A/N: Longer chapter, took awhile to update because my Microsoft Word stopped working! I couldn't even copy and paste my story into anything else, the program locked it all up! Turns out I bought this computer without knowing that the Microsoft products were all trial! So I thought I would have to buy it (150 bucks!), but luckily my sister got me a pirated version (shh, don't tell!). I'm beginning to wish I had a Mac...

Chapter 11

Hayley's mouth dropped open, her eyes bulging. It took me a second to realize what I had said, and when I did, I had to physically stop myself from clawing my own eyes out. Could I

have dug the hole any deeper than this? Dean was just as shocked as Hayley, and as she peered over at him, (he's not a rapist?) she saw him in a new light. Dean tried to act

apathetic, as if 'yes, of course were engaged. Who would have thought otherwise?'. After a few tense moments, Hayley took down her defense, replacing it with anger and curiousness. Her

eyes stared me down like daggers, unwavering.

"So let me get this straight, you disappeared for days without any calls whatsoever, and now you come back and tell me that you're engaged to some guy I've never even met before?"

I looked to Dean for help, yet all he contributed was a silent snicker. He enjoyed this didn't he?

"Okay Hayley, I know you're angry..." I started, trying to add a soothing tone in my voice. Hayley interrupted with a mild chuckle.

"Angry only begins to describe what I'm feeling right now. Try betrayed, cheated, deceived..." she continued to list her feelings, and I was quite sure all of them meant the same thing...

"Yes, yes, I know okay? But Dean and I just got so caught up in... each other..." Both Hayley's and Dean's eyebrows rose, "...that we lost track of time. Isn't that right Dean?" I asked,

somewhat horrified by the words that were coming out of my mouth; I didn't do well under pressure. Dean caught on fast; I supposed he and Sam had plenty of experience in the art of

acting during their 'jobs'. He stepped beside me, snaking an arm around my waist and smiling briskly, "Of course it is. It's all my fault, really; I rarely let her leave the bedroom."

Hayley's cheeks reddened; as did mine. My heart stopped in my chest, and I felt like I was being swallowed into a wormhole. If Hayley hadn't been right in front of me at that moment, I

would have literally torn Dean to shreds. I couldn't believe that he was purposely making the situation even more awkward than it already was, and yet at the same time I knew that

Hayley was a hopeless romantic; thus there was a good chance she would eat up our story like icing on a cake.

"Oh...well..." Hayley began, still somewhat cautious, "I guess I can understand then..." her eyes shifted around the yard hesitantly before settling on mine. Perhaps she was trying not

to imagine this ape and I in a compromising situation.

"Well, we thought you been kidnapped or something, so we called the police and everything...my parents even put up 'missing' signs." I smiled a little, somewhat happy knowing that

she and her parents had been concerned about me.

"Dean, is it?" Hayley asked, all anger lost from her face and voice. She was always weird in that way; easily distracted. Dean stretched out his hand, his other still at my waist.

"Yes, Dean Winchester." Hayley took it, smiling a little as she looked him over again. He did have an odd charm...

"Well, why don't you guys come in?" she asked, leaning against the door frame and gesturing us inside. My immediate thought was 'her parents will crucify me', but Hayley read my


"Don't worry, the folks are asleep."

I looked up at Dean, and he looked down at me. He smiled; I knew that he was relieved that Hayley was alright, who knows what state I would be in if the outcome had been different.

His arm was still wrapped gingerly around me, and for a moment I couldn't help but indulge in the idea of us as a real couple. I knew that he was just acting, but I couldn't control my

own feelings; I just hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Well, we have some things to do..." I started, wishing I could catch up with Hayley more. But the truth was, if Hayley was alright, where was Sam? On top of that there was still the

potential threat that demons were still tracking us...

"Oh come on, Alice! Just for a little while..." Hayley whined, her hands clasped together under her chin. "Pleeease. I have wine to celebrate?"

"We can spare a few minutes of our time, can't we?" Dean said. I was surprised; I had thought that he wouldn't have wanted to waste any time. I wanted to catch up with Hayley, but

at the same time Sam was still 'missing'. What if something had happened to him and he was hurt? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him...

Hayley backed away into the house, luring us with beckoning gestures. Dean unlaced his arm from my waist, instead taking my hand and pulling me forward. His hand was large and

warm; all that I had imagined it to be. It was hard to believe that those hands had tortured countless souls. I followed him into the house, staring at our entwined fingers. Stop

being so nice, Dean. You're making it so hard for me to resist you...

We made our way into Hayley's living room and sat on the familiar cream-colored couch as she went into the kitchen to get wine, (probably not a good idea for me, I was inevitably a

lightweight). The couch stood across from an identical armchair and was divided by a glass coffee table, overall reminding me of a therapist's office. I supposed that Hayley would in fact

be analyzing us shortly.

"Winchester. Never heard of you before...when exactly did you guys meet?" she asked quizzically as she re-entered the living room, handing Dean and I each our own glass of red

wine. I didn't know how to answer her question truthfully without sounding like a naive little twat. Honestly, who knows a guy for a few days and then decides to get married? And

Hayley knew me well enough to know that I wasn't that spontaneous, heck; I was as spontaneous as a cardboard box.

"Well it was...five days ago...at the Diner." I said, trying to sneak some part of the truth in my story.

"But you disappeared that same day! Was it...love at first sight?" Hayley asked, her eyes lighting up and a smile plastered over her face. "Hayley, you are making this way too easy" I

thought, almost laughing. I felt myself relax more, eased by the smooth way things were going. If her parents had been awake then it would have been a totally different situation; the

end result would probably situate Dean in a hospital somewhere and me shipped off to a juvenile home for delinquents, (make that an all-girls home for juvenile delinquents). I looked

at Dean; an amused smile was still discernible on his face. I was mildly surprised to find that his warm hand still enfolded mine; for some reason I felt that he would have found this

facade troublesome, and yet he appeared to be having a good time. "It's amusing for him to watch me squirm." I concluded, somewhat peeved.

"Uh...yeah, something like that." I answered, blushing a bit. I downed my drink quickly, hoping that it would calm my nerves. Hayley didn't catch on to my awkwardness, and instead

went off into her own world, cooing like a bird.

"oooh, how romantic!" she said, sipping on her own drink. Her eyes glazed over as she began to imagine her own whimsical romances. I took the opportunity to elbow Dean in his side.

He looked down at me with amusement, and I responded with a vicious glare. In all my years I had never once lied to Hayley, and now, in this room, it was all I could do. I felt like

I was cheating her, throwing everything she had ever given me back in her face; friendship, loyalty, trust. I removed my hand from Dean's, leaned forward and set my empty wine glass

on the coffee table. It made an abrupt cling that woke Hayley from her daze.

"Hayley, we really ought to be going..." I said, straightening my back and beginning to stand up.

"What? But you just got here!" she cried, genuine sadness notable in her voice. A wave of guilt washed over me, what kind of friend was I? Dean's hand gently grabbed my shoulder and

pulled me back down to the couch. He stood up. "Alice is right, we have some business to attend to."

"Thank you" I thought, but then once again he threw me in front of the bus.

"I'll just go out and start the car, maybe circle the block a few times. I know Alice has been really eager to see you, so I'll let you two catch up for awhile." He smiled sweetly at Hayley,

and she literally appeared to melt.

"Of course, that's very kind of you." She said. 'Oh god,' I thought,' now she'll want all the dirty details.'

Dean straightened his jacket and turned to me, his smile replaced with a curious look that I couldn't quite read. I tried to radiate my anger in waves, in hopes to scare him witless.

Instead he leaned down towards me, coming closer and closer, making my heart speed up until it echoed the rhythmic (and almost frantic) sound of a horse's hooves on cement. He

placed a soft kiss on my cheek, our lips only centimetres apart. They were soft and warm, just like his hand had been, and overwhelmingly contrasted my cold skin. It was like a spark of

flame amidst an icy storm, providing much needed warmth. My excitement shocked me and almost made me feel ashamed. He's acting, Alice. It's just acting. Don't show him that you want

it. During these fleeting moments my previous irritation and anger dissipated, and instead I fought for self control. If I let my feelings show again like I did that morning, he would know

for sure. And if he knew he would pull away. Don't pull away...

His lips, devastatingly warm, left my cool cheek. My eyes fluttered open; I hadn't even realized they closed. "Don't keep me waiting too long." He said, a devilish grin on his face. I felt

numb; frozen. All I could do was nod absently. He walked away, and yet appeared to float. It's just the wine. I noticed that Hayley looked almost astounded, as if she was going into

sappy-romance lovey-dovey overload. I heard the front door open and close, leaving us in silence. I noticed that Dean had left his own wine on the table, untouched. I reached for it,

swallowed it down like water, then set it back down. This was really getting to be too much for me, it was like I was clinging to a raft in the middle of the Pacific; if I let go, an uncertain

doom awaited. The silence continued for a few moments, tense and yet at the same time peaceful.

"Your fiancé?" Hayley spat incredulously as if she was waiting to say it our entire visit. "It's safe now, Alice. You can tell me the truth." Her eager eyes were filled with excitement and

curiosity, peeking over my shoulder as if to make sure Dean had indeed left. I smiled, her quirky humor woke something in me, making me calm, (or maybe it was just the wine again). I

hadn't realized I had missed her so much.

My gut flopped at her choice of words. The truth. I thought it over. The idea that Dean and I were engaged seemed more truthful than a hoard of blood-thirsty demons running amuck,

eager to make me their sacrifice.

(We want your blood! We want your BLOOD! )

A shiver ran up my spine, making the muscles of my back convulse as if submerged in ice water. I tried to hide the trembling of my arms and hands by crossing them against my chest.

"Hayley, that is the truth." I said, trying my utmost to sound convincing.

"Are you sure? Blink twice if you're his hostage!" Hayley whispered enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes, "What have I gotten myself into?" I thought, mentally kicking myself.

"Hayley, I'm sure."

She thought about this for a moment; I could practically see the gears turning in her skull. I prayed that she would believe me, because the truth, the real truth, would scare her

senseless, (that or she would have me committed). For a moment I thought she had caught on; her face turned grim, knowledgeable. Then she smiled.

"He's good in bed, isn't he? Alice that is NOT a good reason to marry someone! Important and necessary, but not..." she started, yet I interrupted with an anguished sigh.

"Hayley!" She stopped, a bemusement look on her face. The atmosphere had become so light, and yet so foreign at the same time, that I had the sudden urge to giggle.

"I didn't accept his proposal because of....that. I love him, that's all." I set my gaze to the cream colored cushions of the couch. Somewhere deep down I felt like someone had turned

on the lights, showing me the truth once again. I was shocked somehow, but also giddy and shy at the same time. When I looked back up, I saw Hayley's familiar bright eyes analyzing

me; astonished. Her mouth dropped, her hands fluttering to her face.

"Oh my god...you DO love him. For awhile there I thought it might have all been just a joke" She said, a little too loudly. I heard a cough from upstairs and the creak of bed springs. No

way did I want to confront Hayley's parents at this late hour. Who knew what they would say after my mysterious disappearance.

Hayley lowered her voice, yet not the dramatics. She squirmed around in her seat, squealing.

"I can't believe it! I just can't!"

"Oh yes she can" I thought, smiling widely. Hayley's excitement was beginning to rub off on me, and I had to remind myself that all of this was just for Hayley's safety. And even though I

knew this, I couldn't help myself from somehow wishing that it wasn't a lie ; wishing that I actually was engaged to a handsome man by the name of Dean Winchester. I forcefully, yet

reluctantly, brought myself to reality.

"So, how did it all go down? Meeting him and all." she asked. I gripped the edge of the sofa, deciding to tell the truth, only twisting it a bit.

"Well, after you left the diner that night, I closed up and everything just like normal. After I left, I began to walk home, but then someone tried to...mug me." Hayley's jaw dropped.

"No way!" she exclaimed. I nodded, and continued.

"Well, just in the nick of time Dean showed up, and he saved me. It was amazing really, he was like a superhero. I was pretty shaken up after the ordeal, so he took me to his place.

We ended up talking for hours, and it was getting late so I stayed over. In the morning I just...couldn't bring myself to leave. It was..." I struggled for the word.

"An immediate connection." She said, smiling widely. "Wow. No, I totally understand, I mean look at him. I'd snag him too if I had the chance. And just seeing you together...it's like

you're soul mates!"

My heart fumbled, had Hayley really thought that?

"I have to go now, Hayley, Dean's waiting."

Her face dropped, all excitement gone. "But I want to hear the juicy details! You've been gone for days, I thought you were DEAD for god-sakes!" I nodded, feeling the sting of her


"I'm sorry about that, Hay, I really am! But I really have to go... Dean and I have to meet his brother." I said. The dark cloud hovered over me. Sam. Where was he?

"Brother?" she asked, "Is he as good-looking as Dean?" she asked, very suggestive.

I rolled my eyes for the millionth time that hour. "Aren't you going out with Ronald Martin?" I asked.

"Roger!" she corrected. "And he's...well he hasn't called me since our last date, if you'd even call it that."

I frowned. "Why not?" I asked. Hayley's eyes looked around the room, avoiding mine. For a second I saw a ghost of a child in her, her embarrassment was honest and innocent. She let

out a haughty sigh.

"I kissed him alright? He got all nervous and stuff and practically abandoned me in the middle of the street!"

I smiled, completely amused. "Call him, Hayley! He was probably just taken aback by your...aggressiveness." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"He had his chance, now it's time for you to introduce me to this soon to be 'brother in-law' of yours."

Suddenly I felt spooked by the thought of Sam as my brother in law. My bones ached; the facade was wearing on me. The lies were meshing with reality and distorting it, I felt dizzy

from the wine and wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I stood up, my legs tingling, and walked over to the front door, Hayley ran after me.

"Don't elope or anything! You have to make me your bridesmaid! And you have to introduce me to this brother..." I reached the door, taking the doorknob between my fingers and

twisting it firmly. It opened wide, and I turned to Hayley. She stood in front of me, birdlike in her movements. I wish I didn't have to leave, but Sam could be in trouble...

I opened my arms wide and took Hayley in my arms. I squeezed her tight, trying to remember everything about her. She was warm and soft, everything a girl should be. 'This could be

the last time I see her.' The thought tormented me.

"Of course, Hays! I'm sorry for everything, I'll keep in touch!" I let go of her, and began backing out of the house. "And...break down the news lightly to your parents, okay?"Hayley

nodded, dazed. I could tell she was already beginning to fantasize about meeting Dean's mysterious brother. I stifled a giggle as I imagined the look on her face if she learned that it

was Sam. (The diner guy? NO WAY!) For a moment we shared a knowing look, she knew there was something else, but she also knew I couldn't...wouldn't tell her. I smiled, my gaze


"Bye, Ally bear." she said, the brightness in her eyes somewhat diminishing.

I shut the door, leaving behind a confused, excited and overwhelmed sister. I could feel my eyes begin to water. Goodbye.

As I made my way down the concrete walkway I saw Dean's black Impala cloaked in the midnight shadows like a deadly, agile panther. A tingling sensation started in my stomach,

vaguely similar to excitement. As I crossed the street to meet him, a realization hit me. My home wasn't with Hayley anymore, was it? That was my past. Now, right now, my home was

with Dean. Even as I thought it, it seemed silly; I had known Dean for only days and Hayley my entire life, yet at the same time these past five days had been more real to me than

anything else.

I let my hand caress the car's sleek hood as I made my way around to the passenger door. A cool breeze sent my hair flying back, filling it with momentary volume. My nose stung; lungs

overwhelmed with the familiar scent of the ocean. My small hand grasped the handle, and I took one last moment to soak in the small two-story house that I had lived in for years. I

closed my eyes, trying to commit it to memory. A feeling of loss began to overwhelm me; I was really leaving all of this behind me, wasn't I?

I opened the car door, the groan of steel waking me from my thoughts. I slid in, relishing in Dean's presence next to me. I looked up at him; he was smiling.

"Fiancé, eh?" he asked, one eyebrow raising curiously.

"It was the first thing that came to mind." I admitted, blushing madly. Dean laughed.


:D I'm really happy by the reviews I'm getting! You guys are so nice, it makes me feel warm inside!