Super Fly Chapter 1

Camile- (Selena Gomez) Camile's the new girl on the block. Everyone seems to take a liking to her… especially Natalia's gang. Can she decide between good and evil and before it's too late? Will she make the right decision.

Zane- (Nick Jonas) Zane is the most popular boy in school… but he's Natalia's robot. He never can think for himself… but will he choose between Camile and Natalia? Will he make the right choice? Can he do it before time runs out?

Kory- (Vanessa Hudgens) Kory is the sweet, nice, and popular girl… but when her life changes… she has to make some tough decisions. Will she make the right ones? Will she do it before her time runs out? Can she save the people she loves?

Nathan- (Zac Efron) Nathan's Kory's boyfriend and he's full of himself… but in a good way. When his life changes… he has to fight for the one he loves… Can he do it? Will he make it through everything?

Natalia- (Miley Cyrus) Natalia is the most popular girl in school… and the most evil. She's the head of the evil pack… and they all worship and follow whatever she says. But when she changes everyone's lives… can she stop them from defeating her? Will she make mistakes along the way?

Brady- (Taylor Lautner) Brady is… well… Brady. He's funny, smart, and tries to be the best. When he meets Camile… he instantly falls in love. But can he hold on to her? Will he lose her? Will he make the right decisions?

Amiee- (Kristen Stewart) Amiee's very shy… but she's dating one of the cutest boys in school. But when she also falls in love with another boy… who will she choose? Will she choose right? What will happen if she chooses wrong?

Cody- (Robert Pattinson) Cody's shy too… but Amiee and him are the perfect match. They're totally in love. But when his girl falls in love… can he keep her? Will he lose her? Will he have to fight for the girl he's madly in love with?

Mac- (Joe Jonas) Mac is one of the evil super villians. He likes to mess and play jokes on people with his powers. But when he helps Natalia change everyone… can he handle the power they posess? Will he be defeated? Can he stop the people that he might love?

Nicole- (Demi Lovato) Nicole is just an average girl… but then she meets Mac and her world upside down. When Natalia changes her life… she doesn't know what to do. She gets lost… will anyone help her? Will she get to be with Mac?

Sydney- (Ashley Tisdale) Sydney is another super villian. When everyone's lives get turned upside down… she must stick by Natalia's side and try to help her. Will she be loyal and stay with Natalia? Will she decide differently?

Christian- (Kevin Jonas) Christian is the last of the super villians. He falls in love with a girl that he never expected to love… Amiee. Will he have to fight to be with her? Can he do it? Will she choose him?