson from dragging Hogan by his ear to the infirmary.

He said, "Sorry Colonel Hogan, but Wilson's right, you should still be in bed after that traumatic experience. Wilson-don't pull too hard getting him back to bed." With a grin, he stepped out of the middle as Wilson pounced.

"Traitor." Hogan muttered as he was led back to the infirmary. Kinch and Wilson just laughed.

Once in the infirmary, Wilson gave Hogan a long lecture on why he shouldn't run off without telling anybody and that he was going to bring someone in to make sure Hogan wouldn't run off again.

That was the first and last time Wilson ever lied. The next day he released Hogan back to his barracks with the promise that he would be checking in on him every few days.

Hogan was genuinely surprised by this act of kindness ,as he thought of it.

Season 3 episode 14: Everybody loves a snowman. (source: )

In marching terms, and about turn is when you are marching forward and if the command is called out, the foot that goes forward next moves beside the other foot's ankle and you pivot. It's easier to show than to describe.

I HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE VERY HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please review!